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Study shows heavy metal fans are "gentle and creative."

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Posted by Dane Train, 07.09.2008 - 00:33
I just read this article and found it was kind of interesting. What do you all think of this study? Article. Are Metalheads really creative and gentle? Are there good examples of this? Or was this "study" based on bad research?


Moderator edit: As the link above has ceased working, you can read about it at here instead:
23.06.2010 - 04:42
There will always be some people that fit the trope like a glove, and some that don't.

Am I creative? Depends on your definition of creative. I'm as creative as most of you.

Gentle? Maybe; I couldn't define that aspect of myself really. I'm gentle to those who deserve it.

Low self-esteem? Most definitely.
*insert something deep and profound*
30.06.2010 - 03:51
Article was deleted? If you've saved it or can find it elsewhere, I'd love to talk it a look at it.
18.01.2011 - 15:00
Yeah , it's right , i really believe it , because most of the metalheads are artists and artists are gentle
Think about it . Every generation gets some new frontier to tackle . Einstein got relativity , The Nasa cowboys got the moon . All the easy stuff is taken , Artificial consciousness is the next frontier !
18.01.2011 - 18:06
Fire from Above
I agree with this to a point....

There's always some messed up person out there in everything too wrecking the picture on the whole.
18.01.2011 - 18:49
Angelic Storm
Slayer fans who scream "SLAYYYYEERRR!!" and smash beer cans on their heads aren't really gentle and creative are they? Same goes for Diminished fans. lol

Im a very gentle person, perhaps too much so. Im too soft I think... I think I am creative, although not very talented. lol I like writing and making music though. xD
19.01.2011 - 06:40
Written by Angelic Storm on 18.01.2011 at 18:49

Slayer fans who scream "SLAYYYYEERRR!!" and smash beer cans on their heads aren't really gentle and creative are they? Same goes for Diminished fans. lol

I wonder why do you lump your idea of braindead brutal death metal fans with Diminished and not some other band...

like Mortician.
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19.01.2011 - 06:44
Angelic Storm
Written by vezzy on 19.01.2011 at 06:40
I wonder why do you lump your idea of braindead brutal death metal fans with Diminished and not some other band...

like Mortician.

If you can't see why I did that after the debacle of that thread, then there really is no hope for you. lol As for Mortician, change the record and try and come up with something more original.
19.01.2011 - 13:13
Written by Angelic Storm on 18.01.2011 at 18:49

Slayer fans who scream "SLAYYYYEERRR!!" and smash beer cans on their heads aren't really gentle and creative are they? Same goes for Diminished fans. lol

Im a very gentle person, perhaps too much so. Im too soft I think... I think I am creative, although not very talented. lol I like writing and making music though. xD

I think they're just shamming and it's not their own , like me
Think about it . Every generation gets some new frontier to tackle . Einstein got relativity , The Nasa cowboys got the moon . All the easy stuff is taken , Artificial consciousness is the next frontier !
19.01.2011 - 14:21
I think that this study is only for record companies which again trying to create "pie for everyone"....
"Cross is only an iron,hope is just an illusion,freedom is nothing but a name..."
"Build your walls of the dead stone...Build your roofs of a dead wood..Build your dreams of a dead thoughts"
19.01.2011 - 14:26
Angelic Storm
Written by akvan on 19.01.2011 at 13:13
I think they're just shamming and it's not their own , like me

I dont know what you mean... xD
19.01.2011 - 14:50
Written by Angelic Storm on 19.01.2011 at 14:26

Written by akvan on 19.01.2011 at 13:13
I think they're just shamming and it's not their own , like me

I dont know what you mean... xD

Metalheads are good people , and their brutal face is spurious ---> look at me --->
Think about it . Every generation gets some new frontier to tackle . Einstein got relativity , The Nasa cowboys got the moon . All the easy stuff is taken , Artificial consciousness is the next frontier !
30.01.2011 - 20:02
Account deleted
I question the validity of this study. Seems a bit farfetch'd to suggest that personalities [a topic so broad Individual Differences' Psychologists can just about match personality to behaviours] have any correlation with preference in music.

If you have the original journal in which this research was posted, please share it.
12.03.2011 - 07:25
Most metalheads I know are gentle and slow to anger for the most part...but can be pretty volatile when provoked. I know speaking for myself I have a pretty long fuse, not sure if gentle is the word I would use, but the point remains. Most metalheads I know fit this categorization, especially the creative part.
Sonorous Odium...
...Embrace the consonance.
12.03.2011 - 07:25
Most metalheads I know are gentle and slow to anger for the most part...but can be pretty volatile when provoked. I know speaking for myself I have a pretty long fuse, not sure if gentle is the word I would use, but the point remains. Most metalheads I know fit this categorization, especially the creative part. Most of us are generally at ease with ourselves I would think, that is part of what metal is about is it not?
Sonorous Odium...
...Embrace the consonance.
14.03.2011 - 23:03
Written by odious.infinity on 12.03.2011 at 07:25

Most metalheads I know are gentle and slow to anger for the most part...but can be pretty volatile when provoked. I know speaking for myself I have a pretty long fuse, not sure if gentle is the word I would use, but the point remains. Most metalheads I know fit this categorization, especially the creative part.

I agree. I can say the same for most of my metal friends: easy going in their personal lives, some creative, some not too much, but can go wacko in a metal show or if provoked... although there are the prick specimens.
Speaking entirely of myself, I love metal music, I play guitar in a local metal band, write music and lyrics for it, worked as a sculptor, graphic design major, easy going, have a long fuse for anger, some people I know have told me that I'm kinda slow pace for what they would expect from a rocker/metalhead (very different when gigging!). I'm not saying that all of this has to do something with I being a metalhead... but, who knows?
I would go more with the theory of being a metalhead is just a part of your life, not that it will predispose your crativeness and/or your character; the latter is the result of your every day experiences through life, your genes, heritage, etc.
14.03.2011 - 23:20
Written by Doc G. on 17.04.2009 at 11:26

Written by Metalhead2 on 12.04.2009 at 23:40

True metal heads have high self esteem and are introvert(I guess that those 2 characteristics are equivalent)

Your dictating what "true" metalheads behaviour is like now?! Man....I suppose you true metalheads should all have your own schools and special uniforms now too I suppose? Almost every piece of your post can be contradicted with a couple thousand examples...but I'm at a loss for words, so I'll let a picture talk for me:

LOL...... XD
14.03.2011 - 23:27
Written by MetallicA on 01.02.2010 at 23:37

Well, the original link doesn't work anymore...probably cause it's from 2008. I'd like to see it, oh well.

I think for the most part metalheads are creative in some way. I can draw really well and my boyfriend is writing a killer novel. And someone else made the point of all the sub-genres of metal that definitely takes creativity to create all those sub-genres!

As for being really depends on the person or even the group of people you're around. I can get real fired up and I can be very nice. I'm nice most of the time and I think that goes for anyone, not just metalheads. You're gonna have your douchebags in every scene, ya know?

As for most metalheads being introverted, I definitely think that's true but I'm definitely out the norm in this category! I'm very outgoing and I can be loud and obnoxious and I laugh alot. In general, I'm a very happy person and I hate people who talk about how life sucks and who just bring the mood down. I don't think all metalheads do that but it definitely is irritating when anyone does that. Being introverted is fine but not when you think you're better than everyone else and when you're just a downer.

Someone mentioned metalheads don't have much drama with others and I think that's true 99% of the time! Most of my metalhead friends don't have stupid drama issues and alot of my non-metalhead friends tend to have more drama. I fucking hate drama (yeah, me and my boyfriend may get into it sometimes but I'm not counting that. I'm talking about who slept with who, who took who's money or drugs, who lied to who and shit like that.)

Well said...
14.03.2011 - 23:33
Written by flickaa on 26.03.2010 at 20:59

Not hard working: I don't agree............... i hate to talk about myself... but i am very hard working... alot of people know me as a work-a-holic =P

My guess is... these researchers are stereotyping people by their taste in music... I don't believe they should label ppls' personality traits, depending on the music people listen to.

14.03.2011 - 23:45
Written by benvolent on 23.11.2008 at 21:01

I have to confess, that I also think so and it's one of the parts, which makes metal so sympathetic - especially metal-festivals! Seems to be quite similar to this good old rugby-attitude: first we crush each other's head and then we'll drink a couple of beers together in order to kill the pain.

and an anecdote: I lately was on a metal-concert with a girl and when she was heading towards the scene to get a better overview, she was totally astonished, that all these guys with long hair in black shirts, sweating and pogueing (I don't know, how to write that, but, you know, this mixture of jumping, headbanging and fighting..), were actually protecting her by giving her an one-metre-safety-circle. Yeah, that's how we are - I hope at least most of us metalheads!

You nailed it, Bro.... cheers!
14.03.2011 - 23:51
Written by VPeter on 06.12.2008 at 20:38

Heh, what a joke. metalheads are dumb and obnoxious, annoying, lack hygiene, lack manners and are often just as close minded as the average pop listener.

Do we hear whining here?? drama?? advice: go to a metal concert and get all your frustrations out! then come back and post a more "metalhead / non-whining" comment.
Whining and drama don't go with metal!
14.03.2011 - 23:59
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.03.2009 at 22:01

These etudies are pretty much crapshit and I've seen studies indicating that metalheads are pretty much anything and everything in the world. I guess that's the truth. From what I've experienced metalheads don't need to have shit in common except they've listened to metal. I know pretty much all kinds of metalheads. I don't see much of a pettern.

In fact the only pattern I've observed both IRL and on forums is that not a lot of metalheads I know have an average level of intelligence. From my experience I'd say they tend to be either very intelligent or very stupid. Most metal forums have a huge overweight of the intelligent kind (especially Metalstorm and MA).

That's why I like the forums here in MS: it really is a nice surprise to see that a lot of young metalheads DO think and express themselves very good. Keep up the good work, guys! \m/ o_o \m/
15.03.2011 - 05:07
The Ancient One
I think this thread touched a nerve. might want to check out our spam policies... six + consecutive responses to a thread makes people like me grumpy.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
15.03.2011 - 05:41
Fuck this study, I'm br00tal as hell!
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

15.03.2011 - 08:21
Account deleted
Since listening to metal and headbanging is good for letting out aggression in a way that harms no one, I'd say it's entirely possible that most metalheads are gentle. I've never gotten into a fight with a metalhead, I have with hip-hop and R'n'B fans.
17.04.2011 - 01:03
WE all listen for different reasons and therefore different personality, some people here some gentle, kind, creative, some seem assertive, energetic, etc. Bad stereotyping attempt in my opinion.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
17.04.2011 - 23:16
The Forlorn
It's all bullshit if you ask me. No ones the same.
Some people just dont have the ability to comprehend metal or music at all.

Reminds me of another study that said that most metalheads may be autistic due to headbanging being
a repetitive movement. cant recall where tought.
19.04.2011 - 09:46
I like to think my self-esteem is well-adjusted. Screw this low and high self-esteem nonsense. I know my self-worth.
20.04.2011 - 00:06
Well the gentleist people I know all listen to metal. I think it's a musician thing though, not just metalheads.
20.04.2011 - 03:02
Written by Yasmine on 17.04.2011 at 01:03

WE all listen for different reasons and therefore different personality, some people here some gentle, kind, creative, some seem assertive, energetic, etc. Bad stereotyping attempt in my opinion.


It would vary a lot depending on so many factors...
29.06.2011 - 15:07
I think the description fit perfectly on me