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Cryptopsy - Cryptopsy review


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Band: Cryptopsy
Album: Cryptopsy
Style: Brutal death metal, Technical death metal
Release date: September 11, 2012
A review by: Baz Anderson

01. Two-Pound Torch
02. Shag Harbour's Visitors
03. Red-Skinned Scapegoat
04. Damned Draft Dodgers
05. Amputated Enigma
06. The Golden Square Mile
07. Ominous
08. Cleansing The Hosts

Purposefully and emphatically self-titled, Cryptopsy return with their clear message of intent; Cryptopsy.

Four years ago the death metal world was stunned at the modern direction this pioneering, underground brutal death act had taken with The Unspoken King. Either band mastermind Flo Mounier has changed his mind as readily as he changed the band four years ago, or his gamble just didn't pay off and left only with dissatisfied fans had no real option but to resurrect the Cryptopsy death machine synonymous with the name. Either way, you could say Cryptopsy are back.

Cryptopsy have never been a bland death metal band churning out mindless blastbeats; there has always been a strange captivating aspect to their brutal chaos courtesy of Flo's insanely talented limbs and the technical ability of the band. The Unspoken King elevated the band's sound out of the underground, but compromised the brutal death metal with deathcore and a few terrible clean vocals. Now with Cryptopsy we are treated to yet another crisp sounding, clearly produced death metal album, but this time the deathcore and clean vocals find themselves being exchanged for brutality and more of a technical death metal feel.

Curiously then, Cryptopsy is more like a mixture of Whisper Supremacy and the good parts of The Unspoken King; a mash-up of the classic Cryptopsy blast-fest and the clean and modern Cryptopsy. Either way you look at it, Cryptopsy is the best result anyone disappointed four years ago could have hoped for.

Vocalist Matt McGachy on his second Cryptopsy release now sounds much improved. His vocals are far from one-directional, and although still no Lord Worm in the death growl department, his vocals no longer stick out like a sore thumb and have turned into one of the band's good assets. The rest of the band sound tight together with each impressive explosive section spear-headed by the man behind the drum kit. The album does contain one or two infrequent deathcore-style riffs and modern elements, but instead of the album being swamped by them - a great balance has been struck between the classic and the modern that not only compliments each other but keeps the death metal fresh and dynamic.

Cryptopsy is a death metal album that sounds fresh, modern, technical and brutal all in one. It might not have been an easy few years for Cryptopsy fans, but you can dust off your Cryptopsy shirt and be proud to be seen wearing it in public again.


Death metal
Length: 34:53

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 9
Production: 9

Written on 14.09.2012 by Member of Staff since 2006


Comments: 48   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 493 users
14.09.2012 - 04:01
Account deleted
So we're back up to generic death, then?
14.09.2012 - 04:20
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Their previous one which was the one almost everyone hated was infinitely better than this generic piece of death crap
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

14.09.2012 - 04:21
The Unspoken King didn't happen and you can't prove it.
"Without judgement, perception would increase a million times."~Chuck Schuldiner

Less coherent than Anal Cunt.

Eric Brecht once liked my Facebook comment. Therefore, by the translative property, Chuck Schuldiner like my comment.
14.09.2012 - 04:37
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by ?apleee on 14.09.2012 at 04:21

The Unspoken King didn't happen and you can't prove it.

that was for me their best since the rest of their albums were generic almost copyish brutal death metal albums where nothing interesting happened and Lord WOrm is THE MOST SINGLE overrated vocalist ever who only uses effects to enhance his vocals
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

14.09.2012 - 07:15
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 14.09.2012 at 04:20

Their previous one which was the one almost everyone hated was infinitely better than this generic piece of death crap

Can you really blame them? I mean Cryptopsy for taking this road again. They tried to be "creative", fans no happy, when they back to their roots, fans are happy. (fans happy = MOAR live shows, CDs sell.. etc).

As for me, I did enjoy both albums, The Unspoking King, and this one
14.09.2012 - 10:50
Grey Wind
Bleh, not even close to None So Vile !
wimps and posers leave the hall lol
14.09.2012 - 14:16
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 14.09.2012 at 04:37

Written by ?apleee on 14.09.2012 at 04:21

The Unspoken King didn't happen and you can't prove it.

that was for me their best since the rest of their albums were generic almost copyish brutal death metal albums where nothing interesting happened and Lord WOrm is THE MOST SINGLE overrated vocalist ever who only uses effects to enhance his vocals

So you mean that None So Vile sucks?
In that case, man is only air as well.
14.09.2012 - 14:52
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
^Don't argue with Marcel, not worth it.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

14.09.2012 - 14:55
Account deleted
Indeed, let the old man live in his senile world
14.09.2012 - 15:00
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 14:55

Indeed, let the old man live in his senile world

I don't find None So Vile specially amazing either. I remember I listened to it once or twice.... But just the fact that I listened to it, not the music. Nothing memorable for me and I do enjoy some brutal death albums.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 15:02
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 15:00

I don't find None So Vile specially amazing either. I remember I listened to it once or twice.... But just the fact that I listened to it, not the music. Nothing memorable for me and I do enjoy some brutal death albums.

I'd say it's heads and tails above 99% of other brutal death metal. It has a unique identity and sound, very good song construction i.e. not a blur of brutal crap etc. and definitely the best use of vocals in a death metal record of that sort. This coming from someone who hates brutal death.
14.09.2012 - 15:05
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 15:02
I'd say it's heads and tails above 99% of other brutal death metal.

In that case I would say Suffocation's first 2 albums are the 1%
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 15:07
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 15:05

In that case I would say Suffocation's first 2 albums are the 1%

In the 1%, not necessarily the 1% =P
14.09.2012 - 15:08
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 15:07
In the 1%, not necessarily the 1% =P


Although as a math student, I feel that I somehow deserved it.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 15:13
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 15:08


Although as a math student, I feel that I somehow deserved it.

*pats your fluffy head*
14.09.2012 - 15:18
X-Ray Rod
Okay, in the hopes of getting this ship back on course: I have to say.... C'mon! Since when was Cryptopsy underground?!
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 15:18
Rating: 9
Written by Boxcar Willy on 14.09.2012 at 14:52

^Don't argue with Marcel, not worth it.

Best comment in this thread.

About the album, I enjoyed it a lot
14.09.2012 - 15:22
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 15:18

Okay, in the hopes of getting this ship back on course: I have to say.... C'mon! Since when was Cryptopsy underground?!

Good point, I don't think there was a metaller alive worth his/her salt who didn't know about None So Vile and the band.
14.09.2012 - 19:30
Haven't heard this yet but None So Vile is probably my favourite death metal album.
14.09.2012 - 20:50
Written by Boxcar Willy on 14.09.2012 at 14:52

^Don't argue with Marcel, not worth it.

None So Vile's awesomeness is a fact. And I agree with Joe that it's above 99% of brutal death metal (excluding Suffocation and Benighted).
In that case, man is only air as well.
14.09.2012 - 21:05
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
I'm reading these comments...and just...ok, the first thing that comes to mind is: I'm tired of attempting conversation with damn near everyone that claims to know what's good or not. Spend a few years actually meeting bands in person, respecting them to their face (and not bashing them on forums), and you'll know what I mean. Being part of the night's roster and getting respect back helps too.

By the way; good review, Baz. (NOT a kissass remark, as I don't think you'd appreciate that kind of wussy patronization...I wouldn't.)
14.09.2012 - 21:11
Account deleted
Written by Tristus Scriptor on 14.09.2012 at 21:05

I'm reading these comments...and just...ok, the first thing that comes to mind is: I'm tired of attempting conversation with damn near everyone that claims to know what's good or not. Spend a few years actually meeting bands in person, respecting them to their face (and not bashing them on forums), and you'll know what I mean. Being part of the night's roster and getting respect back helps too.

Why do you have an account then if you don't want to discuss the good and bad of music?

Furthermore, knowing bands has nothing to do with the quality of their music. I know plenty of people in bands that play shit music, knowing them doesn't change how I feel about it. I don't really get what you're trying to say with that remark. Art is judged on the art, not the artist, which only has an influence on the judgement of quality.
14.09.2012 - 21:17
X-Ray Rod
Written by Oaken on 14.09.2012 at 20:50
None So Vile's awesomeness is a fact.

Bullshit. Nothing related to tastes in art is fact.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 21:18
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 21:17

Bullshit. Nothing related to tastes in art is fact.

Statistically speaking though it's an extremely well received and regarded record
14.09.2012 - 21:20
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 21:18

Statistically speaking though it's an extremely well received and regarded record

So? That doesn't make it a fact. Just a very large opinion. Let's call things for what they are instead of rounding up the numbers.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 21:22
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 21:20

So? That doesn't make it a fact. Just a very large opinion. Let's call things for what they are instead of rounding up the numbers.

But if you switch the words around and rearrange the statement: "it's a fact that Cryptopsy is an extremely well received and regarded record" it holds true. You just have to subtract the personal edge to it
14.09.2012 - 21:30
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 21:22

Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 21:20

So? That doesn't make it a fact. Just a very large opinion. Let's call things for what they are instead of rounding up the numbers.

But if you switch the words around and rearrange the statement: "it's a fact that Cryptopsy is an extremely well received and regarded record" it holds true. You just have to subtract the personal edge to it

Of course your statement will hold true since it has been calibrated enough. I'm talking about Oaken's statement which on the other hand does not. It's just a proposition that takes his "statement" and let it diverge to infinity without proof to why such action takes place besides an obvious addition of a personal digit.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 21:32
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.09.2012 at 21:30

Of course your statement will hold true since it has been calibrated enough. I'm talking about Oaken's statement which on the other hand does not. It's just a proposition that takes his "statement" and let it diverge to infinity without proof to why such action takes place besides an obvious addition of a personal digit.

Is that like Pi?
14.09.2012 - 21:40
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 21:32
Is that like Pi?

You just got QED'd, Bitch!
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.09.2012 - 22:10
Tristus Scriptor
Rancid Reviewer
Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2012 at 21:11

Written by Tristus Scriptor on 14.09.2012 at 21:05

I'm reading these comments...and just...ok, the first thing that comes to mind is: I'm tired of attempting conversation with damn near everyone that claims to know what's good or not. Spend a few years actually meeting bands in person, respecting them to their face (and not bashing them on forums), and you'll know what I mean. Being part of the night's roster and getting respect back helps too.

Why do you have an account then if you don't want to discuss the good and bad of music?

Furthermore, knowing bands has nothing to do with the quality of their music. I know plenty of people in bands that play shit music, knowing them doesn't change how I feel about it. I don't really get what you're trying to say with that remark. Art is judged on the art, not the artist, which only has an influence on the judgement of quality.

Knowing individuals and expecting respectful remarks from professionals is one thing. THAT's why I have an account. And, the reviews, most of the time are good and informative. You don't have to be a master-debater to read reviews. Shaking their (musicians) hand and having a meal with them makes one search for what they have to offer, forgiving your initial tendencies to bash, as well as looking beneath the surface of trends and anti-trends. I, personally, don't like the dreaded TUK, yet I never felt the need to act like a jerk about it. And, really- I didn't single you out. Just made a statement. I keep my account open because I like y'alls site. It's the bland "LORD WORM forever!" and "It's all overrated stuff"-flavoured comments that make me throw up my hands and try not to scroll down, unfortunately...sometimes I just can't escape the morbid curiosity, like looking at a car wreck.

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