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Myrkskog vs Zyklon

Posts: 25   Visited by: 18 users


Which band do you like better?

Can't Decide

Total votes: 27
19.05.2006 - 03:19
Lactation Cnslt
Not only do these two bands sound similar, but they both feature Destructhor and Secthdamon in both bands.

It took me a little while, but I eventually decided that I like Myrkskog better. They are faster and more brutal. I haven't heard the new Zyklon cd however.

Does anyone know if Myrkskog is still around or have they broken up to focus more on Zyklon?
19.05.2006 - 06:52
Account deleted
Unfortunatley I am yet to hear the new Zyklon record also, but, at the same time, I prefer them to Myrkskog -wonderful as they are. They have this epic granduer about them that I just don't feel in the latter's music.
19.05.2006 - 21:56
Baz Anderson
NO! not of course!
arrrgh! hahaha. this thread is going to annoy me so much!!!

everyone is going to be voting having heard much more of Zyklon then they have Myrkskog, and so will all vote for Zyklon when Myrkskog havent had a proper chance to get into their books

EVERYONE i know that knows both these bands prefers Myrkskog, and i do as well
they are faster, and more diverse - both of their albums are fantastic!

PLEASE - everyone - if you are going to vote, have listened to both Myrkskog albums as well!

(I started a Myrkskog thread in the extreme forum a couple of days ago - have a look in there, no one else seems bothered with it which is a shame)
20.05.2006 - 02:07
Lactation Cnslt

This annoys me so much in most of threads on this forum.

I'll check out that Myrkskog topic too dude.
20.05.2006 - 15:28
Baz Anderson
yes!! i am so glad someone on here agrees
hopefully everyone that doesnt know Myrkskog looking in here now will feel compelled to check them out!
seriously - you wont regret looking into them
..and so then hopefully we will have helped spread their name
21.05.2006 - 00:52
Lactation Cnslt
21.05.2006 - 15:02
Daru Jericho
I was only recently introduced to this band and only have one of their albums (Deathmachine). I must say, I've got several Zyklon albums and this band is far superior to their well~known counterparts. They seem more varied. I really want to get my hands on their other release.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

21.05.2006 - 18:57
Baz Anderson
well the person that had a post above my first one saying "Zyklon of course!" has deleted it - so hopefully they have listened to some Myrkskog now

Daru Jericho: and who was it that introduced them to you haha. you see i am chuffed now
'Deathmachine' is a very good album, but me and 'pyroleprechaun' prefer 'Superior Massacre' - so when you get your paws on that id like to hear what you think as well
03.06.2006 - 03:30
Immortal Plague
Zyklon win this hands down, their a better overall band, they produce better riffs, better songs, better drummer, and also produce better albums, Zyklon win this easily.
03.06.2006 - 19:13
Baz Anderson
do you know Myrkskog?
i think the drumming in Myrkskog is way way way better then that in Zyklon
..seriously - if you dont know Myrkskog, like i said up there, you wont regret looking into them!
their second album is the better of the two so start with that
i cant understand you would vote Zyklon if you knew Myrkskog properly
04.06.2006 - 01:59
Lactation Cnslt
I hate how people blindly consider musicians to be better just because they have been in more successful bands. Don't get me wrong, Trym's a great drummer, but Secthdaemon is a monster.
04.06.2006 - 18:17
Baz Anderson
yeh - he really is. its a shame in some ways he isnt drumming in Zyklon instead.. i would prefer him!
Trym can do the vocals and bass.. haha
Secthdaemon is one of the best i have heard!
11.06.2006 - 08:09
I actually know Myrkskog a little better than Zyklon, and still prefer Zyklon. Myrkskog sorta sounds like a garbabe compactor or something. I have trouble identifying it as music. It is disorganized and nutty. Myrkskog is better for when you just want brutality, but I mean Zyklon actually plays music! Good music too! They also have better production and it is evident more thought has gone into it. I mean, maybe I'm not listenning to Myrkskog closely enough, but I'm not really sure I want to.
15.06.2006 - 14:31
Baz Anderson
haha. thats what i feel about the new Zyklon album..
i just cant get really get into it - it all sounds like a big mess. i get on perfectly well with the other albums
i probably just need to give it a bit more time and let me get into it more, but still - i dont think it is a very fantastic album at all
06.08.2006 - 14:40
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I vote cand decidet, because bouth bands are simnmilar new age black metal, I dont see nothing from old school elements what I love, and I dont listeninmg them I had chacked them in early days whne think Scandinavian metal was god, what a fool I was, and about bands I had hera bouth in BMradio, some songs but Im not a big fan of them.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
31.08.2006 - 05:17
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
That Myrkskog plays faster and thus heavier than Zyklon in some songs, that is granted. But, in spite of this, to me Zyklon's songs, guitar riffs and leads are more memorable: when you are making a Humanities test at the University and, no matter how much hard you try, you cannot get that fukken first lead of the song "Psyklon Aeon" off your head, then you can tell which one you like the most.

Also, do you know what makes a growl to sound even heavier? It is having a none-growled voice in the mix to contrast with. That is what I like from Secthdaemon's vocals (often hated I have seen), that they not only provide something original to the mix but that it makes his growls to sound even heavier when contrasting.
31.08.2006 - 09:36
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 06.08.2006 at 14:40

I vote cand decidet, because bouth bands are simnmilar new age black metal, I dont see nothing from old school elements what I love, and I dont listeninmg them I had chacked them in early days whne think Scandinavian metal was god, what a fool I was, and about bands I had hera bouth in BMradio, some songs but Im not a big fan of them.

This isnt really black metal... more like deathmetal with obvious black influences
31.08.2006 - 11:48
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=5394] on 31.08.2006 at 09:36

Written by Bad English on 06.08.2006 at 14:40

I vote cand decidet, because bouth bands are simnmilar new age black metal, I dont see nothing from old school elements what I love, and I dont listeninmg them I had chacked them in early days whne think Scandinavian metal was god, what a fool I was, and about bands I had hera bouth in BMradio, some songs but Im not a big fan of them.

This isnt really black metal... more like deathmetal with obvious black influences

Yes I know becase Zycklon remainds me werry werry bad early Epoch Of Unlight, only thay play more better and was more black how Zyklon
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.09.2006 - 02:57
I've heard plenty of Zyklon, but I've yet to listen to Myrkskog, so I won't vote yet. But can anyone tell me what album is good from Myrkskog?
28.09.2006 - 03:06
Lactation Cnslt
Written by Megadeth88 on 28.09.2006 at 02:57

I've heard plenty of Zyklon, but I've yet to listen to Myrkskog, so I won't vote yet. But can anyone tell me what album is good from Myrkskog?

Both of their albums are good, so it doesn't really matter. Superior Massacre is more brutal, but Deathmachine is slightly better written I think.
28.09.2006 - 03:22
Written by Dangerboner on 28.09.2006 at 03:06

Written by Megadeth88 on 28.09.2006 at 02:57

I've heard plenty of Zyklon, but I've yet to listen to Myrkskog, so I won't vote yet. But can anyone tell me what album is good from Myrkskog?

Both of their albums are good, so it doesn't really matter. Superior Massacre is more brutal, but Deathmachine is slightly better written I think.

Thanks man, I'll check into those albums.
28.09.2006 - 22:50
Account deleted
I would choose Zyklon of these two bands. Thought i cant hear anything that similar musicwise with these bands, except Zyklons first album, wich has alot of faster paced parts like Myrkskog do.
28.09.2006 - 23:02
Baz Anderson
why do you choose Zyklon over the two though?
i think Myrkskog are better in just about every way..
i dont understand what people like more about Zyklon
29.09.2006 - 09:39
Account deleted
Zyklon's music is more varied. Thers alot of tempo changes wich i like, and the guitar work is imo better also. Shortly: Myrkskog just gets bit too monotomic for me.
16.03.2009 - 11:08
This is actually a much closer battle than the voting score suggests. Zyklon however for me are the better of the two bands, each containing ruminates of Emperor. Zyklon are a big favorite amongst Black/Death circles, and Samoths riffing style remain an ever powerful force in metal circles.
Myrkskog I have enjoyed for some time now, though they aren't a favorite they certainly have their place in the metal world. They do have some interesting songs and apart from the riffing they contain a great deal more of the Emperor sound. Which I consider odd given than Samoth is in Zyklon not Myrkskog.