Posts: 72
Really interesting article. I live in Mexico and in the past 2-3 years we've seen a similar explosion of micro-breweries and also rise of imported beers on the market.
I always hated beer from the USA because Mexican beer is really better (not by much TBH). But then micro-breweries and imports appeared in the supermarket and I'm not buying anything from the big brands anymore.
My favorite Mexican brewery ATM is Cucapá, but others are getting better; If you can find them, i would recommend to Cucapá Chupacabras that is a pleasantly hopped Pale Ale or the Tempus Special Reserve that is a kind of amber ale with nice hop finish.
I'll also try to get a couple of IPAs you mention to try them out.
Lit. Account deleted |
Lit. Account deleted
Why do I feel like we're only encouraging sterotypes?
BlueMobius Account deleted |
BlueMobius Account deleted
I'm all of the sudden really thirsty.
Posts: 249 |
Here in Iowa we got a little underground home brewing cult. Not craft brew, but just as good...and free...if you know the right people
Posts: 697 |
I was in the Black Hills of South Dakota the past week, and had a chance to experience Odells IPA, good stuff, seemed pretty tame considering I had Elk Poop Stout just before that!
I love the craft/micro trend, I can't stand the Bud/Miller/Coors shit most people drink here!
Here we have a store called The Four Firkins which handles all kinds of crafty brews from around the world, but mostly U.S.
It has become my happy place....
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
Posts: 208 |
The ONLY good beer that I've ever had has been from Canada. Sorry, offendees.
"Sataaaaaaaaan. Yeah yeah!"
-King Diamond
Marcus Doit Like Bernie
Posts: 642 |
MarcusDoit Like BerniePosts: 642
I like the article quite a bit but I wholeheartedly oppose your delight in IPAs. Can't stand 'em.
Posts: 1075 |
Major breweries often are terrible, people here seriously drink zipfer and ottakringer....
I have no idea why exactly such a big market as the usa has even worse major brand beer, but still it isn"t that surprising
LeChron James Helvetesfossen
Posts: 3561 |
I haven't had a few of your rotating selections. Challenge accepted.
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Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
Posts: 260
Deschutes' Mirror Pond and New Belgium's Fat Tire were my regular domestic beers for awhile. I no longer consume any alcohol, but I recommend those to anyone who still does.
wormdrink414 ElitePosts: 1295 |
Damn fine article, damn fine. Between the 1st Amendment and our growing craft/micro market, love America.
Posts: 166
I lived in Oregon for three months recently, and I was completely blown away by the work of Ninkasi, Widmer Bros., Rogue, Boneyard and of course the mighty, mighty Deschutes. I even went all the way across Tombstone Pass and past the Sisters to Bend just to visit the latter, and I was not disappointed. Their Inversion IPA is simply just a masterpiece of the form, and its crazy brother, the Hop Henge, is one of the most intense beers I have ever had. But for sheer drinkability in spite of heavy hoppiness, nothing beats the Total Domination IPA by Ninkasi. It may not be the most sophisticated IPA you'll ever have, it may not be the most hoppy or freak of nature on the IBU scale, but it's just extremely, extremely easy to get down in unhealthy quantities, and it never bored me.
After returning to Denmark, I have to my joy discovered that several Danish microbrewers are collaborating with the Americans to produce world-class new wave beer. Mikkeller, Evil Twin, Amager Bryghus and Hornbeer come to mind, but more and more are emerging. And Mikkeller also has one of the best beer bars in the world, with 20 rare microbrews on tap at all times, the entire selection rotating every week. Fuck you, Carlsberg, that's the real deal right there We can thank the US for this development, but in all honesty, you guys are perhaps a tiny bit too focused on IPAs, but I'm sure this will change as the public becomes a little more adventurous. I have had some wonderfully wacky stuff over there, but nothing quite like Mikkeller's Beer Geek Brunch Weasel stout, lovingly brewed on coffee berry droppings from the weasel-like South-Eastern Asian civet cat.
Posts: 167 |
Fredd Account deleted |
Fredd Account deleted
Nothing for the non-alcoholic me here, but it's damn well-written.
Posts: 85 |
Up here in Canada, many Canadians are ignorant about the quality of beer in the United States. They simply write everything off as being a product of Anheuser-Busch. Fortunately for me, I have traveled around your country and have tasted what all of your amazing Micro-Breweries have to offer. Great article.
I'm a furry. Get used to it.
BitterCOld The Ancient One AdminPosts: 15303 |
Written by neonxaos on 21.08.2012 at 11:22
I lived in Oregon for three months recently, and I was completely blown away by the work of Ninkasi, Widmer Bros., Rogue, Boneyard and of course the mighty, mighty Deschutes. I even went all the way across Tombstone Pass and past the Sisters to Bend just to visit the latter, and I was not disappointed. Their Inversion IPA is simply just a masterpiece of the form, and its crazy brother, the Hop Henge, is one of the most intense beers I have ever had. But for sheer drinkability in spite of heavy hoppiness, nothing beats the Total Domination IPA by Ninkasi. It may not be the most sophisticated IPA you'll ever have, it may not be the most hoppy or freak of nature on the IBU scale, but it's just extremely, extremely easy to get down in unhealthy quantities, and it never bored me.
We can thank the US for this development, but in all honesty, you guys are perhaps a tiny bit too focused on IPAs.
I was in the Pacific Northwest in June, stayed in Bend, Sisters (for a wedding), and drove up to Seattle.
Bend, population 80,000, has 10 micro/craft breweries. I was able to visit Deschutes (was my Griswoldian quest of the trip), Goodlife (the article pic was my holding a bomber in front of the open brewery), and 10 Barrel. All three were about a KM or less from our rental house. Wanted to visit Boneyard, but didn't have time. At least got to sample some of their IPAs at another bar. And had some McMenamins.
Sisters, Oregon, nearby the Three Sisters mountain range, is a small town with a really cool facility with reception hall and 'cabins' (not sure you'd call a place with a 1080 flat screen, fire place, kingsized bed, hot tub, and dual shower bathroom a cabin) ... naturally they have their own microbrewery, Three Creeks, which had a good iPA and a nice blonde.
Only got to one brewery in Seattle, Elysian, which i really enjoyed as well. My friends joked whether I was there for the wedding or the beer... well, my wife was Maid of Honor and busy all day, every day, leaving me with not much to do but sample the local brew. When in Rome...
I think OR/WA in the Northwest and Colorado are just nuts for beer.
As far as being too focused on IPAs, I don't think so. Not just because I love US style IPAs... Most breweries will have five to six different styles (or more as they grow), and an IPA is likely a nice staple. It also makes for a good beer to experiment with and sell in bomber form, stuff like Hophenge, Hop in the Dark (Deschutes), Tricerahops (your Ninaksi, and i love Total Dom as well)... stuff that nerds like me will pay $4-6 for. A quick look at Ninkasi, Deschutes, New Belgium, Odell web pages show off the wide variety... they make something for all tastes.
You just happened to be in an area where they seem to do an exceptional job with hopped up beers. Might have something to do with the proximity to Yakima, Washington, which is like Hop Central USA. Might be the weather as well.
Posts: 260
This will probably sound odd, but Michelob Amberbock is a pretty good beer. Considering the pedigree of the company, that beer is cheaper than a lot of the micro's and still manages to have some real flavor (versus the piss water quality of most big names). When I didn't have money for the better beers and didn't want the PBR shits, I'd get Amberbock.
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62291 |
Bud n Miller is onlyw hat we can have here , so I dunno others, but those in list looks great to me, I would love to try it
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"
I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
AngelofDeth Cyborg Raptor
Posts: 1183 |
Interesting.. I live in a hippy/hipster town(in USA) so weve had a HUGE influx of these micro/craft beers over the years. It seems every other restuarnt in town has their own brew now and theyre pretty damn good.
pewpew.. gotcha
Posts: 76 |
Red Chair by Deschutes is actually their spring beer, Usually january to may. Their summer/fall beer is twilight ale and pretty soon we'll be getting to try their winter warmer, Jubelale. Which changes a little every year but is always amazing.
Also I just have to say I do a lot of homebrewing and ive never seen a beer so yellow during the boil before. Im assuming its from chinook pellets?
BitterCOld The Ancient One AdminPosts: 15303 |
Written by ruffio on 22.08.2012 at 06:41
Red Chair by Deschutes is actually their spring beer, Usually january to may. Their summer/fall beer is twilight ale and pretty soon we'll be getting to try their winter warmer, Jubelale. Which changes a little every year but is always amazing.
Also I just have to say I do a lot of homebrewing and ive never seen a beer so yellow during the boil before. Im assuming its from chinook pellets?
duh, i should know this. Twilight landed a couple months ago, so I thought it their Summer beer, with Jubelale being the late winter. Might have confused Red Chair's timing with New Belgium's fall, recently re-dubbed Red Hoptober.
as for the brew, yes it was right after the first wave of Chinook pellets.
Jaeryd Nihil's Maw
Posts: 1062 |
I knew about the micro-breweries and the fact that American beer has stopped sucking for the last few decades because of it. I just started getting into drinking beer... I grew up in the LDS church and resigned at about the age of 17. The first beer I had was Bud Light, and it was a disgusting pigs' ball-sweat, piss-water of a beer. I've done a bit of research on why American beer sucked, and there I learned that microbreweries all over the country are making non-sucky beer. This made me excited, except I can't find a microbrewery within close proximity to my home. Arizona is a little bit dry on that kind of thing.
So far, for the shitty commercial beers, I at least like Guinness. I've found that I definitely prefer stout and darker beers to things like lagers and pale ales. Guinness still tastes like weak coffee/bitter beer, but when I ignore the bitterness, it tastes sweet--almost a little like root-beer. I've read a lot of reviews, and I've learned that there is definitely much better beer out there than Guinness, so I guess if I can't find anything in the liquor stores nearby, I will have to find a brewery and drive a good distance to go buy myself some real beer.
I heard about a place, Papago Brewery, that makes a fucking awesome orange-blossom ale. Gotta try that soon, if I can.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071 |
Written by Jaeryd on 22.08.2012 at 07:09
Arizona is a little bit dry on that kind of thing.
Mister BitterCOld, the author of this blog, is from Arizona maybe he might want to give you some tips concerning microbreweries near where you live.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
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Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
tea[m]ster Au Pays Natal ContributorPosts: 5266 |
Ahhh, nice article Craig. Brings a tear to my eye. Here in the land of "Lavern and Shirley", microbrews are worshipped just as much as our favorite old school Miller Lite less filling taste great ads.
Three to try out if ever you are near:
Spotted Cow
Posts: 697 |
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
BitterCOld The Ancient One AdminPosts: 15303 |
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 23.08.2012 at 00:40
Mister BitterCOld, the author of this blog, is from Arizona maybe he might want to give you some tips concerning microbreweries near where you live.
sadly to this point i haven't found an Arizona brewery i like as much as those i rave about in Colorado or Oregon.
Nimbus, Tucson, has an ok pale ale and a 8%+ brew called Old Monkey SHines that is surprisingly smooth.
Four Peaks, Phoenix makes some beer that took awards at the World Cup of Beer or whatever. Their IPA, Hop Knot, actually beat out my favorite IPA, Odells to take "gold"... i just am not a fan of them.
Santan, Phoenix, has a decent Pale Ale and IPA. Not ones i buy regularly, but not ones i feel bad if i have to "settle" on.
still trying some of the breweries in the northern end of the state (Prescott came across decent, Oak Creek... which is all "meh", Lumberyard, Flagstaff is ok) as I find them available.
Introspekrieg Totemic Lust ElitePosts: 2749 |
Bloody Rain I Am The Night
Posts: 1192 |
I've gotta say, I'm somewhat of a beer snob myself. Generally speaking I find that micro brews are usually way superior to commercial brews no matter what country they come from. That being said, whenever I go somewhere new and need to buy some beer I always keep my eyes out for the locally brewed beers of the place I happen to be visiting. I usually find some really good stuff in that case.
So does this mean the same for America? Fuck yeah! I was just at my local liquor store today and found a nice small section of American micro brew beers, so I figured I would give it a try. Right now I'm drinking some Rogue Dead Guy Ale (from Oregon) and I'm very impressed. I'm not sure if you would consider it to be "true" micro brew or not but it is quite delicious.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071 |
Written by Bloody Rain on 24.08.2012 at 06:44
Right now I'm drinking some Rogue Dead Guy Ale (from Oregon) and I'm very impressed.
I beer pub I frequently visiti here in Utrecht, The Netherlands, called Café België usually has the Dead Guy Ale in stock and it is really nice.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Carl Berg Carl Berg
Posts: 589 |