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24.09.2008 - 04:44
I R Serious Cat
Once again, topic for Metallica.


Youve been the one making the same excuse over and over again. I know its not 84. But even for 08, I still think that DM isnt an amazing album. So, why do you like it so much?

Because it's strong, agressive, fast, the solos are back, and it has SOME ELEMENTS form the old stuff. I loved ...And Justice For All so there's not really a reason for me to hate Death Magnetic. I enjoy every Metallica album, some more than others,. but DM is deffinitely in teh ones I like the most.

I mean, you can't expect that they make the same stuff they did in 83, when they were like 20 years old, when it's 2008, and they're 45 years old. Maybe they're not so skilled, maybe the album is mediocre, but since I am no musician, I can't really judge. People who bashed how "mediocre" the album supposedly is, for like 4 pages in teh past topic whould go and listen to Dram Theater or Porcupine Tree or sth. Like that, you'll find no mediocre stuff there.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
24.09.2008 - 06:18
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
The whole being 45 years old thing is I said before and I'll say it again, Mille from Kreator is 41 and Enemy of God was kickass...someone on here said that if this wasn't Metallica, nobody would care about this album...what do you all think about that? If Death Magnetic came out by some other band that wasn't as big as Metallica, would anyone care? I still think that Metallica is still skilled, why wouldn't they be?
24.09.2008 - 07:14
You just told me not to compare it to the old stuff, and yet one of the reasons you like it is because it has some elements of the old stuff... Makes no sense to me. I listened to it again today thinking it would grow on me. Well it didnt. I have a problem even somewhat enjoying it now. But Ive decided to quit bashing it, and let you people who enjoy it do so.
24.09.2008 - 10:41
Account deleted
@Kap'N Korrupt
if another band has released DM, now 11 ppl didn vote it by 1. dont u think? but im actually sure that it wasnt happened. im sure no one would give under 5 for this album. but now take a look at votes.
metallica doesnt take advantage cause of their famousness, nowadays their famousness gets them down!!
and thats why a lot of fans rnt fans now, or a lot of metlaheads doesnt like tallica, cause all ppl listening to metallica. even a rapper or a britney spears fan! i can understand that metal ppl cant take it. but its not tallica's fault! they r famous cause their name, make them famuos. and yes especially "The Black Album". i cant forget about tallica cause i see some fuckin poser kids listen to metallica. i dont care about them. my feeling is important not ppl.

the other funny things that i hear nowadays is "Their Roots", IMO there is not a root in metal, metal's core Ideology is anarchism and Breaking the rules. so dont use "X band's new album is so close to their roots so their album is better?!" FUCK this is as funny as these words:
"X band's mew album is borring cause they tried the same shit!!!!!!!! (opposite words up above!) they use cliches"

Roots, Rulz, Laws i dont give a shit to all of these in metal music.
24.09.2008 - 11:15
Valentin B
i think DM is the most similar album to ..And Justice out of their whole catalog. i'm not that much of a fan of the album, but like i said, it's good they at least didn't overtly try to sell more copies/overload MTV with videos, and so help regain some of their fans's respect.
24.09.2008 - 13:50
Account deleted
metallica never was like that Valentin. and my reason is number of their videos! and studio albums!
metallica didnt have an album for 5 years! then everyone sais metallica Sell-Out! i think these ppl doesnt even know what is Sell-Out!
we alwyas r thirsty to see their new album! and for example this year, fans have wated for 5 years. thats so normal when they sell more! but when a band like maiden (which is respectable) have a lot of albums, and all of them r the same thing (almost) , but with new singers ! how they can sell more than for example tallica? its impossible. take a look at load and reload's selling, why St.Anger sold more? cause they were continues! this proofs my words.
all of us know load and reload were better than St.Anger. metallica is sell-out after 1988!
take a look at low their low quality music videos! which of them (exept unforgiven) r commercial?

in Hero of The Day's music video, they showed that they hate Commercial things, if someone didnt see it. plz take a look at it. i remember that they criticized metallica cause they had gone to Mercury's funeral with Limo!! (or somthin like this, i dont remember clear, ,marcel's information r good about past things) so fuckin what? they have to be Poors then ppl like them? i dont support this shit. i support power and money(i dont have but it doesnt mean that i hate money! and it doesnt mean that i have to hate Rich ppl!) its better to forget about old cliches.

i remember that ppl didnt like metallica's grammies :O and they were sayin that Grammy is a shitty award! but when Slayer won the Grammy they didn say such words.
i cant never forget that they were

as i said before, sell-out word is other bands's comercial words about metallica.

"heavy metal or no metal at all limps and posers leave the hall"
24.09.2008 - 15:18
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 13:50

metallica never was like that Valentin. and my reason is number of their videos! and studio albums!
metallica didnt have an album for 5 years! then everyone sais metallica Sell-Out! i think these ppl doesnt even know what is Sell-Out!
we alwyas r thirsty to see their new album! and for example this year, fans have wated for 5 years. thats so normal when they sell more! but when a band like maiden (which is respectable) have a lot of albums, and all of them r the same thing (almost) , but with new singers ! how they can sell more than for example tallica? its impossible. take a look at load and reload's selling, why St.Anger sold more? cause they were continues! this proofs my words.
all of us know load and reload were better than St.Anger. metallica is sell-out after 1988!
take a look at low their low quality music videos! which of them (exept unforgiven) r commercial?

in Hero of The Day's music video, they showed that they hate Commercial things, if someone didnt see it. plz take a look at it. i remember that they criticized metallica cause they had gone to Mercury's funeral with Limo!! (or somthin like this, i dont remember clear, ,marcel's information r good about past things) so fuckin what? they have to be Poors then ppl like them? i dont support this shit. i support power and money(i dont have but it doesnt mean that i hate money! and it doesnt mean that i have to hate Rich ppl!) its better to forget about old cliches.

i remember that ppl didnt like metallica's grammies :O and they were sayin that Grammy is a shitty award! but when Slayer won the Grammy they didn say such words.
i cant never forget that they were

as i said before, sell-out word is other bands's comercial words about metallica.

"heavy metal or no metal at all limps and posers leave the hall"

Metallica totally sold out dude. First off they made their sound more radio friendly, therefore they would get more radioplay, and appeal to more people. In doing so, they sold out their old sound in order to appeal to a more mainstream audience, hence selling more albums. That is the definition of sell out.
24.09.2008 - 16:23
Account deleted
im not a metal racist. i like rock. i like country music and i like some genres which have nice guitar on it. so i cant understand whats wrong with tallica's Black, load, and reload?
IMO they r really nice musicians that can change their genres. its not so easy is it?
and load or reload have some bad songs, but more of them r nice.

PS: how u think they r sold-out when they sold less?!!! weird, so u definition is absolutely wrong cause bands like Dimmu Borgir rnt a "a more mainstream audience".
24.09.2008 - 16:37
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 16:23

PS: how u think they r sold-out when they sold less?!!! weird, so u definition is absolutely wrong cause bands like Dimmu Borgir rnt a "a more mainstream audience".

Sold less?
I think that X-caliber refers to the fact they sold out after And Justice For All. Yes, I do consider Metallica - Metallica a sell-out album because they really did market a lareger audience with that album. Just listen to the mainstream sound of it and look at al the videos. Load & Reload were even more mainstream than Metallica - Metallica and actually just sold as many copies when they were released, maybe a bit less. And although St. Anger did sound harsher and had a terrible production it was targeted at the huge nu-metal scene at the time, and it only sold marginally less than the three albums that came before it. (when St. Anger was released). Okay, in the long run Load, Reload, St Anger sold less than Metallica - Metallica.
But like I said the sell-out point of Metallica came after And Justice. Theye even said in their interviews at the time that they wanted rock to produce Metallica because of the work he had done with bigselling bands and that they wanted to be noticed by the mainstream public as well.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

24.09.2008 - 16:49
Account deleted
here in iran we call Sell-Out to the part of arts which rnt Artistic and they release just for taking money! (i dont know can i explain my words in english or not)
so i think we have different views of sell-out. for example Holly Wood's moveis r sell-out for us (for the ppl who like cinema profesionaly not all the ppl) but europian moveis almost rnt like this.
but with this view, i dont hink that tallica's Black, Load, or reload is sell-out. cause they r nice albums, near to mainstream doesnt mean that its bad!

PS: u didnt talked about Dimmu Borgir Marcel, r they near to mainstream? (me myself i like dimmu borgir, but just wnated to know why they r sell-out)

PS:the other thing is that dont u think for rockers,thrash metal was mainstream at 80's? and NWOBHM too? so metallica was sell-out from the very first day!!
24.09.2008 - 16:55
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
The nearest thing thrash metal got bing mainstream was at the time of the Clash of the Titans tour, but not in the 80s it was still very much underground.

Btw sell-out means that you change your sound in order to attract a larrger crowd, and that is exactly what Metallica did after And Justice For All, they changed their sound drastically because they wanted to sell more albums.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

24.09.2008 - 17:14
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.09.2008 at 16:55

The nearest thing thrash metal got bing mainstream was at the time of the Clash of the Titans tour, but not in the 80s it was still very much underground.

Btw sell-out means that you change your sound in order to attract a larrger crowd, and that is exactly what Metallica did after And Justice For All, they changed their sound drastically because they wanted to sell more albums.

ur answer is 100% lame, did u read my post? !!!
24.09.2008 - 18:27
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 17:14

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.09.2008 at 16:55

The nearest thing thrash metal got bing mainstream was at the time of the Clash of the Titans tour, but not in the 80s it was still very much underground.

Btw sell-out means that you change your sound in order to attract a larrger crowd, and that is exactly what Metallica did after And Justice For All, they changed their sound drastically because they wanted to sell more albums.

ur answer is 100% lame, did u read my post? !!!

Yes we all read your post, its a lot of denial. Metallica changed their sound and put out an easily accessible album so they could get mainstream attention and sell more records and make lots of money. Marcel pretty much put it in the simplest way possible and you still don't seem to understand. How else can we break it down?
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
24.09.2008 - 18:32
Account deleted
@others !!!!!!!!!!!
plz tell to this Dr.Feelgood that ive told him that i Ignored him! so when he Quotes my post i cant see nothing but unfotunately site sends me a Notification. Dr.Feelgood i cant see ur post dont bother me.
24.09.2008 - 18:39
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 18:32

@others !!!!!!!!!!!
plz tell to this Dr.Feelgood that ive told him that i Ignored him! so when he Quote my post i cant see nothing but unfotunately site sends me a Notification. Dr.Feelgood i cant see ur post dont bother me.

Lol. Am I not allowed to discuss Metallica anymore? Or are you just tired of being wrong?
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
24.09.2008 - 18:49
Account deleted
Written by Doc G. on 24.09.2008 at 18:39

Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 18:32

@others !!!!!!!!!!!
plz tell to this Dr.Feelgood that ive told him that i Ignored him! so when he Quote my post i cant see nothing but unfotunately site sends me a Notification. Dr.Feelgood i cant see ur post dont bother me.

Lol. Am I not allowed to discuss Metallica anymore? Or are you just tired of being wrong?

this is getting ridiculously funny - YES, METALLICA HAS BECOME A MAINSTREAM ACT - now I will be ignored, too....
24.09.2008 - 19:02
Account deleted
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 18:32

@others !!!!!!!!!!!
plz tell to this Dr.Feelgood that ive told him that i Ignored him! so when he Quotes my post i cant see nothing but unfotunately site sends me a Notification. Dr.Feelgood i cant see ur post dont bother me.

Right now I really have to ask you: Are you seriously 25?

If so, could you even try to consider acting more politely?
24.09.2008 - 19:03
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=17278] on 24.09.2008 at 18:49

Written by Doc G. on 24.09.2008 at 18:39

Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 18:32

@others !!!!!!!!!!!
plz tell to this Dr.Feelgood that ive told him that i Ignored him! so when he Quote my post i cant see nothing but unfotunately site sends me a Notification. Dr.Feelgood i cant see ur post dont bother me.

Lol. Am I not allowed to discuss Metallica anymore? Or are you just tired of being wrong?

this is getting ridiculously funny - YES, METALLICA HAS BECOME A MAINSTREAM ACT - now I will be ignored, too....

He blocked me so he doesn't get to look at my awesome posts (that means I win). I'm not used to being so consistently right in an argument which is kind of a good feeling. But back to the issue, I think even the die-hard Metallica fans can admit that they are now a mainstream act.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
24.09.2008 - 19:05
Account deleted
hehehe ive ignored him cause i was bored to argue! and unfortunately he doesnt know that i cant see his posts! weird that he cant understand this lol.
24.09.2008 - 19:10
Account deleted
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 19:05

hehehe ive ignored him cause i was bored to argue! and unfortunately he doesnt know that i cant see his posts! weird that he cant understand this lol.

what are you gonna do, ignore all the people that contradict you? i can respect your enjoyment of Metallica, but you haven't said once why they are among your favourites, that's why I agree to Dr.Rock. This should be a conversation about music, not about who's wrong and who's right.
24.09.2008 - 19:16
Account deleted
when our conversation goes out from politeness its when i dont like it. be polite and conversate and i dont igonre all ppl dont be such an idiot! when someone sais same words over and over again. and answers me by bad and impolite words. so its better to not hear this one! thats all. and i dont know if u r his lawyer ?
24.09.2008 - 19:18
Account deleted
how are you polite if you make me an idiot?! I'm not anybody's lawyer I just happen to disagree to what you say, am I allowed to do that?
24.09.2008 - 19:19
Account deleted
all the ppl plz check the ppl who say metallica's new album is shit! 90% of them r Megadeth's fans or Slayer's where r other haters or im blind?
24.09.2008 - 19:21
Account deleted
Written by [user id=17278] on 24.09.2008 at 19:18

how are you polite if you make me an idiot?! I'm not anybody's lawyer I just happen to disagree to what you say, am I allowed to do that?

plz add ur age, cause i like to know how old r u then talk with they way i have to talk with u. thanks
24.09.2008 - 19:34
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Well, I think I'll move on from this little argument, but before I do I'd like to say just a few words
1. Directed toward The_Black_God (if he so chooses to quit being a child and unblock me): If you'll look back on the conversation you'll notice I never once said anything derogatory towards you at all, you were the one calling all the non-Metallica fans sick or insane. A bit hypocritical isn't it?
2. If you love Metallica so much you should have argued why their music is good instead of getting defensive and throwing out accusations.

hehehe ive ignored him cause i was bored to argue! and unfortunately he doesnt know that i cant see his posts! weird that he cant understand this lol.

Your so sneaky! But how can you know that I don't understand that if you can't read my posts?

Anyways, moving on. Metallica are getting (or most likely) inducted into the Rock N Roll hall of fame, and yes I think the Hall Of Fame is bullshit, but watch what Lars says when they ask who they want to induct them:

As witty as it was, I think Lars just made himself look even weaker with that underhanded move.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
24.09.2008 - 19:39
Account deleted
My age does not matter, i am older than you are, that's unimportant in this conversation.

I like the new Metallica album; nevertheless i can understand other people's disappointment with it. I bought the new album the second day after it was officially released. The only Metallica albums that disappointed me were Reload and St Anger - although I enjoy half of the songs on Reload. St Anger was an insult for me as a listener - sorry, That's what i think. Who was the target audience with St Anger? It certainly wasn't me or others who have enjoyed Metallica since the late 80s. the album sounds like a bad garage rehearsal honestly, it feels like a bad, clumsy work. Everything was done in a hurry, there are some good ideas there, but the final result is unfortunately negative IMO. They have redeemed themselves with Death Magnetic, I have forgiven them for the st Anger blunder .
25.09.2008 - 02:24
Written by [user id=31891] on 24.09.2008 at 19:05

hehehe ive ignored him cause i was bored to argue! and unfortunately he doesnt know that i cant see his posts! weird that he cant understand this lol.

You ignored him because youre an immature, blind, metallica fan. I gave DM another half listen, cuz I couldnt stand it. I thought it would grow on me, but I was wrong. Its not worthy of a 7 like I gave it before, more like a 4.
25.09.2008 - 04:18
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
@THE_BLACK_GOD: Wow, I can't beleive you haven't been banned yet for your bullshit...the crap you're pulling belongs in playground with a bunch of little kids...
25.09.2008 - 06:07
I R Serious Cat
Written by Demonmayonnaise on 24.09.2008 at 07:14

You just told me not to compare it to the old stuff, and yet one of the reasons you like it is because it has some elements of the old stuff... Makes no sense to me. I listened to it again today thinking it would grow on me. Well it didnt. I have a problem even somewhat enjoying it now. But Ive decided to quit bashing it, and let you people who enjoy it do so.

It's different. I never expetced it to be a total back to the roots. Like many peiople who are naive enough to believe them. And I never compared it my friend. i barely said what everyone knows. Tehy used some elements you can notice in ... And Justice For All, but I never compared both albums. Nor with RTL or MOP. Recognizing elemnt from teh old stuff is not comparing.

I can only hope for a world tour now...
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
25.09.2008 - 06:26
Written by +{Jonas}+ on 25.09.2008 at 06:07

Written by Demonmayonnaise on 24.09.2008 at 07:14

You just told me not to compare it to the old stuff, and yet one of the reasons you like it is because it has some elements of the old stuff... Makes no sense to me. I listened to it again today thinking it would grow on me. Well it didnt. I have a problem even somewhat enjoying it now. But Ive decided to quit bashing it, and let you people who enjoy it do so.

It's different. I never expetced it to be a total back to the roots. Like many peiople who are naive enough to believe them. And I never compared it my friend. i barely said what everyone knows. Tehy used some elements you can notice in ... And Justice For All, but I never compared both albums. Nor with RTL or MOP. Recognizing elemnt from teh old stuff is not comparing.

I can only hope for a world tour now...

I already have tickets to see them november.