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Bolt Thrower

Posts: 132   Visited by: 188 users

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Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 03:15
Simply put Heavy Bass and Groove Death Metal from England. Those Once Loyal there last album was amazing. There earlier work is also very impressive. They've had a few to say the least line up changes, but they have stayed fairly consitent in their work. To bad they haven't been in the U.S forever. Really good band that I recommend to any Death Metal fan.
06.03.2008 - 01:25
The Ancient One
"IVth Crusade" is another great album, it sits just below the two I mentioned earlier in the list of my favorites of theirs.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
06.03.2008 - 01:26
Those Once Loyal is really a great album,I'm looking forward to the next album!
One Pound Of Flesh, No More No Less, No Cartilage, No Bones, But Only Flesh...
01.05.2008 - 15:02
Celestial Burden
Account deleted
Bolt Thrower is one of the greatest bands ever in death metal, not only because they write good music, but it's the band in general. Never sold-out, never changed their style for the labels, just true to themselfs and to the fans. Sadly their shirts are fukken hard to get, as far as I know, they only sell shirts on tour, I myself searched like an idiot on over 10 labels and on ebay. I found nothing at the labels and only a couple of rare tour-shirts on ebay, so I can't wait for the Party.San Festival, i will buy everyfukken B.T.-Shirt I'll see their. - Bolt Thrower is a class on it's own, they aren't really a much discussed band, and you don't see much merchandise for them neither, but every death metal fanatic has heard of this gods. Never disappointed me, probably the only band in existence to never release a single bad album.

Worship this band or die a poser.

02.05.2008 - 21:19
Born Too Late
bolt thrower are pretty awesome. they hail from my town and tbh i love all their albums listen to any of them!!!
'I wish you all had one neck and that I had my hands on it.'
03.05.2008 - 01:23
Account deleted
The first time I heard Bolt Thrower was a sunday night in the only Metal Radio Show we once had in Colombia (it no longer exists), those were the times when the US Army was about to invade Irak a few years ago, so the radio show speaking man, put Bolt Thrower for an hour, and after talking about all the hypocrisy in the US goverment, he played a song from them that starts with those noisy scary bombing alerts! (are they called "sirens" ?) and I was totally amazed:o, because I was watching the news earlier that day and saw images from Bagdad and these "sirens"!!! WAR metal !! I just own of their albums "Mercenary" its pretty cool...anyone knows the name of the song starting with the "sirens"
11.05.2008 - 22:22
Account deleted
Bolt Thrower is one of my favourite death metal bands. I want to hear some new songs of them. This band is perfect to break my neck.
12.05.2008 - 22:41
Gordon Freeman
Written by [user id=32012] on 03.05.2008 at 01:23

The first time I heard Bolt Thrower was a sunday night in the only Metal Radio Show we once had in Colombia (it no longer exists), those were the times when the US Army was about to invade Irak a few years ago, so the radio show speaking man, put Bolt Thrower for an hour, and after talking about all the hypocrisy in the US goverment, he played a song from them that starts with those noisy scary bombing alerts! (are they called "sirens" ?) and I was totally amazed:o, because I was watching the news earlier that day and saw images from Bagdad and these "sirens"!!! WAR metal !! I just own of their albums "Mercenary" its pretty cool...anyone knows the name of the song starting with the "sirens"

I think they've used a "siren" in more than one song...

What comes to mind is "Last Stand of Humanity" but I could be wrong...
God Dammit Doug! Take off your hat, Night Moves is playing. Don't be a prick man!
17.05.2008 - 17:41
Urban Monster
I'm listenning to these guys right now, and I don't know why i did'nt check em' out earlier. Love the groove and heaviness in their sound. Until now, no disapointments, this band has a unique sound, old school death metal. Some of their album covers are just over the top, but that's not a bad thing .
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
30.05.2008 - 00:49
Trauma Grinder
One for my favorites bands, they are so autentic and i hope one day see them live here in Mexico
Patriotic Alcoholic Trauma Grinder

F*** off metal, Support the brutal music! - Purulent
04.06.2008 - 11:36
Foetal Butchery
just got inot this band recently - and love them! in particular they're latest; those once loyal - so powerful

does anyone know if they're releasing another album? if so any time soon?
Dark death metal from Sydney:
06.06.2008 - 21:26
Gordon Freeman
Written by BurbotsRevenge on 04.06.2008 at 11:36

just got inot this band recently - and love them! in particular they're latest; those once loyal - so powerful

does anyone know if they're releasing another album? if so any time soon?

The official website says they're currently writing material for the album and expect to have it out by late summer-early fall.

They're also slotted for the Party.San Metal Open Air Festival in Bad Berka, Germany on 7-9th August. Lucky Germans...
God Dammit Doug! Take off your hat, Night Moves is playing. Don't be a prick man!
07.06.2008 - 00:33
The Ancient One
Written by Gordon Freeman on 06.06.2008 at 21:26

The official website says they're currently writing material for the album and expect to have it out by late summer-early fall.

good news indeed.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
07.06.2008 - 00:39
Gordon Freeman
Written by BitterCOld on 07.06.2008 at 00:33

Written by Gordon Freeman on 06.06.2008 at 21:26

The official website says they're currently writing material for the album and expect to have it out by late summer-early fall.

good news indeed.

Damn good news!

It's always a good year for metal if we can get an album from reliable heavy-hitters like Bolt Thrower.
God Dammit Doug! Take off your hat, Night Moves is playing. Don't be a prick man!
07.06.2008 - 02:13
Foetal Butchery
sweet! looking forward to this! im sure bolt thrower will deliver the goods
Dark death metal from Sydney:
07.06.2008 - 05:45
Southern Wind
Account deleted
Written by [user id=26778] on 01.05.2008 at 15:02

Bolt Thrower is one of the greatest bands ever in death metal, not only because they write good music, but it's the band in general. Never sold-out, never changed their style for the labels, just true to themselfs and to the fans. Sadly their shirts are fukken hard to get, as far as I know, they only sell shirts on tour, I myself searched like an idiot on over 10 labels and on ebay. I found nothing at the labels and only a couple of rare tour-shirts on ebay, so I can't wait for the Party.San Festival, i will buy everyfukken B.T.-Shirt I'll see their. - Bolt Thrower is a class on it's own, they aren't really a much discussed band, and you don't see much merchandise for them neither, but every death metal fanatic has heard of this gods. Never disappointed me, probably the only band in existence to never release a single bad album.

Worship this band or die a poser.


I like this band and as you said, they had kept loyalty to themselves and that's worthy of respect... it's just that EXTREME stickyness what annoys me... I mean, they keep releasing the same album again and again!
25.03.2009 - 11:13
The most impressive band on a gig! their shirt are hard to get, sometimes we can find one on ebay ( I have now a IVth crusade one huhu, I'm still looking for a ...for victory one... unfindable), they're really amazing, and for me it's THE band who have great vallues ( they're still true to themselves and to their audience !) From the first album they were so great, to the last they produced they're still. I'll be loyam for themselves all along!
26.03.2009 - 04:16
Written by AyΣm on 25.03.2009 at 11:13

The most impressive band on a gig! their shirt are hard to get, sometimes we can find one on ebay ( I have now a IVth crusade one huhu, I'm still looking for a ...for victory one... unfindable), they're really amazing, and for me it's THE band who have great vallues ( they're still true to themselves and to their audience !) From the first album they were so great, to the last they produced they're still. I'll be loyam for themselves all along!

I agree, they've stuck to their guns throughout the years. I remember Bolt Thrower said in an interview that they wouldn't change their style too much, because they were disappointed when they liked bands that drastically changed direction. So I think that's quite admirable. They keep refining their trademark sound, becoming tighter, rather than selling out.
26.03.2009 - 09:50
Written by Richard on 26.03.2009 at 04:16

Written by AyΣm on 25.03.2009 at 11:13

The most impressive band on a gig! their shirt are hard to get, sometimes we can find one on ebay ( I have now a IVth crusade one huhu, I'm still looking for a ...for victory one... unfindable), they're really amazing, and for me it's THE band who have great vallues ( they're still true to themselves and to their audience !) From the first album they were so great, to the last they produced they're still. I'll be loyam for themselves all along!

I agree, they've stuck to their guns throughout the years. I remember Bolt Thrower said in an interview that they wouldn't change their style too much, because they were disappointed when they liked bands that drastically changed direction. So I think that's quite admirable. They keep refining their trademark sound, becoming tighter, rather than selling out.

Yeah, I've seen some of their interviews too. They were speaking about old school bands which were changing totally to become perfect shit to BT's eyes! To my mind, it's the only one band which has kept those values, all others have fallen into marketing, not Bolt Thrower. I hope they will give us a new album soon.
26.03.2009 - 19:28
The Ancient One
Written by AyΣm on 26.03.2009 at 09:50

Written by Richard on 26.03.2009 at 04:16

Written by AyΣm on 25.03.2009 at 11:13

The most impressive band on a gig! their shirt are hard to get, sometimes we can find one on ebay ( I have now a IVth crusade one huhu, I'm still looking for a ...for victory one... unfindable), they're really amazing, and for me it's THE band who have great vallues ( they're still true to themselves and to their audience !) From the first album they were so great, to the last they produced they're still. I'll be loyam for themselves all along!

I agree, they've stuck to their guns throughout the years. I remember Bolt Thrower said in an interview that they wouldn't change their style too much, because they were disappointed when they liked bands that drastically changed direction. So I think that's quite admirable. They keep refining their trademark sound, becoming tighter, rather than selling out.

Yeah, I've seen some of their interviews too. They were speaking about old school bands which were changing totally to become perfect shit to BT's eyes! To my mind, it's the only one band which has kept those values, all others have fallen into marketing, not Bolt Thrower. I hope they will give us a new album soon.

a new album may or may not happen. about 9 months ago they put it on hold after the material they were coming up with was, in their opinion, inferior to what they had done with "Those Once Loyal."

ballsy move, but one i totally respect.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
28.03.2009 - 04:37
Written by BitterCOld on 26.03.2009 at 19:28

a new album may or may not happen. about 9 months ago they put it on hold after the material they were coming up with was, in their opinion, inferior to what they had done with "Those Once Loyal."

ballsy move, but one i totally respect.

Defintiely, and that article is another good example of what Buzarh and I were talking about, regarding Bolt Thrower's attitude. They stick to their guns without compromising, respect their fans and don't want to disappoint them. If 'Those Once Loyal' turns out to be the absolute last album they ever release, then at least they'll have gone out on a high note.
28.03.2009 - 05:51
Since "The IVth Crusade", their albums are rather similar (groovy straightforward DM).

However, their early stuff was different and much faster. "In Batlle There Is No Law" was grindcore.

One of the very few DM bands I like.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
02.08.2009 - 03:08
Bolt Thrower
Account deleted
Of the few Death Metal bands that I listen to, they never disappoint. Granted some of their songs are repetitive, but I just like the smoothness in all of their tracks. Vastly underrated. NO GUTS, NO GLORY!!!!
19.03.2010 - 08:54
Bolt Thrower is fukin awesome, Warmaster is definately one of the greatest death/thrash metal albums ever released
23.03.2010 - 23:36
Written by JohnWayneGacy666 on 19.03.2010 at 08:54

Bolt Thrower is fukin awesome, Warmaster is definately one of the greatest death/thrash metal albums ever released

Beat me to it. +1
24.03.2010 - 16:02
I wish they would reconsider on their decision to stop recording new material. That and actually tour in Australia.
04.06.2010 - 22:26
Gordon Freeman
Hey, as good as Those Once Loyal was they might as well go out on top.

No reason to continue just for the sake of it.
God Dammit Doug! Take off your hat, Night Moves is playing. Don't be a prick man!
22.07.2010 - 03:32
I have never listened to this band before but i keep hearing good things about them , which albums should i start with?
22.07.2010 - 18:59
The Ancient One
Written by @gent_-_orange on 22.07.2010 at 03:32

I have never listened to this band before but i keep hearing good things about them , which albums should i start with?

they are all pretty good, although i think i would suggest "For Victory" - it's my favorite release of theirs.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
22.07.2010 - 21:45
Written by BitterCOld on 22.07.2010 at 18:59

Written by @gent_-_orange on 22.07.2010 at 03:32

I have never listened to this band before but i keep hearing good things about them , which albums should i start with?

they are all pretty good, although i think i would suggest "For Victory" - it's my favorite release of theirs.

Thanks for the suggestion, I have listened to it and it is a very good album.
02.08.2010 - 17:59
Yeah For Victory was awesome (especially the song xD) probably my fav album by them too, this band's whole discography is pure joy and relaxation (that's at least how i feel about it )
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle