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Stupid Names For Genres

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Original post

Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 08:30
What genres out there do you find completely useless? I think the whole point of this thread back in the old MS was not coming out and saying what you hate about current genres. The point was to talk about sub-genre names that people just make up due to lyrical content, image, etc...
20.01.2008 - 07:49
Written by Doc G. on 20.01.2008 at 07:28

Written by Fuath on 20.01.2008 at 06:29

Written by selken on 20.01.2008 at 05:50

Written by b0000mst1ck on 20.01.2008 at 01:12

Written by Warman on 20.01.2008 at 00:23

I think Nu Metal sounds kinda ugly.

lol. it's not even new anymore. it's been around for over 15 years for god's sake. so why people still call it "nu" is beyond me. that's like saying the stone age was a recent occurrence.

Yep, but with that argument we should get rid of NWOBHM also which is even older.,,,

although i have to agree
maybe just call it BHM

plus nu can be so easily pronounced noob

Maybe OSBHM? Old School British Heavy Metal?....But what would that make Nu Metal? Its not exactly Old Metal? I believe we have a conundrum.

YES!!!!! thats an awesome idea, because as far as i know, NWOBHM is a new name for a genre
well the nu metal, this is sort of one sided opinion, but i think we either scrap the name,(hopefully bands too!),
or we rename it gay, because there is no way in hell we are going to call it owld

20.01.2008 - 08:50
@Dr. Rock - i never understood why it was called nu-metal in the first place considering it takes most of it's influences from hard rock, except for the harsh vocals, of course.

@Fuath - i say we start a revolution and start calling it gay-metal. after all, it isn't that new, and it's extremely hated.

makes sense to me.
20.01.2008 - 09:12
Written by b0000mst1ck on 20.01.2008 at 08:50

@Fuath - i say we start a revolution and start calling it gay-metal. after all, it isn't that new, and it's extremely hated.

makes sense to me.

you mean nu metal right?
ive never seen someone with a more correct or valid comment

20.01.2008 - 09:28
Written by Fuath on 20.01.2008 at 09:12

you mean nu metal right?
ive never seen someone with a more correct or valid comment

yeah, i was talking about nu-metal. my bad.

actually, i was going to edit my last post because i thought about it some more, but i'll just include it in this one...

it never should've been dubbed as nu-metal. like i said before, it isn't technically metal. yeah, it has a few similarities, but most of it's influences are derived from hard rock. it should be called pseudo-metal; it's kind of metal, but not really.
20.01.2008 - 10:45
Written by b0000mst1ck on 20.01.2008 at 09:28

Written by Fuath on 20.01.2008 at 09:12

you mean nu metal right?
ive never seen someone with a more correct or valid comment

yeah, i was talking about nu-metal. my bad.

actually, i was going to edit my last post because i thought about it some more, but i'll just include it in this one...

it never should've been dubbed as nu-metal. like i said before, it isn't technically metal. yeah, it has a few similarities, but most of it's influences are derived from hard rock. it should be called pseudo-metal; it's kind of metal, but not really.

yeah thats true, not metal at all
but i wouldnt even classify it as "pseudo-metal"

20.01.2008 - 10:53
Written by Fuath on 20.01.2008 at 10:45

Written by b0000mst1ck on 20.01.2008 at 09:28

yeah, i was talking about nu-metal. my bad.

actually, i was going to edit my last post because i thought about it some more, but i'll just include it in this one...

it never should've been dubbed as nu-metal. like i said before, it isn't technically metal. yeah, it has a few similarities, but most of it's influences are derived from hard rock. it should be called pseudo-metal; it's kind of metal, but not really.

yeah thats true, not metal at all
but i wouldnt even classify it as "pseudo-metal"

neither would i. i was just saying that's a better term for it IMO.
20.01.2008 - 11:50
I have a better idea for calling Nu-Metal. Let's drop the "Metal" part and add umlaut over the "u".
So it would be Nü.

"Hey, whatcha listening?"
"Oh some Nuu... No no it's called Nuo... AARGH I can't pronounce it."
21.01.2008 - 21:03
Son of Odin
Worst genre I have ever heard someone mention is Hair Metal, what the fuck is that...? Hair Metal....:suicide:
21.01.2008 - 21:11
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Son of Odin on 21.01.2008 at 21:03

Worst genre I have ever heard someone mention is Hair Metal, what the fuck is that...? Hair Metal....:suicide:

Its glam rock where guys had hair likie Motley crue, Warant, dokken, Bon Jovi, Hanoi Rocks ........
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.01.2008 - 21:16
Son of Odin
Written by Bad English on 21.01.2008 at 21:11

Written by Son of Odin on 21.01.2008 at 21:03

Worst genre I have ever heard someone mention is Hair Metal, what the fuck is that...? Hair Metal....:suicide:

Its glam rock where guys had hair likie Motley crue, Warant, dokken, Bon Jovi, Hanoi Rocks ........

Worst genre & worst music.
21.01.2008 - 21:19
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Son of Odin on 21.01.2008 at 21:16

Written by Bad English on 21.01.2008 at 21:11

Written by Son of Odin on 21.01.2008 at 21:03

Worst genre I have ever heard someone mention is Hair Metal, what the fuck is that...? Hair Metal....:suicide:

Its glam rock where guys had hair likie Motley crue, Warant, dokken, Bon Jovi, Hanoi Rocks ........

Worst genre & worst music.

BTW Yngwee J. Malmsteen are so overated isnt it?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.01.2008 - 21:21
Metal Master
Once i saw term "faggotcore". In that case it was used to insult somebody but i wouldn't wonder that some freak with poor imagination once will describe it's "unique" music as faggotcore.
21.01.2008 - 21:22
Son of Odin
Written by Bad English on 21.01.2008 at 21:19

Written by Son of Odin on 21.01.2008 at 21:16

Written by Bad English on 21.01.2008 at 21:11

Written by Son of Odin on 21.01.2008 at 21:03

Worst genre I have ever heard someone mention is Hair Metal, what the fuck is that...? Hair Metal....:suicide:

Its glam rock where guys had hair likie Motley crue, Warant, dokken, Bon Jovi, Hanoi Rocks ........

Worst genre & worst music.

BTW Yngwee J. Malmsteen are so overated isnt it?

Have never liked his music and his guitar playing but Rising Force had a few good songs.
21.01.2008 - 21:25
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Me to man its pop made up artist who think he are great but he play only guitar whit mo soul like Joe Satrianni and all girls are so crazy for him
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.01.2008 - 21:57
Genre names I dislike? Viking metal, war metal, battle metal and what have you.. guerilla tactics jungle metal? I'm not a fan of "gothic metal" either, as I'm of the opinion few of the bands labelled gothic have anything to do with the original goth rock scene. Industrial metal is also a stupid name. What's so industrial about it? I also can't stand a good deal of excessive combinations. I can live with symphonic black metal or melodic death metal, but half the bands dubbed such don't really fit the description.

I could go on, but I guess you get the picture.
21.01.2008 - 23:02
Erotic Stains
Written by IronAngel on 21.01.2008 at 21:57

Industrial metal is also a stupid name. What's so industrial about it?

I think it's one of the better names for a genre. I really think it describes the sound of that kind of Metal: cold synthezisers, the hard and raw beat and rhythm and the metallic sound of the drums. I get the feeling of something "industrial" when I hear bands like Rammstein or Deathstars.
22.01.2008 - 00:36
Hmm.. Well, if it's supposed to refer to the industrialization (mainly) in the 1800s, it doesn't really sound good to me. It sounds rather futuristic, or at least modern, not like Ford's factories at all. Of course, it's somewhat subjective. The name has a nice ring to it, but it wouldn't tell me anything about the genre if I didn't know what it was.

..Then again, who can claim that they can imagine what Death Metal or Power Metal sounds like without having ever heard them? >_> Not a very good argument, mine. Oh well.
22.01.2008 - 01:04
Written by IronAngel on 22.01.2008 at 00:36

Hmm.. Well, if it's supposed to refer to the industrialization (mainly) in the 1800s, it doesn't really sound good to me. It sounds rather futuristic, or at least modern, not like Ford's factories at all. Of course, it's somewhat subjective. The name has a nice ring to it, but it wouldn't tell me anything about the genre if I didn't know what it was.

..Then again, who can claim that they can imagine what Death Metal or Power Metal sounds like without having ever heard them? >_> Not a very good argument, mine. Oh well.

i can see where you're coming from, though. it's contradictory to the feel of the music.

something like mechanical, electronic , or shit even hybrid metal, would make more sense.
22.01.2008 - 01:30
Account deleted
Beer metal hahahahahah......

Seriously, everytime I hear NSBM I think of S&M.

Also, folk metal makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy quite a few folk metal bands, but all I think of when I hear "folk metal" is Joni Mitchell shredding like mad while Bob Dylan is wailing about something metal.
22.01.2008 - 01:59
Erotic Stains
Written by [user id=23520] on 22.01.2008 at 01:30

Seriously, everytime I hear NSBM I think of S&M.

Also, folk metal makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy quite a few folk metal bands, but all I think of when I hear "folk metal" is Joni Mitchell shredding like mad while Bob Dylan is wailing about something metal.

NSBM: You maybe think of S&M... but you can't seriously think that it's a stupid name for a genre? It's Black Metal with National Socialist beliefs.
Folk Metal: Again, you may laugh... but you can't say it's a stupid name since it fits and explains the genre perfectly.
22.01.2008 - 08:10
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I think NSBM is a stupid name for a genre.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
22.01.2008 - 08:30
Account deleted
Viking Metal sucks as a genre name
22.01.2008 - 08:32
Written by [user id=26136] on 22.01.2008 at 08:30

Viking Metal sucks as a genre name

i think it describes the genre "contents" pretty well though

22.01.2008 - 08:49
Written by IronAngel on 22.01.2008 at 00:36
Hmm.. Well, if it's supposed to refer to the industrialization (mainly) in the 1800s, it doesn't really sound good to me. It sounds rather futuristic, or at least modern, not like Ford's factories at all. Of course, it's somewhat subjective. The name has a nice ring to it, but it wouldn't tell me anything about the genre if I didn't know what it was.

This is because most industrial metal doesn't take the really "industrial sounding" parts from industrial music. Listen to a band like Einstürzende Neubauten and you'll better see how "industrial" music got its name:
22.01.2008 - 19:56
Account deleted
Written by Fuath on 22.01.2008 at 08:32

Written by [user id=26136] on 22.01.2008 at 08:30

Viking Metal sucks as a genre name

i think it describes the genre "contents" pretty well though

its thesame as vampiric metal, whalecore, alcohol metal and that kind of crap.
or lets call manowar war metal
they dont describe the genre, but the lyrics only

edit: oh and clothes. let's call slipknot oversized metal
22.01.2008 - 20:18
Written by [user id=26136] on 22.01.2008 at 19:56

edit: oh and clothes. let's call slipknot oversized metal

lol, that's perfect.
22.01.2008 - 22:14
Christian Metal, White Metal, Viking Metal, Vampiric Metal, Dark Metal, Suicidal Metal, Epic Metal, all of them suck cause only describe the lyrics and don't have anything to do with the actual sound of the bands.
22.01.2008 - 22:20
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by selken on 22.01.2008 at 22:14

Christian Metal, White Metal, Viking Metal, Vampiric Metal, Dark Metal, Suicidal Metal, Epic Metal, all of them suck cause only describe the lyrics and don't have anything to do with the actual sound of the bands.

well Epic Metal, Dark Metal and even to a lesser extent Suicidal Metal actually describe the music more than it does the lyrics IMO
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

22.01.2008 - 23:32
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 22.01.2008 at 22:20

Written by selken on 22.01.2008 at 22:14

Christian Metal, White Metal, Viking Metal, Vampiric Metal, Dark Metal, Suicidal Metal, Epic Metal, all of them suck cause only describe the lyrics and don't have anything to do with the actual sound of the bands.

well Epic Metal, Dark Metal and even to a lesser extent Suicidal Metal actually describe the music more than it does the lyrics IMO

Generally that's true, but we can for example sing depressive stuff but with brutal death tempo, or happy stuff with doom tempo. After thinking a bit, maybe dark and epic metal are not so stupid you know...
22.01.2008 - 23:58
Written by [user id=26136] on 22.01.2008 at 19:56

Written by Fuath on 22.01.2008 at 08:32

Written by [user id=26136] on 22.01.2008 at 08:30

Viking Metal sucks as a genre name

i think it describes the genre "contents" pretty well though

its thesame as vampiric metal, whalecore, alcohol metal and that kind of crap.
or lets call manowar war metal
they dont describe the genre, but the lyrics only

edit: oh and clothes. let's call slipknot oversized metal

have you listened to the newer bathory, its not just the lyrics, its the whole feel to the music, the way they play the music, is viking, the way they have the chanting sort of thing, is viking

the other genres, are just gay, the only one ive heard of is vampiric metal
