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Control Denied

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29.08.2006 - 16:29
Chuck Schuldiner. Such a big songwriter. The creator of death metal itself. The head of great band DEATH. Before he leaves us for his long and everlasting trip, he left us -except the DEATH alboums - a group called Control Denied. I think that everyone who respects Chuck and claims to be a Death fan should know Control Denied. So, this is a forum for all Death - or especially Chuck Schuldiner- fans. Let me know your opinion about this band. Also, Chuck R.I.P.
Trapped in time
A miracle of hope and change
A swirling mass, no mercy now
If the truth hurts prepare for pain
......Do you think we 're forever???
29.08.2006 - 18:55
Hellish Star
F A N T A S T I C band.... You don't have to like Death to like Control Denied because Control Denied has clean vocals. The guitars, the power, the vocals; all are great. By the way, PHARAOH is the band where Tim Aymar sings nowadays.

Metal To Infiity Webzine:
29.08.2006 - 19:20
Account deleted
Control Denied is the project were Chuck wanted to set his proggressive ideas alive
their unique album Fragile Art Of Existence is one of my all time favorites!
too bad Warrel Dane didn't sang as Chuck wanted... it would be even more awesome
30.08.2006 - 05:34
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Written by [user id=14169] on 29.08.2006 at 19:20

Control Denied is the project were Chuck wanted to set his proggressive ideas alive
their unique album Fragile Art Of Existence is one of my all time favorites!
too bad Warrel Dane didn't sang as Chuck wanted... it would be even more awesome

Warrel Dane, huh? I did not know that!

Control Denied was awesome. It was a natural progression and I believe it lived up fully to it's expectation. It really made Chuck's death more sad.
30.08.2006 - 16:44
Written by [user id=14169] on 29.08.2006 at 19:20

Control Denied is the project were Chuck wanted to set his proggressive ideas alive
their unique album Fragile Art Of Existence is one of my all time favorites!
too bad Warrel Dane didn't sang as Chuck wanted... it would be even more awesome

To tell the truth I never loved them. I think it is Death music and I find the vocals very unconnected to the whole stuff. I find it a little bit strange not to hear Chuck in vocals. The drums are the greatest thing in that project, as in all Death alboums.
Trapped in time
A miracle of hope and change
A swirling mass, no mercy now
If the truth hurts prepare for pain
......Do you think we 're forever???
22.09.2006 - 22:13
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Written by Anathemani@c on 30.08.2006 at 16:44

To tell the truth I never loved them. I think it is Death music and I find the vocals very unconnected to the whole stuff. I find it a little bit strange not to hear Chuck in vocals. The drums are the greatest thing in that project, as in all Death alboums.

actually wherever Chuck worked everything was great, he worked with the best! he always knew what he wanted and he would get it!
you see he wanted Warell Dane but he couldn't get him so he auditioned many people ending too someone with not great fame, BUT his singing was really similar to Dane, so he is a great mind too for me
also, Control Denied are a very weird project but you can see some similarieties with the last Death album
11.10.2006 - 18:03
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Im a huge fan of Death, and i've for a long time wanted to hear Control Denied, but haven't had the oppertunity to buy it anywhere yet.

I think i'll try to find at place where i can buy it immediately.
23.10.2006 - 15:07
Account deleted
The contol denied cd was awesome, rumours had it that just before his passing Chuck was working on the follow up cd, I hope they release it soon
13.11.2006 - 14:22
Written by [user id=590] on 23.10.2006 at 15:07

The contol denied cd was awesome, rumours had it that just before his passing Chuck was working on the follow up cd, I hope they release it soon

To tell the truth I have never heard that before, but I am not that concious to know that alboum if Chuck os not on the vocals..
Trapped in time
A miracle of hope and change
A swirling mass, no mercy now
If the truth hurts prepare for pain
......Do you think we 're forever???
02.12.2006 - 19:37
Fragile Art of Existence is an amazing album. Everything about it kicks ass. The guitars, the vocals, Steve's incredible bass work, and Richard's outstanding drumming. Anyone who doesn't have this album are fools, and don't know what this album is capable of.

R.I.P. Chuck.
02.12.2006 - 19:45
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Dude, words can't describe my respect for Control denied. These guys are just amazing, the song Consumed is a prime example of the kind of skill they are capable of accumilating. I shamefully have heard very little by them, I plan on getting an album eventually, but you know, I aint got cash really. In any case Chuck is one of the guys I try to model myself after, so I have a lot to thank him for.

R.I.P man.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
02.12.2006 - 22:05
Account deleted
Brilliant band, their one album is really amazing, just brilliant in every way, shame they did not last long at all...R.I.P Chuck.
04.12.2006 - 14:45
Eternal Flames
The Fragile Art of Existence was a brilliant album. It is definitely one of my favourite progressive releases. It's more darker and heavier than most prog metal though. Tim Aymar's vocals are brilliant I think. They suit the release very well in my opinion. Steve DiGiorgio as usual has some killer bass lines, and of course Richard Christy is just simply a great drummer. Very diverse and talented musician. As for Chuck Schuldiner, I think he just speaks for himself. The man is a genius. Absolutely great musician. Despite the only one release from Control Denied, it's nothing short of amazing. Very technical yet quite melodic too.
05.12.2006 - 04:50
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Control Denied is the greatest progressive band I can think of. I think this was a good idea becuase if Chuck actually beat his eternal slumber, death would've come back a lot more brutal and heavier than they were at the sound of preservarence. I really wish they'd settle this dispute over who owns the tapes to the second control denied album because if Fragile art was good, imagine what the next one would be like. R.I.P Chuck.
05.12.2006 - 23:17
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Written by Anathemani@c on 13.11.2006 at 14:22

Written by [user id=590] on 23.10.2006 at 15:07

The contol denied cd was awesome, rumours had it that just before his passing Chuck was working on the follow up cd, I hope they release it soon

To tell the truth I have never heard that before, but I am not that concious to know that alboum if Chuck os not on the vocals..

i think that the guitars exists as also the vox on most of the songs on their second album but it never came out cause of Chuck's Death... few guitars left unfinished thought...
Digiorgio said on an interview in 2000 (i think) that they were about to release it but i don't know why they didn't
21.02.2007 - 01:35
It has been years since i couldn't hear a great work like "fragile art of existence". I know vocals wasn't perfect as the music, i know if chuck singed those songs it would have been great ... but it is the last work we have in our hands. Control Denied lies on our hands like a testament from the "aggressive perfector" like he said before; "what pain will it take / to satisfy your sick appetite" ... There is no music since 2001, there will be no great albums of METAL... I know because there will be no music after DEATH
21.02.2007 - 09:45
Hellish Star
Any news about the release of the second album? Should be released this year...

Metal To Infiity Webzine:
08.03.2007 - 15:16
Lone wanderer
A good , complex album. Chucks desire for wider audience and I think It could work well, only if he didnt die.
The more I listen it , more I like it , Its very good album, you cant expect least from Chuck. Concerning the vocals, I think they fitt very good to music, singers voice is pretty good, nothing impressive, but it is good. Only I think he shouldnt scream so much, because he could sing very good vithout screaming, but ok.

Im very sorry because Chuck couldnt continue his work vith Death and his new band Control Denied (It wasnt ment to be project, it was band), and I hope 2nd album will be relleased some day. (but ive heard that there are some songs from that album on some Chuck Schuldiner\Death compilation)

For all Chuck's fans chek out site EmptyWords, has bunch of grat interwievs and other stuff.
09.03.2007 - 00:32
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Written by [user id=590] on 23.10.2006 at 15:07

The contol denied cd was awesome, rumours had it that just before his passing Chuck was working on the follow up cd, I hope they release it soon

Tha band recorded some demo version for that album, that should be quite sure. The problem was the contrast within Nuclear Blast and the Schuldiner family. I think they should not publish that songs.

Fragile Art Of Existence was a really good album, the singer has a good voice but he could use it in a better way, I think.

I never understood if Schuldiner was intended to keep both the bands alive or to concentrate on Control Denied.
09.03.2007 - 16:06
To tell the truth I didnt know about the demos that were going to be released.. And I dont think they should release them cause nowadays Chuck is dead..
Trapped in time
A miracle of hope and change
A swirling mass, no mercy now
If the truth hurts prepare for pain
......Do you think we 're forever???
10.03.2007 - 13:57
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Written by Anathemani@c on 09.03.2007 at 16:06

To tell the truth I didnt know about the demos that were going to be released.. And I dont think they should release them cause nowadays Chuck is dead..

I remember I read something about that on Chuck's official site, but that was years ago, maybe i don't remeber well
11.03.2007 - 00:56
Lone wanderer
Written by [user id=22024] on 09.03.2007 at 00:32

Tha band recorded some demo version for that album, that should be quite sure. The problem was the contrast within Nuclear Blast and the Schuldiner family. I think they should not publish that songs.

Fragile Art Of Existence was a really good album, the singer has a good voice but he could use it in a better way, I think.

I never understood if Schuldiner was intended to keep both the bands alive or to concentrate on Control Denied.

He wanted to concentrate on Control Denied, but he didn't sey its over with Death, probably he'd continued few years after. Thats atleast what I've read in some interviews with Chuck.

And why do you think they shouldnt release that album?? Ive read that shortly before Chuck's death , his sister promised him that the album wil be finished, so , it certainly was his wish.
23.03.2007 - 17:03
Spirit Molecule
spirit molecule
Awesome album i hope that they do release the album
if chuck hadnt passed on im sure there wud have been some fuckin brilliant albums from control denied
wish he were still alive RIP
If you never wake up from a dream does it become reality?

Last fm
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26.03.2007 - 23:27
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i don't think it would be that great to release the demos...
the company will have the money in Chucks name...
if they do though, i won't buy it!
12.06.2007 - 07:01
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
I hope they release the demos too. The thing is, Chuck is dead, no one can change that, but is it so wrong that a piece of his legacy be continued?
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
12.06.2007 - 07:04
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Written by Arian Totalis on 02.12.2006 at 19:45

Dude, words can't describe my respect for Control denied. These guys are just amazing, the song Consumed is a prime example of the kind of skill they are capable of accumilating. I shamefully have heard very little by them, I plan on getting an album eventually, but you know, I aint got cash really. In any case Chuck is one of the guys I try to model myself after, so I have a lot to thank him for.

R.I.P man.

Well, I finally got the fragile Art of existence. Great, and I mean Great album. I pretty much share the oppinion of everyone else here.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
13.06.2007 - 08:30
Account deleted
...I read chuck wanted to make the second C.D album, he recorded the guitar tracks knowing that he had little time left I believe shannon wants these "secret/rumor" to be reveal someday...not sure? Hopefully the guys from C.D get together and finish what chuck started...after all he deserves it and the loyal fans as well.

R.I.P: Chuck Schuldiner
20.06.2007 - 18:01
Lone wanderer
Yeah, I say the same... And by the way, did anyone hear those 4 uncompleted tracks that were released on Chuck's compilation?? I've heard few minutes of it and it sounded very promissing. Too bad it may never be finished...
23.07.2007 - 17:25
Lone wanderer
Does anyone know did Chuck finished or at least started to write lyrics for that second album??? Well, if he didnt write them, its better not to finish the album.... Though music is very promissing, I listen those 4 unfinished songs all the time, especially track2 and track4.
29.07.2007 - 06:58
Account deleted
a second control denied album would be great, they should finish it. I always love chuck's work.