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Soulfly, Incite - Toulouse, France, 18.02.09

Written by: Jeff
Published: March 07, 2009
Event: Soulfly: European Tour
Location: Le Bikini, Toulouse, France


Soulfly, Incite - Toulouse, France, 18.02.09 by FreakyMarge (48)
Soulfy, Incite - Toulouse, France, 18.02.09 by Jeff (19)

Toulouse is a really active Metal place nowadays. Every week you can see a new Metal concert and of course that's just great for the Metalheads of the city. After Progressive with Marillion, Death Metal with Kronos, we had the chance to see Max Cavalera and his mates of Soulfly at the excellent Bikini. It seemed that a lot of people wanted to see the band since that more than 1000 metalheads were at the venue this night.

Before Soulfly, this is Incite (the band of Richie Cavalera) which opened the evening. I was not really convinced by the music of the combo which was brutal and aggressive on a side but also really messy and finally repetitive. The problem here is that I didn't see any real differences between the songs and it was quickly boring for me in the end. On the other hand the band was really good on stage, with a great performance. If their music was not perfect, the band was at least honest and gave everything to the audience. All in all even if the music was not perfect we had true musicians on stage and that's great. With time and experience, Incite will probably become better, let's wait a bit then.

After a little break, Soulfly finally came on stage. Max Cavalera was happy to be there definitely and smiled a lot during the show. The band played during one hour and twenty minutes (it was a bit short?) but played songs from its whole discography (from "Back To The Primitive" to songs of the new album). As you can guess, we also listened to some songs of Sepultura discography, "Roots Bloody Roots" and "Refuse Resist" with also a song of Cavalera Conspiracy "Sanctuary". I liked the show because Max and the guys were really active on stage and their powerful music entertained a lot of people but on the other hand it was also a bit boring for me. Don't misunderstand me, I'm sure that the show was great for the fans but I don't know why, Soulfly music is not so attractive for me now and I clearly enjoyed more the Cavalera Conspiracy tour last year?

Despite this little problem the show had some surprises like a cool Brazilian moment with Samba percussions (Max even invited a young slamer to play percussions with him). Marc played a really good "Hispanic" guitar solo and the drummer organized a little "shout it louder!" contest between the fans in the pit. Everything was friendly as hell and the encore with the furious "Refuse Resist" was extremely cool?

Soulfly show was not the most amazing one that I saw lately (for a simple matter of musical taste) but I saw a really honest band which was happy to be there. People can criticize Max Cavalera, they're just wrong because this guy likes what he does and I saw a real honest musician on stage. Soulfly will be back after spring for some festivals, I'm quite sure that outdoor it will be better for me but if you like the band, be sure that you'll see a strong show.

Thx to Charlotte and Roadrunner France for the accreditation


Comments: 6   Visited by: 73 users
07.03.2009 - 15:29
Bad English
Tage Westerlund

In title

''Soulfy, Incite - Toulouse, France, 18.02.09''

Shoodnt it be Soulfly?

Or I am blind, hmm I look at title 20 times and its soulfy not fly

Or I dont understand something?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
07.03.2009 - 15:36
Retired Staff
I'm definitely looking forwards to seeing them at hellfest!
even more so after reading this review
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
07.03.2009 - 19:30
Cool, I'll be seeing them in our country on 10.3. I'm not the fan of them, but I realy hope in a very good performance and show. Also it will be the first time to see Cavalera and company in live...awesome
08.03.2009 - 22:38
I'll be seeing them soon as well. Although you did confirm some of my fears about them, seems as you found the gig a little less than brilliant. Soulfly's music has always been somewhat bland, in general.

Good to see that they threw in some Sepultura classics though
About me:

"The best out of all the people ever" - Washington Post

"We abandoned Christ for Destroyah's love!" - The Watchtower

"Simply amazing!" - Rolling Stone
08.03.2009 - 23:45
Account deleted
They were very good at Bloodstock last year, Max was even smiling a lot during the set then. The whole atmosphere they made was amazing.
11.03.2009 - 09:41
Rosetta Stoned
Written by Bad English on 07.03.2009 at 15:29


In title

''Soulfy, Incite - Toulouse, France, 18.02.09''

Shoodnt it be Soulfly?

Or I am blind, hmm I look at title 20 times and its soulfy not fly

Or I dont understand something?

K7 corrected your spelling, epic fail
Do you have a setlist?

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