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Cradle of Filth vs Moonspell

Posts: 162   Visited by: 195 users


Which is your favorite?

Cradle of Filth

Total votes: 217
23.05.2006 - 00:08
ahahahahah i always wanted to start a poll like this one yeah...i know that the two bands dont have that much in common but nowadays both belong to some sort of gothic metal, each band in one way, one more gothic/doom(Moonspell) and one more extreme gothic metal...for some...going mallcore, and they also tour together time to time

i guess this topic will end with Moonspell winning due to the "lets hate cradle of filth cause its cool"

well...anyway ill vote for Moonspell...i wouldnt betray my own country...with albuns like..Wolfheart, Irreligious, Darkness and Hope, Antidote, Memorial...i guess Moonspell have some of the best guitar solos in the metal scene!not to mention the best keyboard solo on the song "..Of Dream and Drama" from Wolfheart...and..:Fernando Ribeiro's voice?just....PERFECT!though he has some problems with his pronounce

but i DO NOT hate Cradle of Filth...nop...i LOVE Cradle of Filth they were the ones who started me in the more extreme areas of metal, and please respect opinions...i love Dani's voice!..they have fucking amazing albuns too...Total Fucking Darkness(demo), Dusk and Her Embrace, Vempire, Midian, Bitter Suite s to Succubi, Nymphetamine, among others
i know that Dani's voice can be real annoying for some though!

thats all

23.05.2006 - 00:58
Empty Spaces
Unburied At Dusk
I say Cradle Of Filth. Moonspell is pretty good too but I'm not a huge fan of them... I voted for Cradle mostly because of their early albums. These two bands sound nothing alike though...
23.05.2006 - 01:15
Interesting poll, though I see where you're coming from because they are both considered gothic metal. As far as who is better, Moonspell easily takes this one. I'm not gonna lie, I am not what you would call a Cradle of Filth fan, but I do believe they have talent, they're all good musicians. But Moonspell has the overall package. Not to mention I think Fernando Ribeiro far surpasses Dani Filth in vocal talent. He has a more interesting voice.
23.05.2006 - 01:25
Deus Ex Machina
Alright now-well yes Ribeiro's and Filth's vocals are very different .We're talking about a whole different sound here.I enjoy both bands but i have been a Cradle fan for years now,and i have always loved everything about them starting with the lyrics.Cradle's lyrics are among the best in metal,for me at least.Like little pieces of art.Whatever direction they may be going in nowadays,i still like them.
I have to go with Cradle although it 's very popular to be against them
23.05.2006 - 02:18
I liked Cradle, i liked and i like Moospell. The Best album of Cradle (for me), Cruelty and the beast is not so good as the best of Moonspell. (Wolfheart)
Melodic Black even Fernando Ribeiro & Company can make....and better. Give a look at Hermeticum from was a project from the members of moonspell
23.05.2006 - 03:16
Account deleted
Cradle of Filth.

I like Moonspell, they have a nice sound. One of the better bands under the category I would personally describe as "fake Type-O-Negative's" But yeah, they're sound has always interested me. It is dark and full; well rounded like a full moon. They're more experimental albums I would consider to be my favorite.

Cradle of Filth however, take the vote effortlessley. So much development and change; evolution through experimentation and vision. Music, lyrics -perfect. I love Dani's voice, also, as that's what is usually in debate on these threads. It is unique and beautifully so. If it was any different, the band wouldn't have the overall, total impact that they've always has in their many forms.
23.05.2006 - 05:09
I voted for Moonspell, cause their first album got me into the gigs, w/friend I went to a tribute to Moonspell and it was my very first show, almost every song were from Wolfheart and Irreligious, the band covered Moonspell was Selvtier, a death-doom local band
And sometimes I despair
At who I've become
I have to come to terms
With what I've done
25.05.2006 - 01:27
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My vote goes to Cradle, because I've never really got into Moonspell. I think Midian is Cradle's best album. As for Moonspell's best album I can't really say (I only have the album irreligious).
25.05.2006 - 06:26
Well maybe Moonspell has two albums that weren't to good(Sin/pecado&Butterfly effect), but Wolfheart is all a experience, and I have no words for Under the moonspell it's just great, the ambient, the sound, the darkness without hope, the lyrics full with passion make it one of the darkests albums I've ever heared, and my sincerely opinion Cradle is show, is image, is music no more, they lost their essence, I enjoy Principle of evil made flesh, but only that...
" And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
25.05.2006 - 06:43
Southern Wind
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CoF got me into BM with "The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh" and I still worship them... they're very unique, I love the vampireque atmosphere sorrounding their old releases and Dani is my favourite lyricist, so I voted for them...

About Moonspell, I REALLY like some of their stuff but they're too irregular.
25.05.2006 - 13:41
I voted for Cradle Of Filth. Unlike X-FrEaK I don't think that they are extreme gothic metal, they're more Death/Black metal. Besides I also think Dani's voice is great.
25.05.2006 - 18:15
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Written by matthioso on 25.05.2006 at 13:41

I voted for Cradle Of Filth. Unlike X-FrEaK I don't think that they are extreme gothic metal, they're more Death/Black metal. Besides I also think Dani's voice is great.

Yea, Dani's voice is awesome!
I voted Cradle Of Filth too
And who cares what genre they play anyway ? They sound great to me

Besides On Graspop Cradle Of Filth play sunday and Moonspell on monday, anyone going to compare ?
28.05.2006 - 03:44
Written by matthioso on 25.05.2006 at 13:41

I voted for Cradle Of Filth. Unlike X-FrEaK I don't think that they are extreme gothic metal, they're more Death/Black metal. Besides I also think Dani's voice is great.

since Dusk and Her Embrace, Cradle lost all of their Black Metal essences...Total Fucking Darkness was a pure black metal,bitter suites to succubi,nymphetamine ...these are NOT black metal...the voice is not black metal...the sound is overproduced, and the drums dont have that black metal sufocating power...i dont like to specify genres because im not that expert...i know something...i can say when i hear something that "this is black metal and that is death metal"...Cradle of Filth aint no death metal cant compare the sound of Cradle to. lets say...Bloodbath,Arch Enemy,Fear Factory's two firsts releases...(more Soul of a new machine)...Cradle has much gothic elements(female vocals, a lot of keyboards) that arent used that much in death metal(although last Dark Tranquillity album uses great keyboard..they are melodic death though...)
28.05.2006 - 04:37
I'm agree with you X-freak, it is black no more, Cradle is just the ashes of what it was one day...The truth is that only the ones who knows both bands should post their opinions, I've read some of them saying that their vote goes to someone just because they don't know the other one...
" And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
28.05.2006 - 18:52
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Why should a band play black or death metal ?
Maybe Nymphetamine (the album) wasn't what everyone expected ... But I believe you shouldn't just listen to a genre cuz it's pure. Music is not just a genre, it's a mix of a lot of shit ..
Personally, I like Cradle Of Filth, and I really don't give a fuck about it being black or white, death or alive or even gothic.
31.05.2006 - 23:04
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so obviously moonspell

@belgianmetalman: genre's are just a style of music that have been given a name,people listen to it because they like that style, not beacuse of the name attached to it.
01.06.2006 - 00:31
GOGOGOGO Cradle!! Moonspell don't fill me at all I prefer Crematory and that strange, weird, dark atmosphere that Cradle Of Filth uses is coool!!!

01.06.2006 - 13:26
Erotic Stains
I hate Moonspell and I love Cradle Of Filth ... so it was pretty easy to vote
01.06.2006 - 22:05
The two are good but diferent, and one of this is better for someone for this own reasons.
Whow can someone hate one of this two bands
Maybe because don´t even have give a listen to their works
09.06.2006 - 04:14
Written by bangladesh on 23.05.2006 at 02:18

I liked Cradle, i liked and i like Moospell. The Best album of Cradle (for me), Cruelty and the beast is not so good as the best of Moonspell. (Wolfheart)
Melodic Black even Fernando Ribeiro & Company can make....and better. Give a look at Hermeticum from was a project from the members of moonspell

Daemonarch is awesome....and I don't even like black metal. It's weird though, doesn't Daemonarch have like 3 Moonspell members? It's like the same band.....
13.06.2006 - 22:44
Written by Stigmatized on 09.06.2006 at 04:14

Written by bangladesh on 23.05.2006 at 02:18

I liked Cradle, i liked and i like Moospell. The Best album of Cradle (for me), Cruelty and the beast is not so good as the best of Moonspell. (Wolfheart)
Melodic Black even Fernando Ribeiro & Company can make....and better. Give a look at Hermeticum from was a project from the members of moonspell

Daemonarch is awesome....and I don't even like black metal. It's weird though, doesn't Daemonarch have like 3 Moonspell members? It's like the same band.....

Actualy Daemonarch is stoped...i can´t say that is a band....was a side-project from 4 members of moonspell (of that time). From the actual line up of the Moonpell only 3.
I think that Memorial have some influences of that project. Some parts and extreme vocals.
It´s nice to know that i´m not the only that know and apreciate that project
14.06.2006 - 00:08
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there is no doubt about that!!

CoF are so... posers!!!
14.06.2006 - 20:23
Dark Phoenix
Moonspell cause they are just amazing, I was never a fan of CoF, I only like a couple of songs and most of them are remakes And I absolutely adore Moonspell, cause they music is just so mesmerizing and they always try to sound fresh with every new album
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
14.06.2006 - 23:14
damn it was a difficult choice for me....... but i voted cradle of filth 'cuz i just love almost all their albums(Midian, Vempire and Dusk are really masterpieces!). By the way, the first metal album i bought was Wolfheart and its still one of the best albums i ever heard
15.06.2006 - 13:11
lol i would like to know what could have happened if Moonspell continued with Daemonarch
15.06.2006 - 22:25
That could be cool, because there will be 2 diferent bands from the same guys, but maybe the sound of Moonspell not so good, it´s hard to work in two bands and have success in both. I think that it was only a wish from some members to make some black´s cool but they don´t get fame through it. Only who knows Moonspell could know that.
16.06.2006 - 04:21
Account deleted
Only Cradle ... ,Monspell be out to the other side...
16.06.2006 - 23:29
Written by bangladesh on 15.06.2006 at 22:25

That could be cool, because there will be 2 diferent bands from the same guys, but maybe the sound of Moonspell not so good, it´s hard to work in two bands and have success in both. I think that it was only a wish from some members to make some black´s cool but they don´t get fame through it. Only who knows Moonspell could know that.

lol yes but you have many examples Dan Swano with all his side projects: Bloodbath,Katatonia,Egde of Sanity or Vortex(Dimmu Borgir and Arcturus) sure some have far more sucess than others , but yes its hard nevertheless
17.06.2006 - 14:10
I personally prefer Cradle Of Filth by far...
...cause I don't give a fuck if you hate me!
17.06.2006 - 18:40
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Well im not much of a COF fan, so ill go with MOONSPELL!