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Best song from Nightwish's From Wishes To Eternity

Posts: 7   Visited by: 24 users


Which song from From Wishes To Eternity is the best?

Dead Boy's Poem
Beauty And The Beast
Crimson Tide
Deep Silent Complete
The Kinslayer
The Pharaoh Sails To Orion
Other (write down)
FantasMic Part 3

Total votes: 13
08.03.2009 - 23:37
Heaven Knight
In my (current) opinion, the most brilliant work, Nightwish ever put out (even better than another jewel End Of An Era). Strong live album, where you practically cant find any weak parts (as NW fan, of course )

But i am now asking which is the best? My choice was between Crimson Tide (instrumental interlude, but very powerful and beautiful), Beauty And The Beast (Tony Kakko is god here and the song is great too), Deep Silent Complete (very important song for me making me dreaming and maybe even crying sometimes) and the last one, which finally beat the rest - The Pharaoh Sails To won by me because of most powerful refrain

there are only 9 options in poll, so i "nominate" only 8 songs out from 15 i am considering the best...if you have another favorite (which is really possible), please write down
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

05.06.2009 - 14:14
I vote for Dead Boy's Poem, my favourite song from them after Ghost Love Score. The last part of the song always amazed me, but live it's even more awesome:) Jukka did a great job on the drums in this song.
05.06.2009 - 20:01
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
How I miss it
I like this album but I like more The Kinslayer, She Is My Sin, Dead Boy's Poem and Sacrament of Wilderness
Of corse otehr songs is good to and this is live so if its be studio ist be hard choose now I vote for other (She Is My Sin) because I like how it sounds live
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.06.2009 - 20:42
My favourites from this live release are Dead Boy's Poem (simply powerful and emotional) and FantasMic (too bad there's not the full version of it there...) rarely was the latter performed.....
05.06.2009 - 21:48
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ernis on 05.06.2009 at 20:42

My favourites from this live release are Dead Boy's Poem (simply powerful and emotional) and FantasMic (too bad there's not the full version of it there...) rarely was the latter performed.....

Its my secend choose from album
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.06.2009 - 21:53
Space For Rent!
Dead Boy's Poem for me too
19.07.2009 - 00:29
Heaven Knight
If i can vote today again, i will probably switch from Pharaoh to Beauty And The Beast...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
