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okt31 Account deleted |
28.05.2006 - 17:57 okt31
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One of the greatest heavy metal bands ever!! Like somebody on said they're amongst the top5 traditional metal bands... Killing Ground is such a masterpiece!!
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
29.05.2006 - 01:17
I love this band, no meter in NWOBHM or Heavy Metal ewra, thay are great, I like all songs but my tope are "Denim & Letter" and "Dogs Of War" Those songs rocks, also liongeart Denim And Lether We all are togeher It was you who send the spirit free
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
okt31 Account deleted |
29.05.2006 - 01:53 okt31
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Yes, Denim and Leather is classic NWOBHM... All their stuff is good. For those unfamiliar with them I suggest Killing Ground or the '96 best of: A Collection of Metal.. Or any live recording..
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
29.05.2006 - 10:56 Written by [user id=1017] on 29.05.2006 at 01:53 Man I hawnt seen this album here in stores and I try dounloud soem Saxon "Best Of" and ther are planty of them, but I wannt some Saxon live album
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
29.05.2006 - 11:40
I saw some albums of Saxon's albums on special for $10 those albums being 'The Eagle Has Landed' and 'Power And The Glory'... any good anybody?? . Ive heard that they are a big name in the early heavy metal but i havnt got around to listening to any of their material, but with the songs listened by K7 i'll check them out.
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
29.05.2006 - 12:53 Written by Xtreme Jax on 29.05.2006 at 11:40 You shoud wisit them home page there are 4 songs in poor quality. Thay had some good songs Freeway Mad Motorcivle Man All Gun Blazing But thay was popular in 80ties a lot of listening them but whan thay change style from NWBHM to Heavy metal thay wasnt so popular any more, but still writing good songs, best are Dogs Of War I dunno where you can hear them by some CD
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
okt31 Account deleted |
29.05.2006 - 12:58 okt31
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Get Eagle Has Landed it's an early live of 'em in '82 after 4 great albums, Power and the Glory is also good, tre '83 studio album
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
29.05.2006 - 13:43
Thanks, I'll check out 'The Eagle Has Landed' then. One question, do they sound as good on that live album than they do on their studio ones?? Only concern that i have with live albums is that some bands dont sound as nearly as good live than they do in the studio and some of the music or vocals can be drowned out by the volume of the audience. I'll sample the album in the store before buuying, just want to get your views on it aswell.
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
29.05.2006 - 13:59 Written by Xtreme Jax on 29.05.2006 at 13:43
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
29.05.2006 - 14:05
Well im going in to see if my Slayer 'Hell Awaits' cd has come in, so i'll see if thats there aswell and report back, thanks guys
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Daru Jericho |
31.05.2006 - 02:14
I can't believe more people haven't replied to this topic! Saxon are great, one of the first bands that got me into heavy metal. Songs like 'Denim And Leather' 'Crusader' and 'Princess Of The Night' are classics in the metal genre and are personal favourites of mine. I missed the band live actually, last month because...I HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE PLAYING! Yeah, sad, huh? It's one of my biggest regrets.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
TheKreator Account deleted |
31.05.2006 - 16:35 TheKreator
Account deleted Written by Daru Jericho on 31.05.2006 at 02:14 Daru Jerichi, i really pity you...Saxon is great and indeed and "Denim and Leather" is one of the best heavy metal songs ever...they were programmed to cencert here last year, but for some obscure reason, the gig was cancelled
Daru Jericho |
01.06.2006 - 01:14
Aw, sorry to hear that. It must have been even worse if you'd bought your ticket to see them live.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
okt31 Account deleted |
02.06.2006 - 10:11 okt31
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Xtreme Jax: lots of people say they sound even better live than in studio, so no concern for that.. I like for instance their studio sound, too, but live they may even be a little tighter.. They're definitely a good live band...
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
03.06.2006 - 18:05
okt31: Think i'll listen to 'The Eagle Has Landed' first in the store. Im interested now on hearing them with you saying that "lots of people say they sound even better live than in studio". I MUST LISTEN, in a couple more days though, Sunday and the store isnt open *snaps fingers*
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
17.06.2006 - 12:19 Written by Daru Jericho on 01.06.2006 at 01:14 You can see then next year in MS are tour dates and finaly I gonna see then in Riga live, hopemI bhe soem money to by tickets
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Daru Jericho |
18.06.2006 - 02:43 Written by Bad English on 17.06.2006 at 12:19 Yes, I'll definitely be seeing them in March! They're a top priority.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
samael06 Account deleted |
18.06.2006 - 05:19 samael06
Account deleted Written by Daru Jericho on 31.05.2006 at 02:14 I agree wholeheartedly. One of the greatest bands to come out of the whole NWOBHM scene. And the two songs you mentioned are two of my all-time favorites. Unfortunately, none of the great metal bands come here, so never saw them live. The scene here SUCKS!!
madgarry Account deleted |
18.06.2006 - 12:25 madgarry
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An awesome band they are and essential listening to any true metal head
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
18.06.2006 - 13:49 Written by Daru Jericho on 18.06.2006 at 02:43 Thay be only band who comes here, other Latvia dont existe in metal map @samael06 thay play NWOBHM in begining till 1985 or something, but in 90ties its pure heavy metal, listen songs for examole Strangers In The Night, and Denim and Letther(my gav) whata er NWOBHM and Dogs Of War, its pure hm
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
samael06 Account deleted |
19.06.2006 - 05:05 samael06
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 18.06.2006 at 13:49 I must disagree. First off the Saxon sound has changed some over the years, but not enough to make a distinction. Secondly, NWOBHM is not a style of music but the name that was given to the second wave of English bands that took America by storm. NWOBHM stands for New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. But, either way, Saxon kills. Also, in my original post in this thread the two songs I was talking about were "Denim And Leather" and "Princess Of The Night" as being two of my all-time faves.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
19.06.2006 - 19:07 Written by [user id=14153] on 19.06.2006 at 05:05 I know what stands NWOBHM and Saxon I eman earlys Saxon sounds how Iron Maiden whit Paul D' Annio and its NWOBHM, in old formum are tread about NWObHM and there are some links so Saxon in begining are nWOGBM, laiter it change sound to heavy metal, and in nowdays old Saxonm songs sounds like Heavy metal, because of attitde
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
samael06 Account deleted |
19.06.2006 - 22:29 samael06
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 19.06.2006 at 19:07 The more recent Saxon sound is different from the older Saxon. I'll give you that, but what I don't understand is how you can say "laiter it change sound to heavy metal" when they were always Metal. I know this is getting off the subject of the thread, but the point I guess I'm trying to make is there is no such thing as a NWOBHM sound. Other NWOBHM bands are Raven, Diamond Head, Venom, Witchfinder General, Angelwitch and more. All these bands came out of this one scene (NWOBHM) but their sound are so dissimilar. For the sake of this thread, I know we are not going to agree on NWOBHM and what it is..So, let's just say Saxon is one of the better bands to come out of that scene and every metal fan should check them out. Agreed?
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
19.06.2006 - 22:44 Written by [user id=14153] on 19.06.2006 at 22:29 First venom are heavy/thrash metal, some cvall it black, maybe becasue of lock but its thrash metal Angelwitch I know name but I duno what thay play Witchfinder General are doom/nwobhm its same are Saxon thay7 start how nwobhm like Iron Maiden in pual ere, but when come Bruce thay play ehavy metal not nwobhm, nwobh are ine of metal subgenres how heavy metal Hope you get what I try to tell you about Saxon
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
samael06 Account deleted |
19.06.2006 - 23:22 samael06
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 19.06.2006 at 22:44 That's what i was saying. NWOBHM comprises different styles of music. As you've just proven with your previous post. It is not just one style. It was a SCENE.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
19.06.2006 - 23:28 Written by [user id=14153] on 19.06.2006 at 23:22 Man scene and genre what diferecies? I just all time ant tell NWOBHM are heavy metal or metal subgenre/scene/genre what ewer, liie doom heavy metal, speed. power I think we start spam here
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
samael06 Account deleted |
19.06.2006 - 23:48 samael06
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 19.06.2006 at 23:28 There is a difference between scene and genre. But, that would be for another thread. Or it could just be a matter od semantics. But it sounds like you're finally getting the message, that NWOBHM is not a sound.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
19.06.2006 - 23:52 Written by [user id=14153] on 19.06.2006 at 23:48 I know but I say it sound because how explain in english what I mean, NWOBHM are genre, and genre are simmilar sound, and when I hear genre it sounds
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
20.06.2006 - 03:12 Kap'N Korrupt
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They totally need to come to Canada...I wanna see them live so bad because I heard they're awesome live...I found one of their albums in my house...Crusader...I haven't listened to it yet though...
okt31 Account deleted |
21.06.2006 - 00:59 okt31
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I give you an example of scene and genre. Hypocrisy are from Sweden but their early style is completely Floridian death metal (they belong to the Swedish scene but to the Floridian DM subgenre). Back to Saxon - any release of theirs is worth getting I guess (I have the maoriotz but not all of them) But the truth is between the two of you.. The NWOBHM sound was very typical back in the day (1980-81) That's another point of debate that most of the bands which later became big names developed their own style..