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Bands that you prefer their newer stuff

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Posted by selken, 17.07.2008 - 07:21
it's almost an unwritten law (and a Metalstormer law) that in order to be a true metalhead you have to like only old stuff from bands, and loathe their new stuff, but we know there are few bands that you maybe prefer their newer stuff. who knows, better production, more mature lyrics, more skilled musicianships, anything.

These are my bands

Exodus: I prefer their last 3 albums over their old stuff, of course their old stuff is OK, but I find the new ones more technical, with better riffs and more agressive. Sometimes touching the borders of melody.

Kreator: I'm a fan of old-school and melodic extreme, but in this case, I prefer their lastest 2 albums, I like a lot the melodic yet agressive riffs.

Behemoth: starting from the normal, almost generic black metal, these dudes later developed a brutal sound for the atmospheric black metal.

Hypocrisy: their latest album Virus is my fav of them all, it has better riffs IMO and more catching songs

so, post ! xD
30.11.2008 - 12:28
Katatonia... I like their beginning works a good amount. Their albums (discouraged Ones and on) from what I've heard are all good and just really cool music

Dark Tranquillity... I really like DT's old stuff but there new albums like Haven, Damage Done, and Character are just sooo good to me.

Immortal... I like the earlier albums with Battles in the North and Pure Holocuast, which is one of my favorite pure Black Metal releases. The last three albums, I think are what defines the sound of Immortal and are all classics of the Genre (although I feel as though Immortal are their own genre)
02.12.2008 - 04:09
Disarmonia Mundi. They have progressed a lot since Nebularium, Mindtricks was such an orgasmic (pardon) cd.
Burzum did it for the lulz
02.12.2008 - 06:29
Account deleted
A Life Once Lost--

Hunter and A Great Artist were ok, a bit rough around the edges, but I really love Iron Gag a whole lot more!!

(also I don't like Lamb of God's first album New American Gospel very much either... a few good songs though).
02.12.2008 - 06:47
Underpaid M.D.
Mmm maybe Exodus, Kreator and Amon Amarth
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
04.12.2008 - 09:21
Account deleted
Draconian is getting better over time.....
whos with me on that???
04.12.2008 - 17:40
Written by [user id=33474] on 04.12.2008 at 09:21

Draconian is getting better over time.....
whos with me on that???

Maybe i am All them albums and demos are superb, even 1995 and 1997 demos was really special, but yes Turning Season Within is more professional and more amture. But Draconian is a band taht always makes a surprise and creates something new, every album is a jewel. I still want them to release something like Arcane rain fell.

My suggestion maybe will be Saturnus, first 2 albums were a masterpiece , but Veronika... is something out of this world.
the riddle wants to be...
04.12.2008 - 18:48
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Written by annodomini on 04.12.2008 at 17:40

Written by [user id=33474] on 04.12.2008 at 09:21

Draconian is getting better over time.....
whos with me on that???

Maybe i am All them albums and demos are superb, even 1995 and 1997 demos was really special, but yes Turning Season Within is more professional and more amture. But Draconian is a band taht always makes a surprise and creates something new, every album is a jewel. I still want them to release something like Arcane rain fell.

My suggestion maybe will be Saturnus, first 2 albums were a masterpiece , but Veronika... is something out of this world.

yeah i think so too
05.12.2008 - 17:24
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=33474] on 04.12.2008 at 09:21

Draconian is getting better over time.....
whos with me on that???

I am certainly not with you on that one. Draconian is getting worse by the album imo. Give me Doom: VS over anything Draconian have done any time of the day. I find Draconian's latest one truly abysmal.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

08.12.2008 - 00:41
I agree with selken on behemoth - their newer stuff will catch me soon. I feel that!

One of my favorite bands, of whom I prefer the later 3 albums, that's Meshuggah - everybody talks about 'destroy erase improve' being their magnum opus. But imo they developed a lot since then, and 'DIE' is something like a raw diamond, while catch33 for example is just outstanding, perfect art.
The struggle to free myself of restraints, becomes my very shackles
08.12.2008 - 04:48
Metal Freak
The most obvious choices for me have already been mentioned: Death, Immortal, Anathema.

I would also throw in Edge of Sanity. They took time to come into their own.
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
--Steven Weinberg
04.02.2009 - 01:28
Account deleted
It's kinda awkward for me with Nightwish. I like thier 'new' stuff when i was just getting into them years ago. The album 'Once' was my fav. But now their 'very new' stuff since switching out singers, I do not like >.>
07.02.2009 - 16:07
Heaven Knight
Summoning...Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame is the best, Lugburuz is weakest for me (though i respect, for "pure black metalers" Lugburuz winning by a mile)

Iron Maiden - i dont really like oldest stuff...some tracks are of course great, but except Seventh Son, i usually like only 2-3 tracks...but from Dance Of Death i like all tracks

Agalloch - The Mantle rocks far above older albums
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

07.02.2009 - 16:12
Seriously seconding Summoning. They seem to just be getting better and better as time passes. Lugburz is their weakest (while still good), and then they just got better and better.

Funeral Mist's "Salvation" is also a lot better than "Devilry" and "Havoc". Let's see if Maranatha can beat it and keep up the trend of getting better and better.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
07.02.2009 - 19:21
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Therion first comes to mind. Last three albums are by far superior to older ones.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
07.02.2009 - 23:08
Account deleted
I have a few.......

Behemoth are the band that immediately pops into my head ! I like their "Demigod" album best. I don't like their early black metal stuff at all, i'm not much into BM like that anyway though.

Anal Cunt's most recent album, "Defenders Of The Hate", i think is their best (even though this band sucks on purpose haha)

Deicide. I don't listen to their early albums to be honest, I like "Scars Of The Crucifix" and forwards, maybe one or two songs I'll listen to from before that album.

Sometimes I prefere the more recent Manowar, but that shifts with my moods.

Also, I like the more recent HammerFall albums better than their first few, all their releases are good though.

Oh and I almost forgot......Blind Guardian! Their early Speed Metal stuff is worst than generic I think, they're so much better at Power Metal.

Nice thread.
07.02.2009 - 23:17
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
High On Fire is another one on the list for me. I remember first listening to them when Blessed Black Wings came out, I enjoyed it, but it didn't seem like anything incredible for me. Death Is This Communion really blew my mind, even while watching the studio diaries from that I saw how much they incorporated into the music it was awesome. Not to mention that album helped me appreciate their older stuff a lot more. I'm just hoping the next album will step it up even further, if it somehow manages to beat Death is this Communion I doubt it will ever leave my CD player again.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
16.03.2009 - 00:34
There are a few bands that are consistent and their newer stuff is as good as their old stuff, but it can be difficult to find bands with more favorable newer stuff than older stuff. I have managed to find three from my collection that i think new is better than old.

1 - Emperor - The more complex the music got, the more interesting the sound. Promethians is my favorite album of theirs.

2 - Savatage - There are two era's of this band... pre 1995 and post 1995, Dead Winter Dead was the start of something special, while pre 1995 was still good, it wasn't nearly at the same standard as Dead Winter Dead, Wake of Magellian, Poets and Madman, ect.

3 - Immortal - These guys matured after The Heart of Winter album and became something very special.

I believe it dose take something special from a band to continue to grow over a long period of time. Band's who fail to grow often aim to become more popular and fail in their ability for positive development and evolution of their style. Like when an artist produces one painting that will forever stand the test of time, how often is it their most recent work.
16.03.2009 - 04:28
Wicked Mung
Destruction. While I love their older material, I prefer their newer shit. Just so much more brootal.
16.03.2009 - 05:56
Behemoth - the newer black/death style is instantly recognizable while the older stuff is a bit bland (but i still enjoy it)
Kreator - I think Milles vocals have gotten better over the years; musically, i think old and new are equal
Cannibal Corpse - i just think the newer shit is a hell of a lot more awesome than the older stuff (which is still awesome)

all i can think of at the moment..
16.03.2009 - 14:14
Space For Rent!
The first ones which come to my mind are Summoning and Tool but I think there are some more ^^
16.03.2009 - 16:44
Ceremonial Castings also come to mind. Their later albums are so much better than the early stuff, and their best work to date is Salem 1698 which is a 2008 release.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
17.03.2009 - 03:02
Lush McGee
Diecide- they're music really evolved, don't think I need to expain

Lamb Of God- they're first was bland, As The Palaces Burn showed they got better, Instrumentals on the Laid To Rest were kinda awesome, and The Wrath really amazed me, especially with the acoustic stuff.

Machine Head- When I first bought their Through The Ashes Of Empires, I thought they only had a few good songs and that was it, The Burning Red was ok, but when I heard The Blackening... pure masterpiece, no doubt about it. Robert Flynn really progressed in his writing along with the music of the band.
Awesome sauce, chicken boss!
Laugh until it means something
17.03.2009 - 06:05
el parcero
Last week i statred listeing to the amon amarh discography and found out that i do prefer their newer stuff. sure, they are great, one of my fav bands and their early albums are really good,i'm not they aren't, but it's just that for some reason i like more their most recent stuff. twilight of the thunder god seemed a really good album imo, and with oden on our side could probably my fav album from them.
great band that hasn't let me down with their latest albums like others have *cough-sonata arctica-cough*
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
25.03.2009 - 15:53
Anathema, samael, amorphis, slayer(i like all stuffs of slayer but i think vocal and production is really progressed in 1996 and afterward).
but they are just exeptions. i believe that first stuffs(I don's say older) of bands is better than their newer stuffs because bands exhibit all riffs and melodies they had written from begining of their music life to releasing first album's time in their first releases. but somehow somebands will change their genre (like anathema, samael, amorphis,....) and they are successful in all of them. but it depends on listeners taste to choose what album is good.
The more you eat, the more you shit
No matter what you eat, it all turns to shit
31.03.2009 - 23:35
Blind Guardian! a Twist in the Myth was so good!!;D
"The bands called Demon Hunter! They hunt demons!"
01.04.2009 - 05:58
Written by Ellrohir on 07.02.2009 at 16:07

Agalloch - The Mantle rocks far above older albums

Hell yeah. I agree to that for sure. And... i just have this feeling like their new one coming up will be incredible
"When night falls
she cloaks the world
in impenetrable darkness.
A chill rises
from the soil
and contaminates the air
life has new meaning"

03.04.2009 - 21:42
Blind Guardian, definitely. Their earlier stuff is good, but their later stuff is awesome. "Valhalla" is still one of my favorite songs, though.
03.04.2009 - 23:36
Red Nightmare
Written by Metal_Militia on 01.04.2009 at 05:58

Written by Ellrohir on 07.02.2009 at 16:07

Agalloch - The Mantle rocks far above older albums

Hell yeah. I agree to that for sure. And... i just have this feeling like their new one coming up will be incredible

lol I guess I'm the only one who thinks that The Mantle is their weakest album (still being great). Oh, I'd kill for another super release by this guys.
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

04.04.2009 - 01:46
X-Ray Rod
Akerocke definitely a good example. They were actually good from the beginning but damn.. the last two albums are masterpieces, really good and inspired music.
They get better every time.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

05.04.2009 - 19:24
Some good old bands that id "recommend" their newer stuff ( after year 2000 mostly ) for listening.

Kreator : Enemy of God (2005) << A MUST for everyone !, And their newest album Hordes of Chaos (2009) is also good but EoG is Better(atleast to me).

And yea just like "selken" said .. EXODUS, a comeback after the lame 90s.

Tempo Of The Damned (2004) AWESOME THRASH ALBUM (theres a video made for War Is My Shepherd song from this album)

Showel Headed Killing Machine (2005) here they change the vocal. Souza left, Rob came. i dont like this album much

Antrocity Exhibition A (2007) just like this one .. BUT,

>> Let there be Blood (2008) a RE-RECORDING of their first album Bonded by Blood (1985) THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST THRASH ALBUMS EVER ! i strongly recomend Bonded by Blod AND Let there be Blood! <<

Slayer : Christ Illusion (2006) is definitely better thant Diabolus in Musica from (1998). And there is also God Hates us All (2001) a loud thrashy album like christ illusion, with really aggressive vocals. Tom is doing it rly good despite his age, hes nearly 50.

Obituatry : Frozen in Time (2005), Xecutioner's Return (2007) are good albums and on April 15th 2009 a new album is coming out ""Darkest Day (2009)""

Megadeth : United Abominations (2007) Far more better thant LAST 3 : "Risk" (1999) "The World Needs A Hero" (2001) "The System Has Failed" (2004).

Cannibal Corpse : Evisceration Plague (2009) LISTEN OR DIE !!!

thats all for now

Evil undisguised
Breathe in pain
Blackened souls remain