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Stratovarius vs Sonata Arctica

Posts: 141   [ 3 ignored ]   Visited by: 275 users


Which do you Prefer ?

Sonata Arctica

Total votes: 244
18.07.2007 - 21:30
Account deleted
Duel between the two biggest exponents of Melodic Power Metal.

Stratovarius had a longer journey, but Sonata Arctica in so little time had demonstrated to be one of the best bands of the Finnish Power Metal. Stratovarius with Fourth Dimension demonstrated to be the angular stone of the Melodic Power Metal and It reach the top with Visions in 97. In 99 appears Sonata Arctica with Ecliptica, one of the albums more important in this style.

What do you think ?
18.07.2007 - 22:04
el parcero
easy! Sonata Arctica. even though i didn't like Unia, they still remain as one of my favorite bands. easy as that!
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
18.07.2007 - 22:48
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Ok I post it again
I say Stratovarius because first 3 albums was heavy metal 80ties power, great melodic and same time fast and also song ''Againts The Wind'' are great but I dont lsiten new days Statovarius and Sonata Artica
Strato win because of past
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
19.07.2007 - 02:16
Account deleted
You know I can't believe I'm saying this..but I feel like you can;t even compare these two bands. You all are probably going to think I'm crazy because of course they are the two most influential power metal bands of our time and who are both from Finland. For some reason though they both have their own unique sound that are completely different. I mean I couldn't pick between the two. I personally like Sonata Arctica more but it's always been because Kotipolto gets on my nerves. It has never been for the music's quality. So I rest my case
19.07.2007 - 02:27
The Bard
First, why would anyone like to compare these two bands, if you ask me beside country they don't have absolutely nothing in common. I voted Stratovarius of cause , they are pure power metal inspirations for more than twenty years now. They released over ten great albums, and they are one of the most representative bands of the whole genre. Their musical talent is amazing and they worked hard to achieve everything they have now. They are also excellent live performer and dedicated to their fans. While, I am not fan of Sonata Arctica at all, I mean, I like few songs but that is still little, especially in battle with Stratovarius, Winteheart's Guild is nice album though. The strongest Sonata Srcticas argument in this battle (by my opinion of cause) is their live album For the Sake Of Revenge but then, we have Visions Of Europe, after Grave Digger's Tunes Of Wacken the best live album ever.. Stratovarius win again.. Sorry to Sonata's fans, but this bands just can't be compared
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
19.07.2007 - 09:33
Eternal Flames
I definitely think you can compare these two bands. After all, Sonata Arctica were influenced quite a bit by Stratovarius and have been accused of sounding a lot like them. Personally for me, I'd have to say Stratovarius is the better band. Sonata Arctica for me are one of those bands that you can't listen to for a very long time. They're undoubtedly great musicians, however I have found that they're last few albums have been fairly disappointing. "Ecliptica" and "Silence" are two of their albums that I can always listen to, although after that I just found their music a bit boring. I usually can only listen to a few song on each album from the later work.

Stratovarius on the other hand are better in my opinion. Everything up to "Destiny" was really good and despite that they began to go a bit downhill after that, I can still enjoy a fair bit of their work after that album.
19.07.2007 - 12:29
I voted for Sonata Arctica, cause they're one of my fav bands. I like all their albums (yes, even Unia ). Stratovarius is very good to, but it's just a matter of personal taste
19.07.2007 - 12:36
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

...For some reason though they both have their own unique sound ...

Then why do they sound A LOT like old Helloween? I won't call their sound unique, tHelloween had the unique sound and then bands started borrowing that (another case in point being Rhapsody)
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

19.07.2007 - 12:58
Metal Master
I'd say Stratovarius - it's quite good band.
And anyway everything is better than Sonata Arctica.
19.07.2007 - 13:23
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

For some reason though they both have their own unique sound


Moust metalheads in your age has same probleme, thay found new bands and thay think its unique, original, but that band coppy some 60ties hard rock heavy metal band
You know how many band scoppy Led zeppelin, Black Sabbatg, Helloween Marcel wa swright those bands are clone bands og old Helloween, but Stratovarius was original, go to find them firts album an dyou be totaly suprised what you will hear

@Marcel - Helloween wa sunique sound in that time, thay didnt coppy nobody, an dinsipration isnt coppy
SA coppy ewery power band what can
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
19.07.2007 - 14:54
The Bard
Written by W-Lash on 19.07.2007 at 12:58

I'd say Stratovarius - it's quite good band.
And anyway everything is better than Sonata Arctica.

They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
20.07.2007 - 01:58
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.07.2007 at 12:36

Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

...For some reason though they both have their own unique sound ...

Then why do they sound A LOT like old Helloween? I won't call their sound unique, tHelloween had the unique sound and then bands started borrowing that (another case in point being Rhapsody)

You're kind of saying that all power metal sounds the same..
20.07.2007 - 02:12
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 19.07.2007 at 13:23

Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

For some reason though they both have their own unique sound


Moust metalheads in your age has same probleme, thay found new bands and thay think its unique, original, but that band coppy some 60ties hard rock heavy metal band

You know how many band scoppy Led zeppelin, Black Sabbatg, Helloween Marcel wa swright those bands are clone bands og old Helloween, but Stratovarius was original, go to find them firts album an dyou be totaly suprised what you will hear

@Marcel - Helloween wa sunique sound in that time, thay didnt coppy nobody, an dinsipration isnt coppy
SA coppy ewery power band what can

Thanks for your input and suggestion. I have every Stratovarius album. So that means I own "Fright Night." I listen to them quite a bit. Anyways maybe I have formed my opinions because of my age or maybe I just feel the way I do because I have heard what I have heard and don't care for Kotipolto's voice much. I don't think that Stratovarius is the first power metal band like yourself because I think of a band such as Running Wild which was very power metal whose first album came out in 1984 I think whereas Stratovarius' first album came out in 1989. You could definitely argue that Stratovarius has influenced many more bands. So I guess it really just depends on how you look at it.
20.07.2007 - 02:27
The Bard
Personally, I don't think that Sonata Arctica and old Helloween have anything in common. While old Helloween was riffs based aggressive Speed Metal, Sonata Arctica is... I don't know... too much girlie?
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
20.07.2007 - 04:48
Bitch Boy
I like more Stratovarius songs and albums, and as the first post says, they have a longer career and clearly influenciated SA and many more. Also, Tolkki is one of my favorite guitarists, and Kotipelto has one of the best clean vocals.
20.07.2007 - 06:04
Well, IMO Stratovarius is better (I'm taliking about the Kotipelto era, the actual one) because their sound is more neoclassic and electronic at the same time, and I love that. Stratovarius is more mature and their lyrics are more epic.
20.07.2007 - 09:57
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=24489] on 20.07.2007 at 02:12

Thanks for your input and suggestion. I have every Stratovarius album. So that means I own "Fright Night." I listen to them quite a bit. Anyways maybe I have formed my opinions because of my age or maybe I just feel the way I do because I have heard what I have heard and don't care for Kotipolto's voice much. I don't think that Stratovarius is the first power metal band like yourself because I think of a band such as Running Wild which was very power metal whose first album came out in 1984 I think whereas Stratovarius' first album came out in 1989. You could definitely argue that Stratovarius has influenced many more bands. So I guess it really just depends on how you look at it.

I like Stratovarius un age 18 soemthing when i start lsiten metal but then i wont by non albums becausae I understand band are boring an dont for me, albums its someho felings like in dosco club not metal club when i lsiten it, but Running Wild are heavy metal not power and its damn great band
About influencies I doubt thay had influenced bandsa from 80ties and Running Wild start in 1980 so thay influenced more bands wow Strao, but Strato influenced nowdyas bands who omG i can not listen band after 2005 who 100% coppy Strato
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.07.2007 - 16:12
The Bard
I really don't agree with you K7. Stratovarius definitely is influential bands, and they influenced many older bands. I am really not sure what you meant with sentence that you feel like you are in disco club and not in metal club while listening to them... hey, that have no sense really, I understand if someone is not a fan and respect your opinion... but that is ridiculous. I listened Stratovarius since I was 11-12 so and even then I never found them for kidy, cheese or any of this new stupid epithets. And yes, Running Wild is awesome band. but they have nothing in common with Stratovarius, as you said they are Heavy Metal, they used to be Speed, even some thrash metal influences, but, it is totally unimportant for this discussion.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
20.07.2007 - 17:01
The Sasquatch
Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

For some reason though they both have their own unique sound that are completely different.

Im sorry but if you think that Sonata Arctica plays something unic you are just assuming that you know about nothing of power metal. Strato I guess is alright, not a big fan of them either but they are by far better than SA, Strato also introduced a lot of elements to modern power metal.
20.07.2007 - 17:15
The Bard
Common guys, give her a break, maybe they have something unique in her eyes, I don't really think it is necessary that everyone wrote the same thing reffering to her post
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
20.07.2007 - 19:04
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by APOHAKC on 20.07.2007 at 16:12

I really don't agree with you K7. Stratovarius definitely is influential bands, and they influenced many older bands. I am really not sure what you meant with sentence that you feel like you are in disco club and not in metal club while listening to them... hey, that have no sense really, I understand if someone is not a fan and respect your opinion... but that is ridiculous. I listened Stratovarius since I was 11-12 so and even then I never found them for kidy, cheese or any of this new stupid epithets. And yes, Running Wild is awesome band. but they have nothing in common with Stratovarius, as you said they are Heavy Metal, they used to be Speed, even some thrash metal influences, but, it is totally unimportant for this discussion.

Like witch bands thay influenced In doubt firts 3 Dtrato albums ha sinfuencian in nowdays, who remeber them and ye sthay realy sound slike pop rock for me some songs specely and lyrics sorry man Hunding hight and down sounds wierd I even wont go to show of band if I shoo pay and its like I love Katatonia or Paradise Lost but I wont go non of them shows even for free those bands has died for me after stop playing DOOM, smae about Strato firts 3+1 are ok then

I LOVE Running Wild after Under Joly Roger
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.07.2007 - 19:08
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by 4look4rd on 20.07.2007 at 17:01

Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

For some reason though they both have their own unique sound that are completely different.

Im sorry but if you think that Sonata Arctica plays something unic you are just assuming that you know about nothing of power metal. Strato I guess is alright, not a big fan of them either but they are by far better than SA, Strato also introduced a lot of elements to modern power metal.

Modern Power Metal are lil like pop music legal for parents you know ok hair but guys look ok, non of them has nasty face, jeans, boots etc and so on,, but I never understand why SA has unique for me ist nothing im not fan of band, IMO best Scandic power are Hammerfall, and soem Morgana Lefay songs heheh
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.07.2007 - 20:24
The Bard
@K7 Maybe whole Scandinavian Power Metal scene, including HammerFall that you have mentioned. And they admitted it several times, also, I saw them on double headline tour HammerFall + Stratovarius. Plus many hard rock/power metal bands on scene we know today. I won't go to far, but also, many Finnish Folk Metal bands were under their influence
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
20.07.2007 - 20:58
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by APOHAKC on 20.07.2007 at 20:24

@K7 Maybe whole Scandinavian Power Metal scene, including HammerFall that you have mentioned. And they admitted it several times, also, I saw them on double headline tour HammerFall + Stratovarius. Plus many hard rock/power metal bands on scene we know today. I won't go to far, but also, many Finnish Folk Metal bands were under their influence

I love Hammerfall specely firts album when it was more heavy metal some IM 'coppy' and Finish folk heheh try Avathar from Finland man and its good.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.07.2007 - 22:55
Dark Tormentor
Account deleted
i like both of em eventhoguh both are melodic power metal they have a difference Sonata's lyricsare more emotional and they use more key boards and Strato is more kinda epic and they got better solos and kotipelto's voice is higher, yes they say they sound the same SA just made lil adjustments to try not to sound so similar
20.07.2007 - 23:02
Dark Tormentor
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.07.2007 at 12:36

Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

...For some reason though they both have their own unique sound ...

Then why do they sound A LOT like old Helloween? I won't call their sound unique, tHelloween had the unique sound and then bands started borrowing that (another case in point being Rhapsody)

but if u realize helloween (michael kiske) sound pretty much like Queenrÿche (in voice not in sound)
20.07.2007 - 23:05
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 20.07.2007 at 09:57

Written by [user id=24489] on 20.07.2007 at 02:12

Thanks for your input and suggestion. I have every Stratovarius album. So that means I own "Fright Night." I listen to them quite a bit. Anyways maybe I have formed my opinions because of my age or maybe I just feel the way I do because I have heard what I have heard and don't care for Kotipolto's voice much. I don't think that Stratovarius is the first power metal band like yourself because I think of a band such as Running Wild which was very power metal whose first album came out in 1984 I think whereas Stratovarius' first album came out in 1989. You could definitely argue that Stratovarius has influenced many more bands. So I guess it really just depends on how you look at it.

I like Stratovarius un age 18 soemthing when i start lsiten metal but then i wont by non albums becausae I understand band are boring an dont for me, albums its someho felings like in dosco club not metal club when i lsiten it, but Running Wild are heavy metal not power and its damn great band
About influencies I doubt thay had influenced bandsa from 80ties and Running Wild start in 1980 so thay influenced more bands wow Strao, but Strato influenced nowdyas bands who omG i can not listen band after 2005 who 100% coppy Strato

Ya I have listened to Stratovarius since I was ten years old and started listening to metal. I see what you're saying and all.
20.07.2007 - 23:14
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 20.07.2007 at 09:57

Written by [user id=24489] on 20.07.2007 at 02:12

Thanks for your input and suggestion. I have every Stratovarius album. So that means I own "Fright Night." I listen to them quite a bit. Anyways maybe I have formed my opinions because of my age or maybe I just feel the way I do because I have heard what I have heard and don't care for Kotipolto's voice much. I don't think that Stratovarius is the first power metal band like yourself because I think of a band such as Running Wild which was very power metal whose first album came out in 1984 I think whereas Stratovarius' first album came out in 1989. You could definitely argue that Stratovarius has influenced many more bands. So I guess it really just depends on how you look at it.

I like Stratovarius un age 18 soemthing when i start lsiten metal but then i wont by non albums becausae I understand band are boring an dont for me, albums its someho felings like in dosco club not metal club when i lsiten it, but Running Wild are heavy metal not power and its damn great band
About influencies I doubt thay had influenced bandsa from 80ties and Running Wild start in 1980 so thay influenced more bands wow Strao, but Strato influenced nowdyas bands who omG i can not listen band after 2005 who 100% coppy Strato

Ya I have listened to Stratovarius since I was ten years old and started listening to metal. I see what you're saying and all.
21.07.2007 - 02:42
Difficult choice, i think that Strato are better than Sonata in every aspect, and thanks to Strato i listen Metal, but since the name of this thread is "Which do you Prefer ?", i voted for Sonata, i like them more than Strato.

And yes, the can be compare, they have something in common beside that both are from Finland... their last records sucks
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Until victory, always!
21.07.2007 - 10:13
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=24489] on 20.07.2007 at 23:14

Ya I have listened to Stratovarius since I was ten years old and started listening to metal. I see what you're saying and all.

I start leither but since I discovere old school heavy doom, black I stop listen power
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing