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Rush Studio Albums Ranked By A Rush Fan Of 30+ Years

Rush is my favorite band of all eternity. I have listened to each album so many times I have no problem ranking them from first to last and my favorite song on each album. Discuss.

Created by: tea[m]ster | 20.07.2015

1. Rush - Moving Pictures
"The Camera Eye"
2. Rush - Power Windows
"Middletown Dreams"
3. Rush - Counterparts
"The Speed Of Love"
4. Rush - Grace Under Pressure
"Between The Wheels"
5. Rush - Signals
"The Analog Kid"
6. Rush - Vapor Trails
"Secret Touch"
7. Rush - Hemispheres
"The Trees"
8. Rush - Clockwork Angels
"The Anarchist"
9. Rush - Presto
"The Pass"
10. Rush - Hold Your Fire
"Lock And Key"
11. Rush - Roll The Bones
12. Rush - Test For Echo
13. Rush - Caress Of Steel
"The Necromancer"
14. Rush - Snakes & Arrows
15. Rush - 2112
"Something for Nothing"
16. Rush - Permanent Waves
"Natural Science"
17. Rush - A Farewell To Kings
18. Rush - Fly By Night
19. Rush - Rush
"Finding My Way"

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 4   Visited by: 54 users
21.01.2019 - 14:24
JoHn Doe
Thumbs up for the effort alone, I wouldn't even know how to rank them, So many great albums.
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
23.02.2019 - 18:58
Admitedly I didnt listen to all Rush albums but I really wasnt a fan of their post-Moving Puctures stuff. Especially Counterparts I expected to be much better based on its reception.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
24.02.2019 - 12:01
Free as a.. Fish
So roughly 80s > 90s > 70s? That's not a common opinion when it comes to Rush.

Permanent Waves is surprisingly low, considering Moving Pictures is at number 1.
26.02.2019 - 07:46
Au Pays Natal
Written by Azarath on 24.02.2019 at 12:01

So roughly 80s > 90s > 70s? That's not a common opinion when it comes to Rush.

Permanent Waves is surprisingly low, considering Moving Pictures is at number 1.

Yup. I love synth-era Rush. I don't like the production on Permanent Waves. Those songs sound way better live.

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