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Arch Enemy At MacEwan Hall (02.02.2010) Calgary, Canada

Written by: Doc G.
Published: February 19, 2010
Event: Arch Enemy + Exodus + Arsis
Location: MacEwan Hall Ballroom, Calgary, AB, Canada


Arch Enemy At MacEwan Hall - 02/02/2010 by Doc G. (15)

Mutiny Within

The first band of the night was a charming little Fall Out Boy tribute band by the name of Mutiny Within. Despite being told otherwise by the 20 fans in the audience (probably relatives of the band, or possibly people hired by Roadrunner records to give the band some appearance of value), I'm still convinced their music was written by Fall Out Boy or Alexisonfire or My Chemical Romance or 30 Kisses To Sunrise (ok, that last one was made up, very convincing though, right?) Even when a band is playing some form of music I don't particularly understand, I generally turn to the audience to see how they're reacting, to judge if they are effectively entertaining the crowd or whatnot. The few people that showed up early to beat the line-ups or for some inconceivable reason couldn't find anything better to do seemed as unimpressed as I was. This was just mind-numbingly generic metalcore, which to most people over the age of 14, it's like prison rape for your ears. Bands like these are what is going to eventually drive this particular journalist to necessary heavy drinking and subsequently an early grave. If I ever have children and for some particular reason turn out to be a violently abusive father, it seems blaming this band would probably be the most logical course of action.


Both Arch Enemy and Exodus have stopped through Calgary quite frequently over the past few years, so for many, Arsis was the most anticipated on the bill. They went on stage, did their jobs well, and finished. Unfortunately there wasn't that much more to the set. The hardcore fans seemed quite satisfied with the performance, though there wasn't any extra push to convince the unfamiliar people in the audience of what a truly great band they are. The best way to describe the performance would be "safe" - no room for failure, but also nothing incredibly memorable about the performance itself. I suppose an act like that makes for an appropriate opener.


This was probably the only set of the night I would consider a disappointment. Mutiny Within? Well, no one was expecting much out of them, so no let down there. Arsis? Did well, met some expectations, didn't set a high bar for the night, but were still enjoyable. Now Exodus, I had seen this band once before in a smaller nightclub and the performance (although very similar) lost it's intensity in a larger venue such as MacEwan Hall. High energy thrash like Exodus needs to be as in-your-face as possible in order to achieve the true fury of their music, in a large room with plenty of breathing space something just didn't connect. Once again, the diehard fans in the audience would probably swear it in as the best performance of the night (as unreasonable fans of any band do), but the entire atmosphere was just far too tame for a band like Exodus.

Arch Enemy

Say what you will about this band, they know how to put on a great show, no questions asked. There was certainly no blowing the headliners off the stage this night. While unlike many other shows where the headliners get the edge of extra stage-set effects, Arch Enemy did it with no more than the other 3 bands did (save for maybe a spot light or two). As per the usual Arch Enemy headlining set, there was solo performances by Michael, Christopher and Daniel, just to remind everyone that they are in fact better than you at whatever instrument you so choose to play. To top it all off the set list was a definite crowd pleaser, all the anthems which warranted chanting along & fist pumping were played. Bitch all you want about the band not playing the unknown number which happens to be your favourite, concerts are about atmosphere, and there's no better atmosphere for a show than a thousand people all chanting in unison. Great performance, end of story.

*Photos courtesy of James Frayn Wilks

Written on 19.02.2010 by Former EIC. Now just a reviewer guy.


Comments: 11   Visited by: 246 users
19.02.2010 - 15:10
Metal Maiden
30 Kisses to Sunrise!!? Damn that WAS convincing, ...Good one...
19.02.2010 - 18:30
Unasuming Madnes
For some reason, Arch Enemy seems to get bland tour mates. Luckily, no matter how many bad bands you see within a night, Arch Enemy headlining will make it all worth it.
20.02.2010 - 05:55
I really liked Mutiny Within when I saw them on this tour...
20.02.2010 - 11:10
Valentin B
Lol 30 kisses to sunrise.. actually the whole Mutiny section made me giggle

anyway i kinda disagree with the Exodus comment, Exodus's newer stuff has this incredibly heavy and epic as fuck sound, and i think a huge stage with enormous speakers is just as good for them as a tiny venue(don't know about a medium-sized stage though haha)..

you may know this but for everyone else please check this out: that's owning a stage if i ever saw such an act in progress. i like Dukes' presence too. he may not come across as the smartest pickle in the jar but he sure works as a thrash metal frontman.
20.02.2010 - 16:13
With a lowercase c
Doc Godin: There's one thing I'd like to ask. And that is how Angela appeared that day. I've seen AE way more often than I ever thought bearable and even if they play gems like Demonic Science and the whole crowd is stunned by epic awesomeness, as soon as the song stops and Angela starts to speak to the audience again, the magic is gone. In german, the only things she spews is rants of flat sexism at a 14yo level. This has driven me insane on oh-so-many occasions where they raped yet another stage that I've come to silent agreement that she just is plain addlebrained. I've always wondered how she appeared before an english crowd though. Is she also just talking about tits, vaginas, being naked and "thank you all for being here, we are so modest and loveable and cute and modest and cute so thank you veeeeery much..." or is it the same experience in another language with the added annoyance of metalcore? After all the 14yo's that would come to see their idols will be royally entertained at their very own level, wouldn't they?
20.02.2010 - 18:23
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by corrupt on 20.02.2010 at 16:13

Doc Godin: There's one thing I'd like to ask. And that is how Angela appeared that day. I've seen AE way more often than I ever thought bearable and even if they play gems like Demonic Science and the whole crowd is stunned by epic awesomeness, as soon as the song stops and Angela starts to speak to the audience again, the magic is gone. In german, the only things she spews is rants of flat sexism at a 14yo level. This has driven me insane on oh-so-many occasions where they raped yet another stage that I've come to silent agreement that she just is plain addlebrained. I've always wondered how she appeared before an english crowd though. Is she also just talking about tits, vaginas, being naked and "thank you all for being here, we are so modest and loveable and cute and modest and cute so thank you veeeeery much..." or is it the same experience in another language with the added annoyance of metalcore? After all the 14yo's that would come to see their idols will be royally entertained at their very own level, wouldn't they?

She went off on some rants, but none of them had to do with tits or anything the best of my recollection.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
20.02.2010 - 22:40
HA! Wow I 100% agree with everything you said! I saw them in Seattle early on the tour. Point for Point I thought the saw thing.
Mutiny Within - fail...
Arsis - Great band, OK show
Exodus - Not as good as last time I saw them
Arch Enemy - no contest, Epic!
21.02.2010 - 21:15
I was at the concert, and I agree with everything that you've said except Exodus' performance. They were amazing, and they were easily the best band of the night.
22.02.2010 - 01:13
Mutiny within did majorly suck. Its all singy songy, chug chug, sweep after redundant sweep. very very bland.

On the other hand i am a fan of Arsis, but ill have to agree there performance showmanship wise was nothing special. Exodus i thought was pretty damn good though I've never seen them before. Plus i caught one of Gary Holt's guitar picks which was a bit of a highlight.

Arch Enemy was fantastic they played nearly all my favourites, and they are definatley better live.
23.02.2010 - 06:39
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Hyperfluxe on 21.02.2010 at 21:15

I was at the concert, and I agree with everything that you've said except Exodus' performance. They were amazing, and they were easily the best band of the night.

I suppose you didn't catch them a few months back opening for Kreator at The Warehouse, in relativity that performance was leaps and bounds better than this one. Not saying the set was bad by any means, but it definitely lacked something.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
24.02.2010 - 15:14
Just makes me love them even more after reading something like this Arch Enemy is definitely the shit!

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