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Stryper - Confirm Bassist Is Out Of The Band

Bassist Timothy Gaines has confirmed that he is out of Stryper. He recently revealed that he received a letter of termination by Stryper's legal representatives. Gaines explained in an interview with KNAC that he's no longer part of the group. After the interview came out, Stryper finally released a statement about the matter.

Excerpts from Timothy Gaines' interview: "The Stryper thing is a touchy subject right now. I can't really elaborate on too much of it. You would probably be the first person that I would say to that I am officially no longer a member of the band. It's been out there for about a year now that things have been going sour. It hasn't been officially said by either myself or the band, but, yeah, I'm no longer working with them."

According to Tim, "all hell broke loose" after he "ended up getting a divorce, which is taboo as far as Christianity, I guess." He added: "Nobody bothered to look into why I got a divorce. It was twenty years of a bad marriage, but nobody bothers to look into the abuse and all the stuff that went along with it. They just see me getting a divorce and getting remarried and come to their conclusions. So whatever. People will be the way that they are. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm not the only guy in Stryper to have gotten a divorce. Everybody in the band is married to divorced people. And I'm the bad guy, but everybody else has done it too, so? Whatever. Live in glass houses and everything will be exposed at some point or another."

Band's official statement: "Dear fans and friends, we wish Timothy Gaines nothing but the best, and we will always remember the history and the good times that we all shared together. We have done our best to remain courteous and professional despite the barrage of disrespectful comments, posts and tweets that have been made public time and time again by Tim and Brandee on what seems to be a daily basis. The accusations that have been made that our decision to terminate Tim is based on his divorce couldn't be further from the truth. We have all struggled with separation and divorce in our relationships over the years, and it has never affected anyone's position within the band.

"The band decided to take a hiatus in order to give Tim time and space to work through his personal issues. However, based on Tim and Brandee's intentional, erratic and hostile behavior, which has damaged Stryper and threatened to undermine the band's ability to go forward professionally, we were left with no other choice but to part ways. Tim and Brandee have left their scars and have hurt us in more ways than you can imagine.

"We were also forced to retain legal representation based on a public post/threat that Tim made about suing the band in 2016. Tim is our brother, and we love him but this has become a toxic relationship at this point and due to that, we cannot continue on with our mission and stay true to who we are and what we represent with Tim in the band. We're excited about the future and we will be making an official announcement very soon about our new album, tour and bassist. We love our fans and we appreciate your support and patience as we work through these changes. The best is yet to come!"

Band profile: Stryper
Posted: 02.09.2017 by BloodTears


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Comments: 4   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 46 users
02.09.2017 - 18:39
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Christianity paradox or what ever work you use, as atheist I don't give a damn if people divorce or are married, single, gay, lesbo what so ever, such facts don't bother me. Music matters but seems those guys is same issue as NSBM musicians in their brain cells whit they believes. Music matters, other things I don't care but its sad that people in 2017 still are so stupid.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.09.2017 - 00:14
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2017 at 18:39

Christianity paradox or what ever work you use, as atheist I don't give a damn if people divorce or are married, single, gay, lesbo what so ever, such facts don't bother me. Music matters but seems those guys is same issue as NSBM musicians in their brain cells whit they believes. Music matters, other things I don't care but its sad that people in 2017 still are so stupid.

Are your English reading abilities on the same level as your writing skills or something? How in the name of common sense did you get that the band says it's a religious issue? The band clearly states that it wasn't about divorce or anything, but because of Tim's behaviour towards the rest of the band. And aligning Stryper with NSBM bands is especially vile from your part. I don't care if you're an atheist or whatever, that's just plainly stupid.
03.09.2017 - 10:58
Again a "He said, they said" situation. In those situations the classier statement usually hints towards the truth though.
Life is all the pain we endeavour.
20.09.2017 - 20:47
Sad times indeed. I will believe the band on this one, but as the previous comment states, we will never be fully sure of who is telling the whole truth. The saddest part is that they have left on bad terms it seems after working together for, well a long time. I hope relations improve one day between them.
It wasn't long until they left their cave and wondered outside once more, amazed they realized that the world had not ended as they had fearfully believed during the night. In fact, the grass was greener, the air fresher and the sun had risen again.

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