Your favourite console
what is your favourite console
Other consoles
X-box 360
Nintendo DS
Total votes: 82
Hamird Lieutenant |
24.06.2007 - 14:48
mine is PS3 ... but i have not extra money too buy that. so i have bought a PSP, that is good ...
Fhuesc |
25.06.2007 - 03:21
I own a Wii, PSP and DS, for me all of them are awesome, all have flaws and good things. My brother owns a 360, its cool to, but i dont like it so much. I dont know anyone who has a PS3, so i cant say anything about it.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Woven Elegy Account deleted |
25.06.2007 - 04:22 Woven Elegy
Account deleted
My still all time favourtie console (regardless of how old it is) is the playstation 2. nI have lots of fond memories buying the console when it first came out in 2000. It's had plenty of great and timeless games, and has paved the way for greater things to come.
Grimurc |
25.06.2007 - 11:45
I'm a 360 player, so off course i voted xbox 360. But i'm intending to buy a PS3 sometime. i also own a PSP and some other old fashioned consoles like nintendo's and a dusty atari
---- Still drinking,-
Herzebeth |
25.06.2007 - 21:39
Dudes the 360 is the best console so far, ps3 has amazing graphics but who cares if the games are just sucky..Wii? come on the gameplay is boring, what's the point of moving around if you don't have Gears Of Wars or Halo...besides the fact that Duck Hunt was already out since the NES console, so it's not experimental at all, it's just boring. Xbox you have the blood, the killing, the amazing games and the best version of The Godfather, we will have halo 3, resident evil 5, unreal tournament 2007, GTA, and many more it's by far the best console today...
Fhuesc |
27.06.2007 - 03:18
@Herzebeth: dude you are wrong, the 360 is cool, but all the games that you mention, will be available on the PS3 and/or PC... yes Halo 3 to. The only thing thats much better on the 360 its the Xbox live.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Baz Anderson Staff |
27.06.2007 - 20:19
well I used to be a lot bigger gamer then I am now.. but I still hold a lot of ill feelings towards the Play Station brand and I am not much of a fan of the X-Box brand either.. I am a Nintendo guy 100% - I still have working SNES, N64 and Gamecube as well as old block Game Boy, and all the Game Boys they released after that.. colour, GBA, etc. and I have a Nintendo DS now of course favourite console.. for nostalgic purposes either the SNES or N64.. the SNES wasn't the first console we ever had but it is the one I remember most fondly.. Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country and Diddy Kong Quest, Mortal Kombat II, etc.. then the N64.. wow!!!! that was revolutionary!! it was amazing!!! right now.. my Nintendo DS is my favourite console though.. I have Pokémon Diamond on there to keep me on it for days on end..
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
27.06.2007 - 22:07
Super Nintendo Im definitly a classic guy, I was raised on Super Nintendo and I could never really get into anything that came out after that (besides james bond for N64 and GH2 for Ps2). But I love games like Earthbound, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Street Fighter (which I friggin rule at so its gotten boring after youve learned how to rape your friends at it in under 5 seconds), Mortal Kombat, and Double Dragon.
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
Uller |
28.06.2007 - 22:13
ok wii vs xbox360 vs ps3 vs what ever.... a good pc + a good processor + high ram + good video card = the best console ever! (intel core quad extreme + 6 gigas in ram + Nvidia 8800) no console now can beat that but the price is the problem
Fhuesc |
29.06.2007 - 01:46
@Uller: its not the same a PC, i prefer the consoles, at least they long 5 years, PC its useless in a year.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Herzebeth |
29.06.2007 - 03:07 Written by Uller on 28.06.2007 at 22:13 Xbox 360 has most PC features, remember who published it... Microsoft
Uller |
29.06.2007 - 06:07
@choca: a pc like the one that I described would last 5 years at least. @Herzebeth: in fact I am not a microsoft fan, I prefer linux or mac like operating system, and you are wrong a xbox360 is far away from the pc that I described, I am not saying that the xbox360 is a bad console, I think that each one has its good things and its bad things, I have played xbox360, wii, ds and psp and I have never played playstation3 for the same reason as f_huesc, but I believe that wii is at the moment the best console, not only for the gameplay but for its games, and I prefer a good game although their graphics are not good than many bad games with excellent graphics(remember i dont like fighting and sports games and xbox is full of them)
Baz Anderson Staff |
30.06.2007 - 04:36
so a games console has good processor and RAM and whatever else.. who cares! I have my PC for all that.. a games console should be all about the games and their gameplay.. graphics isn't an important factos in a game.. look at the pokémon games, look at the (best) Final Fantasy games (I to VI) - they don't need fancy graphics to be good also is there no sence of nostalgia for old games consoles?
Uller |
30.06.2007 - 06:46
@Baz Anderson: yes im agree in that point with you and dont forget about the great SNES/ Playstation One Rpg "chrono trigger" thats a game!! @choca: and im agree with you, i prefer consoles.
AntaeusM Elite |
30.06.2007 - 06:56
This list is too incomplete for words.. sadly, I as a moderator, cannot do much about it. It hurts me there isn't a PS2, PSX, X-box, Dreamcast, GC N64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo, Sega or the older consoles in this list. My favourite for now is definitely the PS2. I love fighting games and I love Japanese RPGs, so this console can satisfy all those needs. The GC and the Wii are perfect for when you are with friends, so those two consoles are also high in my book. Of course, I am talking about how I feel about it now. Because overall, there is not a console that can beat the Super Nintendo. The Super Nintendo really had everything you need in one console. I never understood the hype around the X-box though, but they are going to release Soul Calibur 4 on the X-Box 360, so that is maybe the only reason I would like the X-box one day.
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
02.07.2007 - 01:01
Nintendo 64! The first console I got from my parents. And the only one. Games like Zelda, Tony Hawk, Turok, Mario.. great old times.. Yes, it's mostly sentiment.. but come on.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Oracle Orcinus |
02.07.2007 - 01:41
Probably the Nintendo DS because i think they are heaps fun and the games on them are alright but it doesnt beat the Nintendo 64 though. I love playing Zelda, i get so addicted and thats one game that hasnt come on DS yet
GhostofSanity Account deleted |
06.07.2007 - 13:40 GhostofSanity
Account deleted
I'm the only one that voted for the Wii so far? Mine just came in the mail yesterday! I would of picked other, but since the Wii has me covered on a bunch of N64 games I used to play years ago, it's all good.
~IAMLEGEND~ Account deleted |
06.07.2007 - 14:30 ~IAMLEGEND~
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I would say SNES, but you know how hard it was to find actual good games in US? I don't even remember having much. I have to say Sega Genesis. I grew up on the shit, what can I say. They had the cool games too, like Ristar, Vectorman, and Earthworm Jim (my fav). I also remember something else as well. My grandpa use to work for Charter, so he got a free sega cartridge. It was a large cartridge (possibly really hard to lose) and what it was was a large selection of free games. They had new ones each month in each category, and it was all FREE! We didn't have to buy a game. Sadly, it went out quick. I really do miss it. It's one of those moments where I wish I can go back in time.
Herzebeth |
06.07.2007 - 21:48
YES!! 360 is winning this match, in your face PS3...
Fhuesc |
11.07.2007 - 04:00
@Herzebeth: why you hate PS3?
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Dark Stalker |
11.07.2007 - 15:01
PS3 is very expensive and huge , Xbox 360 is like windows . Wii is as powerful as it's predecessor Gamecube but is small and revolutional. I prefer old consoles , especially 16 bit ones . My biggest pleasure is to start some games for snes or sega megadrive on my PDA and forget about all around me ..
---- In luck we trust!
Herzebeth |
11.07.2007 - 18:54 Written by Fhuesc on 11.07.2007 at 04:00 It's like the snob Console you see, it's so expensive, so "oooohhh" but I hate the fact that it doesn't actually offers what it's selling even the technical support sucks, and even more in Mexico as there isn't any place where you can get PS3 supplies It's not that hate PS3 that just that I love xbox360 that bad B)
Cassandra Account deleted |
12.07.2007 - 00:19 Cassandra
Account deleted
i dont have any systems, but when i play with my friends..... i <3 game cubes, great party games and such... and of course i fucking <3 old school super nintendo... who dosent!!!!
+{Jonas}+ I R Serious Cat |
12.07.2007 - 05:00
I'm not much into consoles actually, I prefer my PC. XboX 360 seems really cool though.
---- "Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
Kurzag Account deleted |
21.07.2007 - 04:39 Kurzag
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PSX. I remember the christmas many years ago when I got my first console ,a PSX, the first PlayStation console. Since that day I´ve always been a PlayStation person and will probarly always be. Games like Medal Of Honor, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo etc. I also adore Donley Kong (SNES) and GoldenEye (N64) which I played alot when I was younger along with my friends. All I knowed back then had N64 and I´m was the only with PSX. But to be honest, I don´t play video games so much these days.
Herzebeth |
24.07.2007 - 18:42 Written by +{Jonas}+ on 12.07.2007 at 05:00 well...the Xbox 360 is the first PC actually meant to be a videogame console
Basso Account deleted |
24.07.2007 - 22:49 Basso
Account deleted
You do realize that the Xbox 360 is some of the worst quality console ever built? I suppose microsoft doesnt brag about it but the xbox 360 has so many broken consoles rushing in its incredible. I have many gamer friends, of all thoose I know only one that has an Xbox 360 that hasnt broke down (yet). The worst case is with 2 of my friends, their xboxes scratched their Gears of War games into peices and then broke. this happened to both TWICE. They got their xbox 360 fixed for an acceptable sum thanks to insurance, but the 120? spent on the 2 GoW games where not to be paid back. Bear in mind I have 2 other friends who have owned the Xbox 360 for 1 year and both have already got a new console since the first model broke down. Talk about worthless quality. Talking about quality, I am yet to meet one with a broken PS3.
nehrodwarf |
25.07.2007 - 19:51
SNES, no doubt, amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Really I like the classical consoles, I don't got wondered with super pretty graphics like X-BOX, PS(1,2,3) and anothers. Surely they're beautiful, but for some mystic reasons I prefer the classics.
---- In this life you can choose what kind of ave to be: a chicken or a phoexix. I choosen be a phoenix, cuz' I'm rebirthing from ashes Ps: my website it's:
APOHAKC The Bard |
25.07.2007 - 20:16
I don't have any, but I seriously think about buying PS3, anyone have it? Is it worthy?
---- They say that we are gone but I can't let you down The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now I know we cannot die forever is our time Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!