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Stratovarius vs Sonata Arctica

Posts: 141   [ 3 ignored ]   Visited by: 275 users

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Posted by Unknown user, 18.07.2007 - 21:30
Duel between the two biggest exponents of Melodic Power Metal.

Stratovarius had a longer journey, but Sonata Arctica in so little time had demonstrated to be one of the best bands of the Finnish Power Metal. Stratovarius with Fourth Dimension demonstrated to be the angular stone of the Melodic Power Metal and It reach the top with Visions in 97. In 99 appears Sonata Arctica with Ecliptica, one of the albums more important in this style.

What do you think ?


Which do you Prefer ?

Sonata Arctica

Total votes: 244
21.07.2007 - 10:57
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Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.07.2007 at 12:36

Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

...For some reason though they both have their own unique sound ...

Then why do they sound A LOT like old Helloween? I won't call their sound unique, tHelloween had the unique sound and then bands started borrowing that (another case in point being Rhapsody)

First of all old Helloween was speed metal, then switched to power metal when Kiske joined. You also haven't listened to 80's and early 90's stratovarius, they sound nothing close to Helloween. Either way I think neither band sounds like Keepers era helloween.

I voted for Stratovarius because aside from their last 4 albums they released really great power metal. Their old stuff is so much different than Sonata Arctica. Sonata actually started as a hard rock band called tricky means/beans than became more power metal when they changed to Sonata Arctica. They got their major strato influence I think from Fourth Dimension or maybe Episode. Like I said old Strato sounds nothing like Sonata Arctica.

In terms of recent times, Sonata Easily wins that battle. Stratovarius is basically so it seems out of ideas. Their last three albums especially were horrible, but at the very least fun to listen to (sorta). All of Sonata's work, except Unia (only better than Stratovarius' self titled album if even that) is better than Stratovarius' millenium work.

I chose Strato because they are such an influential band, and all their work combined takes out Sonata, I just hope Strato gets their fucking act together...
21.07.2007 - 11:23
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=823] on 21.07.2007 at 10:57

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.07.2007 at 12:36

Written by [user id=24489] on 19.07.2007 at 02:16

...For some reason though they both have their own unique sound ...

Then why do they sound A LOT like old Helloween? I won't call their sound unique, tHelloween had the unique sound and then bands started borrowing that (another case in point being Rhapsody)

First of all old Helloween was speed metal, then switched to power metal when Kiske joined. You also haven't listened to 80's and early 90's stratovarius, they sound nothing close to Helloween. Either way I think neither band sounds like Keepers era helloween.

Hhaha you realy think Marcel hasvnt hear those bands he was alive when those bands recordet demo and only strat play he shood know more about underground band sin that time how we will ever know

But I agree about Strato firts albums and Helloween firts 3 albums
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
21.07.2007 - 12:17
After reading posts, I am more convinced in voting for Stratovarious, I like (alot) couple of albums each, but .. hard really !! .. Sonata Arctica?? .. pffft .. who?

last decision .. Stratovarious ..

btw, I'd agree Ellie that SA do sound unique, of course not totally, but there is some part of it, that I have to admit they do have that own touch.. don't sue me .. maybe I can't find the words to describe why..

I saw her standing by the crimson sea...
Isolated by the silent thoughts...
Her gazing was intense but so dead...

The teardrops corroded the soil.. She couldn't say a word to me...
21.07.2007 - 13:15
I really love both bands but i listen to Sonata Arctica more...i have all of strat's albums and SA's too. out of all those i' rather listen to SA's albums. Stratovarius has some great some songs like chasing shadows and destiny. but i don't think those songs match up to Misplaced or Abandoned, Pleased, Brainwashed, Exploited
21.07.2007 - 18:01
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Written by Bash' on 21.07.2007 at 12:17

After reading posts, I am more convinced in voting for Stratovarious, I like (alot) couple of albums each, but .. hard really !! .. Sonata Arctica?? .. pffft .. who?

last decision .. Stratovarious ..

btw, I'd agree Ellie that SA do sound unique, of course not totally, but there is some part of it, that I have to admit they do have that own touch.. don't sue me .. maybe I can't find the words to describe why..


Thank you! At least someone understand what I'm saying. Regards
04.08.2007 - 00:16
I R Serious Cat
Sonata Arctica. Because I love all their albums (except Unia), while I only enjoy Vissions and Elements Pt I form Stratovarius. I won't deny Stratovarus is one of the most important bands in histry, and Tolkki is a great guitar player, pue I still prefer Sonata.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
04.08.2007 - 11:53
Stratovarius was the first Power Metal genre band I've heard... so for me there is some history behind.

Both bands presented bad last albuns. But I hope Strato's shows us a great album next October!!!
04.08.2007 - 19:49
Well, I prefer Sonata Arctica but not because I think one is better than the other, cause I think they both are equally good... But I prefer Tony Kakko's voice and I liked more songs of SA than Stratovarius.
In the corner beside my window...
There hangs a lonely photograph...

There is a wound that's always bleeding...
There is a road I'm always walking...
08.08.2007 - 04:29
Stratovarius is to... like I guess progressive for me, and Sonata in thier early days simply Orgasmic
04.10.2007 - 03:43
Mad Laughter
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Sonata's first album was better than anything Stratovarius ever did, but since everything else Sontata has done since has been considerable WORSE than Stratovarius, and since Stratovarius invented that style of power metal, and since Stratovarius has put out more stuff, and been consistent with it, meaning they didn't just put out one good album then go straight to hell, I voted for Stratovarius.
06.10.2007 - 03:43
I prefer Stratovarius, why I choose them? because HISTORY! So, Sonata's albums are really good, they have talent, can't denied that, but Strato is Strato, I mean, I can't compare this 2 bands really!
No comments.
Stratovarius forever!
06.10.2007 - 11:28
Heaven Knight
somehow i am more in Sonata Arctica...but both are very good
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

07.10.2007 - 05:21
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I must say i rather enjoy both of these bands. Stratovarius is a very symphonic sound with alot of depth and meaningful lyrics. While Sonata Arctica are musically proficiant in every aspect of their music, they write good lyrics and often comical lyrics. While maintaining an element of emotion in their music that i always very impressive.
My vote goes to Sonata Arctica, but it is a very tough decision.
07.10.2007 - 11:42
Heaven Knight
i went for them because they was the second (or third after Fear of the Dark by IM ) metal band after NW, i ever listened to...Stratovarius came later as the result i really enjoyed those my "first bands" and dared for more
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

07.10.2007 - 15:32
Stratovarius have released their fair share of howlers, but for the sake of Visions, Destiny and sheer showmanship, i have to choose them.

Not to say, however, that SA are not good. They are respectable musicians, most definately.

Hopefully with Stratovarius' new album, they will head back to roots a little bit.
!WARNING! May talk shit !WARNING!
09.10.2007 - 23:33
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both bands are of my favorite bands but i have to say Sonata Arctica is better (just a little bit) than Stratovarius. I saw Stratovarius live here in Venezuela, thats was great, now i want to see Sonata Arctica someday
10.10.2007 - 04:09
How to decide ?! You are asking to pick the father or the son. Both has important contributions to power metal genre.Stratovarius is a bigger "name".But Sonata Arctica is not worse as a band.I'm confused..
Steve Harris isn't a God.God is a S.Harris!!
11.10.2007 - 00:37
To Arms!
both bands are repetitive and boring but i like Sonata arctica the most theyre kind of progressive at times

i just like 4 albums of stratovarius Fourth Dimension,Episode,Visions and Destiny
Stay Metal !!!
17.10.2007 - 16:55
Sonata is growing and growing, learning and developing some fresh and new kind of power-"prog" metal, but at least they are triyng to move and to not get stuck in a place. But Stratovarius last albums are very similar, and also, very boring albums. For me, "Stratovarius" (the album) was awfull, lazy and boring, and it sounds very much like the "elements". Jani and Henrik (Sonata Arctica) abilities are amazing, but they didnt play many solos on Unia, they focus on the melodies and the rythm, and thats a big big change! So, I think that the biggest difference between Stratovarius and Sonata is the ability to move, search and develop new albums... and we all know that Stratovaius is stuck in the same album, over and over... Thats why I LOVE Sonata Arctica
18.10.2007 - 16:06
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I don't like Kotipelto's vocals... They are listenable only in few songs. Stratovarius also sounds more traditional power metal than Sonata imo. I've seen them both live, Sonata was very intence and energetic but Stratovarius - well, to me they sounded and looked too a bit boring. Sonata was one of the first metal bands I've ever listened to but I have never had special interest on Stratovarius.
18.10.2007 - 17:18
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I prefer Stratovarius, because I think it is not so "rushing" has a calmer and somehow more confident sound, but I haven't heard whole discography of both. However, Sonata Arctica seems quite repetitive, although I still can enjoy it sometimes.
19.10.2007 - 06:37
well ill say stratovarius 100% but actually i don't know just wot sonata arctica are traying to make since reckoning night,
coz reckoning night and unia it just not like the old sonata
courage to chage the things and wisdom to know the difference

real gamers never die, they just respawn
19.10.2007 - 08:14
Well I just can't choose between those two cause I like them both, and secondly it's kinda unfair for Sonata Arctica since they are still progressing and making their own sound. Stratovarius rise to stardom took a while but Sonatas rise was quicker, and that could be explained by saying Stratovarius along side Helloween had simply paved the way for younger bands to arrive. But Sonata Arctica have proved comparable to those two.
Just be Yourself
24.10.2007 - 16:38
nah ill say stratovarius that reckoning night and unia album i just don't know on wot they are trying to get to really diferent from the others albums
courage to chage the things and wisdom to know the difference

real gamers never die, they just respawn
05.11.2007 - 17:19
Sonata Arctica is one of my favs but STRATOVARIUS's the best they have more excellent songs than Sonata and also STRATO is my fav band so that's it...ahh and i can't vote i'm restricted i dunno why
power metal 'til death!!!!!!!!!
05.11.2007 - 20:35
Damn this is a hard decision...and not one I can make just like that so I'll return and vote when I've decided

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
07.11.2007 - 18:28
I think I've decided...but it's still a very close call...the "winner" was Sonata Arctica because their songs are more "sticky" than Stratovarius songs

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
08.11.2007 - 17:02
Sonata absolute. I'm going to see them 25 november! aight..
14.11.2007 - 21:26
Lowelas OF FIRE
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I vote Stratovarius , their lyrics are so insightful and always put me in a great mood....Timo Tolkki is amazing on guitar, Johansson is great on the keys! I haven't listened to them since before summer but I got back into them today.
15.11.2007 - 00:03
Metal Rob!!
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