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What is the meaning of life?

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Posted by Berfones, 24.04.2008 - 15:10
I have been looking the MS forum for this thread and I was amazed to find that the only matches to my search were Monty Pyton movie and some other thing that bearly mantion it, so I decided to open my own thread (hopfully this one will not be locked after one day) and to ask you what is the meaning of life for you, I know that this is a very abstract question, so everyone will have a different answer to it, and some will have several answers.
My meanings of life are music and my book, I think of them as my meanings of life because that if one of them will sieze to be I will probably kill myself.
This thread can also be a place for philosophical questions such as what came first, the chicken or the egg? (I have the answer to it if you want...), and one more thing, can someone tell me why do the mods hate Varg Vikernes threads so much?
19.09.2010 - 18:59
Account deleted
There is no meaning. Life itself exists for no purpose. If it did, eventually there would be something else that exists without a purpose wich would backfire throughout existence.

We may exist for a god, but for what does god exist? And if god exists for something else, why does something else exist?

Im perfectly comfortable with life beeing about nothing but what you make of it yourself.
20.09.2010 - 05:04
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I suppose that all of those people who are searching for a God actually have found meaning even if we don't think that they have...we find meaning in our life by telling them that they are wasting their life trying to find a meaning...these two parties feed off of each other and therefore find meaning off of each others' "ignorance"...there is something that exists without a purpose which keeps backfiring throughout existence and that is "religion" still seems to exist even though the meaning has not yet been keeps backfiring because the purpose of it doesn't literally show itself but yet people still search, find their meaning, and die happy knowing they are going to a better place due to the fact that they have led their life with some kind of meaning based on religion that will serve a purpose in some sort of afterlife...
03.10.2010 - 20:12
When we were teenagers we would buy underground comic books ...R. Crumb and what not...but one of the comics was 'Mr. Natural" (old timers should remember) and Mr. Natural was like the guru that sat on the mountain top and everyone though he had the answers to life so they would climb to the top and ask "Mr. Natural, what's it all mean" and his response was "It don't mean shit" for years I pretty much believed that too but then one day I realized life did in fact have a meaning. Some of which may not make sense but everything you say and do has some sort of effect on life...not only yours but that of others as will come to know this when you hold a child in your arms for the first time...and now for me it is grand babies, you can not believe the love you feel when they walk in the door. Let's play grandma, do you want to play outside, I'll race ya, can I have a banana, can we make cookies, I'm tired grandma can I rest in your lap, sure!

Life is what you make it, good, bad or ugly you are the controlling factor. If you make good decisions
you will have a good life. Yeah there strife and turmoil but what don't kill makes you stronger. and that old saying "it's not how many breaths you take in life but how moments life takes your breath away" (something like that).
03.10.2010 - 21:37
Written by Empress on 03.10.2010 at 20:12

When we were teenagers we would buy underground comic books ...R. Crumb and what not...but one of the comics was 'Mr. Natural" (old timers should remember) and Mr. Natural was like the guru that sat on the mountain top and everyone though he had the answers to life so they would climb to the top and ask "Mr. Natural, what's it all mean" and his response was "It don't mean shit" for years I pretty much believed that too but then one day I realized life did in fact have a meaning. Some of which may not make sense but everything you say and do has some sort of effect on life...not only yours but that of others as will come to know this when you hold a child in your arms for the first time...and now for me it is grand babies, you can not believe the love you feel when they walk in the door. Let's play grandma, do you want to play outside, I'll race ya, can I have a banana, can we make cookies, I'm tired grandma can I rest in your lap, sure!

Life is what you make it, good, bad or ugly you are the controlling factor. If you make good decisions
you will have a good life. Yeah there strife and turmoil but what don't kill makes you stronger. and that old saying "it's not how many breaths you take in life but how moments life takes your breath away" (something like that).

Congrats you have grand babies in your life "surviving" until now. Your good at your life meaning defining.

Well, I believe a lot of everyone will survive with the own philosophy.
06.10.2010 - 03:40
Written by YonTroper on 15.07.2010 at 04:18


Seriously though, I think the meaning of life is... well, the meaning of life is the search for meaning, if that makes any sense.

it makes a lot of sense , it's better searching for a one or u will feel all your life was in vain.
07.02.2011 - 17:42
Life has no meaning but meaning has life. Meaning is something which we seek in order to justify our existence and is an essential part of life. Without life, obviously there can be no meaning. Life in general does not create meaning but human thought creates meaning in such a human's life. Meaning in life is found in all things that make up a human's life, but their is no over-arching 'meaning OF life', only 'meaning IN life'. Because each individuals life is filled with different meanings like values, beliefs, opinions etc. it isn't possible for life to have a singular meaning, beyond the simple fact of existence. This is the only single meaning that life has, that something is actually living/conscious. But there is no single answer to the human question of what human life means.

Hope that made some sense
18.02.2011 - 17:12
There is no way we can understand what life is all about, or the meaning of life.
Many great philosophers questioned that, no one got a clue.
Cientist can't reach that... even religion, sometimes fail to make a sense for it.

The only ones who got near to discover it was Monty Python in their movie: Monty Python - The Meaning of Life (1983)

Watch it people, it's got a lot of revelations!
"You may got money, and can buy anything you want. But there's a thing you will never be able to buy. It's a dinossaur!" - Homer J.Simpson
12.03.2011 - 19:26
Gathering Storm
Account deleted
I'm not gonna give a big speech about what life's all about, for me, we are here to be happy. As happiness is subjective, there is no right or wrong path to achieving it, Some need religion, God, Family, love, to be happy, some just don't.. And that is it. Life is about being happy, with who you are, what you do and what you've got.
12.03.2011 - 20:19
Account deleted
Written by [user id=9761] on 12.03.2011 at 19:26

I'm not gonna give a big speech about what life's all about, for me, we are here to be happy. As happiness is subjective, there is no right or wrong path to achieving it, Some need religion, God, Family, love, to be happy, some just don't.. And that is it. Life is about being happy, with who you are, what you do and what you've got.

That sounds like Taoism to be honest.
14.03.2011 - 00:33
Gathering Storm
Account deleted
Written by [user id=105293] on 12.03.2011 at 20:19

Written by [user id=9761] on 12.03.2011 at 19:26

I'm not gonna give a big speech about what life's all about, for me, we are here to be happy. As happiness is subjective, there is no right or wrong path to achieving it, Some need religion, God, Family, love, to be happy, some just don't.. And that is it. Life is about being happy, with who you are, what you do and what you've got.

That sounds like Taoism to be honest.

I´ll take your word for it, I really don´t know anything about Taoism. Sounds like I would like it though..
21.03.2011 - 01:18
Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
02.04.2011 - 05:45
Written by Yasmine on 21.03.2011 at 01:18

Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.

Which two people?
02.04.2011 - 05:49
Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 05:45

Written by Yasmine on 21.03.2011 at 01:18

Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.

Which two people?

Depends on who you are. My mom and dad, for me. 2 completely different people for you, and 2 completely different people for Joe, troy, Bad English, etc etc.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
02.04.2011 - 06:18
Written by Yasmine on 02.04.2011 at 05:49

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 05:45

Written by Yasmine on 21.03.2011 at 01:18

Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.

Which two people?

Depends on who you are. My mom and dad, for me. 2 completely different people for you, and 2 completely different people for Joe, troy, Bad English, etc etc.

Ok, well suppose that your parents didn't ..uh 'shag', would life still exist? I assume you mean individual life, a singular persons existence, in that case I guess not, because you wouldn't exist.

So would you say that the only meaning to life is that we are in fact alive?
02.04.2011 - 06:26
Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 06:18

Written by Yasmine on 02.04.2011 at 05:49

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 05:45

Written by Yasmine on 21.03.2011 at 01:18

Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.

Which two people?

Depends on who you are. My mom and dad, for me. 2 completely different people for you, and 2 completely different people for Joe, troy, Bad English, etc etc.

Ok, well suppose that your parents didn't ..uh 'shag', would life still exist? I assume you mean individual life, a singular persons existence, in that case I guess not, because you wouldn't exist.

So would you say that the only meaning to life is that we are in fact alive?

At birth, yes. At birth we are all devoid of any understanding of life, any religion, etc. Life's sole purpose is the struggle to draw yet one more breath. Later we attach emotional meanings to life if we lose the battle to stay objective. If we don't lose that battle we see the life's purpose is what we make it. Your personal interests, goals become that meaning for the strong of will, and religion, politics, etc for the weak of will. Music for the musician, breaking new ground for the scientists, uncovering mysteries of our past for the historian, etc etc.

But at it's purest form, breathing is our purpose.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
02.04.2011 - 06:32
Account deleted
Meaning of life? Simple. There is none. We're a bunch of atoms that happened to by bonded in whatever forms necessary to create what we call life. We instinctivly have a drive to live, so I guess the purpose of life can to be live another day. Might as well enjoy ourselves while we're alive also. Yup, I think that the purpse of life is to have enjoy it as much as you can. Nothing more, nothing less.
02.04.2011 - 06:47
Written by [user id=111774] on 02.04.2011 at 06:32

Meaning of life? Simple. There is none. We're a bunch of atoms that happened to by bonded in whatever forms necessary to create what we call life. We instinctivly have a drive to live, so I guess the purpose of life can to be live another day. Might as well enjoy ourselves while we're alive also. Yup, I think that the purpse of life is to have enjoy it as much as you can. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yep, basically what I was saying, any other meaning would be an emotional attachment.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
02.04.2011 - 08:40
Written by Yasmine on 02.04.2011 at 06:26

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 06:18

Written by Yasmine on 02.04.2011 at 05:49

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 05:45

Written by Yasmine on 21.03.2011 at 01:18

Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.

Which two people?

Depends on who you are. My mom and dad, for me. 2 completely different people for you, and 2 completely different people for Joe, troy, Bad English, etc etc.

Ok, well suppose that your parents didn't ..uh 'shag', would life still exist? I assume you mean individual life, a singular persons existence, in that case I guess not, because you wouldn't exist.

So would you say that the only meaning to life is that we are in fact alive?

At birth, yes. At birth we are all devoid of any understanding of life, any religion, etc. Life's sole purpose is the struggle to draw yet one more breath. Later we attach emotional meanings to life if we lose the battle to stay objective. If we don't lose that battle we see the life's purpose is what we make it. Your personal interests, goals become that meaning for the strong of will, and religion, politics, etc for the weak of will. Music for the musician, breaking new ground for the scientists, uncovering mysteries of our past for the historian, etc etc.

But at it's purest form, breathing is our purpose.

Interesting, why then do we think? What purpose does thinking achieve if breathing is our sole purpose? Perhaps thinking aids us in extending the time for which we breathe but 'time' is an experience which only thought can fathom. Perhaps thinking ensures that future generations are able to breathe, an evolutionary trait which gave us humans the upper hand in survival. 'Emotional meanings' are perhaps a side-effect of this, thought developed into something beyond what was just needed for survival.

But what does breathing achieve, as that is our purpose, if there are no other purposes? We breathe to survive, to live, is that not a purpose? Once we breathe, what then? No more purpose, except to draw the next breath?
02.04.2011 - 08:49
Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 08:40

Written by Yasmine on 02.04.2011 at 06:26

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 06:18

Written by Yasmine on 02.04.2011 at 05:49

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 05:45

Written by Yasmine on 21.03.2011 at 01:18

Life exists for humans because 2 people.....welll shagged, and then we attach purpose too it. Often to fill an emotional void.

Which two people?

Depends on who you are. My mom and dad, for me. 2 completely different people for you, and 2 completely different people for Joe, troy, Bad English, etc etc.

Ok, well suppose that your parents didn't ..uh 'shag', would life still exist? I assume you mean individual life, a singular persons existence, in that case I guess not, because you wouldn't exist.

So would you say that the only meaning to life is that we are in fact alive?

At birth, yes. At birth we are all devoid of any understanding of life, any religion, etc. Life's sole purpose is the struggle to draw yet one more breath. Later we attach emotional meanings to life if we lose the battle to stay objective. If we don't lose that battle we see the life's purpose is what we make it. Your personal interests, goals become that meaning for the strong of will, and religion, politics, etc for the weak of will. Music for the musician, breaking new ground for the scientists, uncovering mysteries of our past for the historian, etc etc.

But at it's purest form, breathing is our purpose.

Interesting, why then do we think? What purpose does thinking achieve if breathing is our sole purpose? Perhaps thinking aids us in extending the time for which we breathe but 'time' is an experience which only thought can fathom. Perhaps thinking ensures that future generations are able to breathe, an evolutionary trait which gave us humans the upper hand in survival. 'Emotional meanings' are perhaps a side-effect of this, thought developed into something beyond what was just needed for survival.

But what does breathing achieve, as that is our purpose, if there are no other purposes? We breathe to survive, to live, is that not a purpose? Once we breathe, what then? No more purpose, except to draw the next breath?

I would say the most obvious reason, being sentient gives us the absolute best chance on this planet to continue to breathe. We alone can process time, however this does not change that our bodies decay. Breathing simply stays our irrational fear of death at every moment, everyday.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
04.04.2011 - 02:08
There's no meaning of life! We just exist, we must spend the time we're living in the better way. It's not important live for a long time if we don't do experiences!
Emotions, more emotions we feel more we are living!
My poor english can't explain better than this....
07.04.2011 - 09:45
The meaning of life is the movement of particles according to the laws of physics in a way that structures lead to mostly identical copies of those structures
Written by Warman on 07.11.2007 at 22:39
Haha, that's like saying "compose your own Metal album and upload it here, instead of writing a review of an album". :lol:

07.04.2011 - 22:07

... That is the meaning of life.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
07.04.2011 - 23:59
Life is a test and not an easy one.
I would prefer not to.
08.04.2011 - 13:45
Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 08:40

Interesting, why then do we think? What purpose does thinking achieve if breathing is our sole purpose? Perhaps thinking aids us in extending the time for which we breathe but 'time' is an experience which only thought can fathom. Perhaps thinking ensures that future generations are able to breathe, an evolutionary trait which gave us humans the upper hand in survival. 'Emotional meanings' are perhaps a side-effect of this, thought developed into something beyond what was just needed for survival.

But what does breathing achieve, as that is our purpose, if there are no other purposes? We breathe to survive, to live, is that not a purpose? Once we breathe, what then? No more purpose, except to draw the next breath?

Pretty much all of these emotional meanings came to be out of some kind of need for them. At some stage in history, they had a purpose. Religion has a clear purpose of enforcing morals and a collective strain of thought to keep this little society running, for instance. Now, things might not keep the same purpose after a while as the acute need dissipates, but when something has no purpose, it will disappear from the spotlight and maybe continue to live a periphery existance somewhere in society.

If something is as common as some of these things that are discussed though, they sure as hell have a purpose.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
09.04.2011 - 07:03
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 08.04.2011 at 13:45

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 08:40

Interesting, why then do we think? What purpose does thinking achieve if breathing is our sole purpose? Perhaps thinking aids us in extending the time for which we breathe but 'time' is an experience which only thought can fathom. Perhaps thinking ensures that future generations are able to breathe, an evolutionary trait which gave us humans the upper hand in survival. 'Emotional meanings' are perhaps a side-effect of this, thought developed into something beyond what was just needed for survival.

But what does breathing achieve, as that is our purpose, if there are no other purposes? We breathe to survive, to live, is that not a purpose? Once we breathe, what then? No more purpose, except to draw the next breath?

Pretty much all of these emotional meanings came to be out of some kind of need for them. At some stage in history, they had a purpose. Religion has a clear purpose of enforcing morals and a collective strain of thought to keep this little society running, for instance. Now, things might not keep the same purpose after a while as the acute need dissipates, but when something has no purpose, it will disappear from the spotlight and maybe continue to live a periphery existance somewhere in society.

If something is as common as some of these things that are discussed though, they sure as hell have a purpose.

You could say that, but then there would be the difficult problem of discerning which 'emotional meanings' serve a purpose at a given time. Perhaps such emotional meanings, after having dissipated, become acute again. It would be even more difficult to define the point at which such emotional meanings no longer serve a purpose, as well to say what is required in order for an emotional meaning to have purpose (like how many people have to embrace such an emotional meaning to give it purpose).

I think you are right in that there is no need for emotional meanings beyond their purpose, just not quite sure if it's possible at all to definitively tell which emotional meanings reflect which purpose, and whether that purpose has been met.
09.04.2011 - 16:03
Written by R'Vannith on 09.04.2011 at 07:03

Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 08.04.2011 at 13:45

Written by R'Vannith on 02.04.2011 at 08:40

Interesting, why then do we think? What purpose does thinking achieve if breathing is our sole purpose? Perhaps thinking aids us in extending the time for which we breathe but 'time' is an experience which only thought can fathom. Perhaps thinking ensures that future generations are able to breathe, an evolutionary trait which gave us humans the upper hand in survival. 'Emotional meanings' are perhaps a side-effect of this, thought developed into something beyond what was just needed for survival.

But what does breathing achieve, as that is our purpose, if there are no other purposes? We breathe to survive, to live, is that not a purpose? Once we breathe, what then? No more purpose, except to draw the next breath?

Pretty much all of these emotional meanings came to be out of some kind of need for them. At some stage in history, they had a purpose. Religion has a clear purpose of enforcing morals and a collective strain of thought to keep this little society running, for instance. Now, things might not keep the same purpose after a while as the acute need dissipates, but when something has no purpose, it will disappear from the spotlight and maybe continue to live a periphery existance somewhere in society.

If something is as common as some of these things that are discussed though, they sure as hell have a purpose.

You could say that, but then there would be the difficult problem of discerning which 'emotional meanings' serve a purpose at a given time. Perhaps such emotional meanings, after having dissipated, become acute again. It would be even more difficult to define the point at which such emotional meanings no longer serve a purpose, as well to say what is required in order for an emotional meaning to have purpose (like how many people have to embrace such an emotional meaning to give it purpose).

I think you are right in that there is no need for emotional meanings beyond their purpose, just not quite sure if it's possible at all to definitively tell which emotional meanings reflect which purpose, and whether that purpose has been met.

I am not saying it is completely possible to sit down with a textbook and say: "Well, love exists because blablabla" without knowing all the variables involved to such a level that further accuracy ammounts to very little gain (a practical impossibility rather than a theoretical one). What I am saying is that it is completely possible to state that emotional meanings are an effect, and not a cause.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
09.04.2011 - 16:27
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 09.04.2011 at 16:03

I am not saying it is completely possible to sit down with a textbook and say: "Well, love exists because blablabla" without knowing all the variables involved to such a level that further accuracy ammounts to very little gain (a practical impossibility rather than a theoretical one). What I am saying is that it is completely possible to state that emotional meanings are an effect, and not a cause.

Hmm, I see, so these emotional meanings are the effects of various needs or purposes. However don't you think its possible that some of these emotional meanings can give rise to needs or purposes? They may very well be the effect, but surely such effects can have repercussions that would create further needs?
10.04.2011 - 01:21
I'm sure these things do in fact create their own little cycles, emotions need answers, the answers further the emotions, etc, etc.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
10.04.2011 - 13:22
Written by R'Vannith on 09.04.2011 at 16:27

Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 09.04.2011 at 16:03

I am not saying it is completely possible to sit down with a textbook and say: "Well, love exists because blablabla" without knowing all the variables involved to such a level that further accuracy ammounts to very little gain (a practical impossibility rather than a theoretical one). What I am saying is that it is completely possible to state that emotional meanings are an effect, and not a cause.

Hmm, I see, so these emotional meanings are the effects of various needs or purposes. However don't you think its possible that some of these emotional meanings can give rise to needs or purposes? They may very well be the effect, but surely such effects can have repercussions that would create further needs?

Yes, but the real cause of the further effect in these cases are the needs that create emotional desires and not the desires themselves.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
23.04.2011 - 12:02
The question "what is the meaning of life?" is a fallacy of the category. (Similarily to the question "how much does the colour yellow weigh?")
Only actions can have a meaning/purpose. I do something for some reason, therefore my action has a purpose. And the purpose can be identified by myself, otherwise there wouldn't be any motivation and without motivation, there is no action (see how purpose/meaning works?). Life is not an action we are constantly engaging in. Suppose otherwise (e.g. in addition to typing, I'm also living at the moment). Then, if life is an action, then we must know, what is the purpose of that action, in order for us to have motivation to do it. We don't know what is the purpose of life. Therefore, we don't have motivation for it and we shouldn't be living. But we do live. So there's a contradiction, proving that life is not an action (but merely a state of being .. or a gift from God .. or whatever you like) and it can't have a purpose.

(I switched the words "meaning" and "purpose", but that's justified. E.g. words have meanings, but the meaning of the word is in fact the purpose of the word in a speech act (this is actually more complicated stuff. Just believe me%
"It's because they're stupid, that's why. That's why everybody does everything." - Homer Simpson

"Then hold to the fading colors
The grayest of life is yet to come"
- Întunecatul