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New Album Recommendations 2016

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Posted by Alex F, 21.11.2015 - 21:19
I already have quite a few albums to look forward to in 2016, so I figured we'd go ahead and get this thread started. The two so far are the upcoming Ctheilist and Lycus albums. Ctheilist embody all that is great with strange Lovecraftian death metal, while Lycus are an incredibly solid funeral doom outfit.

24.12.2016 - 16:18
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Oy, that cheap photoshop filter, tho.
24.12.2016 - 16:55
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Forgot to post this one a while back. Gritty, somewhat blackened OSDM, Swedish style I guess but from Brazil. Love the soloing throughout and general bludgeoning sound.

25.12.2016 - 13:03
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Pretty good black / post-black metal. Diverse and effective vocalist who does a half-decent Attila impression every now and then.

26.12.2016 - 02:53
China was a neat
@Joe I guess I didn't hate that cover until you mentioned the photoshop effect, thanks for that.

Some great traditional doom to party the last week of the turdfuck that was 2016. Cool cover but mz would say its just dicks.

Dire Fate - .​.​.​Where Undead Once Were

27.12.2016 - 17:09
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Swirling and somewhat dissonant blackened death metal. V nice indeed.

28.12.2016 - 11:23
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New Arizmenda album, if you can believe it.

28.12.2016 - 17:39
China was a neat
Quick quick, people need to download the fuck out of it before they take it off the face of the fucking planet.
28.12.2016 - 20:25
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Thankfully it's already reached Youtube so should be fine.

Weird, experimental and ritualistic sludge. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys only use a bass guitar for this sound. Result is really evil and unique. Very nice indeed.

28.12.2016 - 21:18
China was a neat
"Architecture of Echoes is a concept album based on the adventure logs of a space pirate L9F0X11559."

Quite interesting avant-garde metal with groovy beats, ambient passages and tons of cool fucking sounds.

2er0 - Architecture Of Echoes

29.12.2016 - 12:30
China was a neat
Nice metallic hardcore with grind/punk elements. Posting just for the artwork itself. Available as a free download too. Tape version here.

Ritual Blade - Ritual Blade

29.12.2016 - 14:36
Amazing drone/psychedelic/ noise stuff not far from blown out and HKN
PaleRider -The Cosmic Trigger Pt II

some nice, heavy sounding drone doom. Lovely stuff:
Father - I

Giving my ears a rest from music.
29.12.2016 - 15:25
China was a neat
I have no idea what this is or how it sounds but this artwork HAS to be fucking here. One of the best from this year probably.

Desert Suns - Desert Suns

29.12.2016 - 17:09
China was a neat
Good post-metal/post-hardcore with a tasty artwork too.

Beast Jesus - Eros Obfuscate

30.12.2016 - 22:22
China was a neat
New Jute Gyte full length digitally released on 13th Dec 2016. Physical version to come up in 2017.

Jute Gyte - The Sparrow

31.12.2016 - 19:48
China was a neat
New Spectral Lore EP.

"This is what was to be the final ep in the previous years' project. It will be the last non-metal recording for some time. Acoustic drone and ghost ambience channeled during the coldest of winters. Cover by Francesco Gemelli"

Spectral Lore - Fossils EP

01.01.2017 - 21:58
Written by mz on 15.07.2016 at 16:32

Promising black metal. Also, that sample is familiar


the whole thing streaming now. Excellent sounding black metal with a lot of emphasize on slower, moody and dark sections. There's also a Johnny Cash cover.
Giving my ears a rest from music.
01.01.2017 - 23:58
Meat and Potatos
Written by 3rdWorld on 24.12.2016 at 16:06

Blackened Stoner gaze from Vienna, Austria. Sounds really good actually.

Wow, yes it does.
Not really gaze at all, but I don't know whether I'm listening to stoner, post black or even gothic rock
But one thing I know: This is hella fun.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
02.01.2017 - 01:08
China was a neat
Written by Karlabos on 01.01.2017 at 23:58

Written by 3rdWorld on 24.12.2016 at 16:06

Blackened Stoner gaze from Vienna, Austria. Sounds really good actually.

Wow, yes it does.
Not really gaze at all, but I don't know whether I'm listening to stoner, post black or even gothic rock
But one thing I know: This is hella fun.

yeah it is indeed some fuzzed out fun stoner.
03.01.2017 - 19:37
spendin' cheese
I've decided to finally focus through the jungle of everything that Odium Nostrum has uploaded and bookmark anyone that interests me to dwelve into deeper. Jute Gyte comes to mind. Having already half of the uploads under my belt I hope it's older uploads will be more of a bumpy instead of a boring ride considering the amount of DsO followers that follow well.. DsO and dissonance as a style in general.

Its not usual for me to post anything that is pratically reaping from them especially when I think The Synarchy wipes most copycat attempts to the floor (actually that might make a good arena battle debate, since I wonder if that was one of the intentions behind there recent output ). Of course not all clones are straight up redundant or completely boring, I feel half impartial to this recommendation. I don't remember anything good of the first half except how watered down the guitar production was rustling my jimmies, yet the second half's use of interesting unexpected dissonant time structures made me want to show this in the first place. Hell even the artwork is blatantly using the same things portyayed in the inner sleeve of Fas.

Well its certainly going to be a busy time to burn my tabtropolis gut of a window since it's got quite the catching up to do, I've got all of Marcel's, Joe's top 2016 top tier to get around also along with Crepsculo Negro's bandcamp, the recommended DsO copycats that are worthwile (taken from the recent DsO news comments) and even Che's year old BM: MMXVI article for some patch ups are just a plenty of some of the majority of what needs to be consumed.
I may not have the largest collection but I certainly have the absolute best

04.01.2017 - 13:19
proofread free
Looking into some of last year's grind and came by two really powerful releases:

This is straight forward no-bullshit Grind, sums up everything the genre is truly about in its core and presents it in 15 mins of mayhem. Cover artwork is sick af!

Diploid are on the blackened side of things but not the full onslaught Anaal Nathrakh type, their sound is hard hitting, emotional, Post-hardcore fueled magnificence.
Such a powerful album!

He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
06.01.2017 - 03:42
Meat and Potatos
New Lectoblix short ep stuff. Some soft depressive bm

Lectoblix - Letters of Longing and Loss; Still Awaiting Response
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
06.01.2017 - 05:09
Metal Ninja
Recently stumbled across this album by the Italian band "Baphomet's Blood" a few weeks ago. The artwork & band name was a little misleading because I was expecting to hear brutal death metal album but this turned out to be a really fun & exciting listen its a mix of Motorhead/ Sodom / Venom.

Baphomet's Blood - In Satan We Trust (2016)

07.01.2017 - 01:57
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Haxxan - Loch Ness Rising

07.01.2017 - 02:06
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Written by [user id=126528] on 07.01.2017 at 01:57

Loch Ness Rising

That was delayed: not out till Feb 17th now.
07.01.2017 - 02:44
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Written by [user id=4365] on 07.01.2017 at 02:06

Written by [user id=126528] on 07.01.2017 at 01:57

Loch Ness Rising

That was delayed: not out till Feb 17th now.

Well shit
07.01.2017 - 02:49
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Written by [user id=126528] on 07.01.2017 at 02:44

Well shit

Something to look forward to anyway as it sounds quite good.
07.01.2017 - 02:55
My 2016 album is Sowulo - SOL
Føroyar mítt land

Tú alfagra land mítt

Føroyar mín Móðir
07.01.2017 - 12:12
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.12.2016 at 17:09

Swirling and somewhat dissonant blackened death metal. V nice indeed.

the tracks that are streaming are great I would say. This is seemingly a split, and these tracks are from Gloriam Draconis. The rest I have no idea about.
Giving my ears a rest from music.
07.01.2017 - 12:17
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Written by mz on 07.01.2017 at 12:12

the tracks that are streaming are great I would say. This is seemingly a split, and these tracks are from Gloriam Draconis. The rest I have no idea about.

Ah yeah, here we go:
09.01.2017 - 15:08
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