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Stupid Names For Genres

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Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 08:30
What genres out there do you find completely useless? I think the whole point of this thread back in the old MS was not coming out and saying what you hate about current genres. The point was to talk about sub-genre names that people just make up due to lyrical content, image, etc...
30.03.2007 - 20:46
Account deleted
Whats wrong with Emo? It suits the genre well...
Christian Black Metal... Thats something that is stupid. Its very possible, but still stupid, lol. I just dont think that when people think of Black Metal the first thing that comes to mind is Christians... Other then the fact that its anti-christian... And people who are really against religion would probably think of why they hate Christians... But any way, yeah... Christian Black Metal's definition is basically a sub-genre of death metal that usually has themes that are anti-christian or peganistic. So thats why I think Christian Black Metal is a stupid name for a genre.
30.03.2007 - 20:51
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
@HauntingNazareth: So...Christian Black Metal still deals with anti-Christian themes? Here I was thinking that they had Christian themes and looked at the anti-Christianity in black metal and tried to deal with why there is so much anti-Christianity in black metal or, if Christian Black Metal deal with anti-Christian themes, why have that genre?
31.03.2007 - 00:15
Written by [user id=22086] on 30.03.2007 at 20:46

Whats wrong with Emo? It suits the genre well...
Christian Black Metal... Thats something that is stupid. Its very possible, but still stupid, lol. I just dont think that when people think of Black Metal the first thing that comes to mind is Christians... Other then the fact that its anti-christian... And people who are really against religion would probably think of why they hate Christians... But any way, yeah... Christian Black Metal's definition is basically a sub-genre of death metal that usually has themes that are anti-christian or peganistic. So thats why I think Christian Black Metal is a stupid name for a genre.

Christian Black Metal - yeah, its realy odd and even funny
31.03.2007 - 01:29
Account deleted
Christian metal should not be considered a sub-genre. A sub-genre shouldn't be named by it's themes, but by the way it sounds. It would be really confusing for a band that plays power metal, and has christian themes, because then someone would make "christian power metal" a genre, when really it's just power metal. If a couple of bands started singing about something weird like food or sex people wouldnt start having "food metal" or "sex metal". So really, christian metal could be any genre of metal with christian lyrics, which really doesn't make a lot of sense so it's a stupid name for a genre.
31.03.2007 - 01:55
Southern Wind
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31.03.2007 - 02:41
The Ancient One
Written by [user id=18875] on 31.03.2007 at 01:29

Christian metal should not be considered a sub-genre. A sub-genre shouldn't be named by it's themes, but by the way it sounds. It would be really confusing for a band that plays power metal, and has christian themes, because then someone would make "christian power metal" a genre, when really it's just power metal. If a couple of bands started singing about something weird like food or sex people wouldnt start having "food metal" or "sex metal". So really, christian metal could be any genre of metal with christian lyrics, which really doesn't make a lot of sense so it's a stupid name for a genre.

Nothing stupid about it. Christian just identifies the lyrical content, much like NSBM.

There are people who strongly believe in those ideologies and people people who strongly oppose those ideologies. Identifying music with those lyrical themes helps ensure that Christians can more easily find music with their preferred message, and the Neo-Nazis find music whose message is right up their alley.

It really doesn't matter to the chunk of people in the middle who don't give a damn about the message, but just listen to the music.
get the fuck off my lawn.

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29.04.2007 - 23:50
Account deleted
I never really knew where people got the name gothic metal, and named bands with opera-ish vocals gothic metal .
30.04.2007 - 08:12
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=18875] on 31.03.2007 at 01:29

Christian metal should not be considered a sub-genre.

Exactly, (I probably have different reasoning than you) thats why it bothers me here on MS they put Tourniqet (forget how to spell it) as 'Christian Thrash', I dont think it should matter whether there music is christian or not.

But I know what you mean about naming bands from lyrical themes, like theres a band in my home town called Verbal Deception and there pretty much folk metal but theyve been dubbed pirate metal because of the pirate theme.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
30.04.2007 - 15:16
The Bard
There is nothing, I mean nothing more stupid than EXtreme Power Metal...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
01.05.2007 - 00:22
Account deleted
Deathcore. I mean seriously, Death Metal with breakdowns? That's pretty silly, since bands like Cryptopsy and Suffocation have them in their songs.
01.05.2007 - 00:37
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by APOHAKC on 30.04.2007 at 15:16

There is nothing, I mean nothing more stupid than EXtreme Power Metal...

What do you call Children of Bodom then....I'm sick of telling people '...well...they have a power metal-like metal base with extreme vocals and virtuous guitar licks' etc...people will understand 'extreme power metal' when you refer to them as such because they sound like extreme metal mixed with power metal...
01.05.2007 - 03:43
Do you heard about: PORNO GRIND (bands like LIVIDITY)
that's quite funny!
01.05.2007 - 03:56
The Bard
Written by Nazeef on 01.05.2007 at 03:43

Do you heard about: PORNO GRIND (bands like LIVIDITY)
that's quite funny!

Yeah, I know some band playing porno grind called Kuma Rafinata
About CoB, I don't know answer on that question, but I still stand in fron of my statement
It is only my opinion though, it doesn't mean that i am right
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
01.05.2007 - 03:59
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=2084] on 01.05.2007 at 00:37

Written by APOHAKC on 30.04.2007 at 15:16

There is nothing, I mean nothing more stupid than EXtreme Power Metal...

What do you call Children of Bodom then....I'm sick of telling people '...well...they have a power metal-like metal base with extreme vocals and virtuous guitar licks' etc...people will understand 'extreme power metal' when you refer to them as such because they sound like extreme metal mixed with power metal...

I know someones gonna call me an idiot for this (because I have been before) but I consider Bodom pretty much the newest form of speed metal.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
01.05.2007 - 05:35
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Speed metal would be a great way to describe them, yes...I still like the term 'extreme power metal'...I like it when people come up with new terms and stuff...
01.05.2007 - 17:01
The Bard
Probably you are right, but the point is when I start listening to Children Of Bodom, I was about only a kid, it was when they released Something Wild, so I was about 9-10 years old. My older brother said to me that it is death metal, and since then I found them for melodic death metal, of cause it is not death metal but... It is strange after all those years to change genre in my head just like that...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
02.05.2007 - 02:56
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I got into Children of Bodom pretty late in the game...I was already your age Aronnax when I first heard them...back then though I was calling them death metal but after listening to people's opinions of their sub-genre term on sites such as this, I finally realized that extreme power metal was the correct thing to call them...however, speed metal also works...

Who else out there knows of a genre name that they think is stupid?
02.05.2007 - 06:43
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by Doc G. on 30.04.2007 at 08:12

Written by [user id=18875] on 31.03.2007 at 01:29

Christian metal should not be considered a sub-genre.

Exactly, (I probably have different reasoning than you) thats why it bothers me here on MS they put Tourniqet (forget how to spell it) as 'Christian Thrash', I dont think it should matter whether there music is christian or not.

But I know what you mean about naming bands from lyrical themes, like theres a band in my home town called Verbal Deception and there pretty much folk metal but theyve been dubbed pirate metal because of the pirate theme.

"Christian Metal" does not claim to be a sub-genre of Metal in a musical sense. The term "Christian Metal" actually was first being used by non-Christians to try and down play the said band. As the CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) movement started to get big in the 1970's, early Christian Metal bands, such as Resurrection Band and Jerusalem, became apart of it. But they were not using the title "Christian" as a marketing tool, like many of the CCM bands were.

It wasn't really untill Stryper came along that people began calling them "Christian" Metal bands Stryper decided to really push that title, as they felt the "Christian" part was more important than the "Metal" element. Soon other bands would follow. most notably King's X, Tourniquet and Whitecross. Both the 1980's Glam Metal scene and Thrash Metal scene began seeing more Christian bands. While Stryper was the biggest name in "Christian Metal", things were about to change.

Many Metal bands had Christian members, and in some bands all members were followers of Jesus. The numbers began to grow, and new genre's were being explored by Christian artists. Power, Death, Progressive, Gothic, Black, Nu, etc. were all being used as a medium for Christians to bring their message of Jesus to other people. Now some bands use the "Christian" title, while others don't, It is totally their choice. Some bands started out with the title and dropped it, while others did the opposite.

But just in the last few years we have seen a massive change in the Metal scene with Christians being focused on more. Famous artists such as Dave Mustain and Alice Cooper have become Christians. Still some of the biggest Metal bands have Christian members, such as Dream Theater, Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, Opeth and Iron Maiden. Then there is the Metalcore scene. This genre is dominated by Christians. Killswitch Engage, Thrice, Zao, Demon Hunter, As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, August Burns Red, The Chariot, The Devil Wears Prada, Haste the Day, The Showdow, Sinai Beach, and Still Remains, just to name a fraction of them.

So using the title "Christian Metal" today, is used in conjunction with a specific style, such as Saviour Machine being "Christian Gothic Metal". But it is totaly up to the band if they want to, for Virgin Black, Kekal or Shadow Gallery are all Christians, but don't front the title.
(space for rent)
02.05.2007 - 11:23
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Dane Train on 02.05.2007 at 06:43

Written by Doc G. on 30.04.2007 at 08:12

Written by [user id=18875] on 31.03.2007 at 01:29

Christian metal should not be considered a sub-genre.

Exactly, (I probably have different reasoning than you) thats why it bothers me here on MS they put Tourniqet (forget how to spell it) as 'Christian Thrash', I dont think it should matter whether there music is christian or not.

But I know what you mean about naming bands from lyrical themes, like theres a band in my home town called Verbal Deception and there pretty much folk metal but theyve been dubbed pirate metal because of the pirate theme.


I know they are dubbed as being Christians (maybe because they are on the Christian Fear Dark record label) but I've read interviews with them in dutch language metal mags where they say they aren't Christians at all. they say that they don't follow any religion but because they are Indonesian and are required by the Indonesian government to state a religion (being non-religious is not allowed in Indonesia) they told the government they are Christians.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.05.2007 - 11:39
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I dont see why cristian metal are stupid genre?
Well ok but cristian metal ist just like metal, there are specifical genres like cristian black metal, cristian melo black, cristian doom in that case its ok, its just like metal but fefore genre we say cristain, but sometimes i dont understand we dont say satanic BM, satanic DM , but seems its only to show that band members are cristians
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.05.2007 - 17:00
Account deleted
Idustrial Death Metal!!..hahahaaa...It is too stupid!!
02.05.2007 - 18:01
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=17724] on 02.05.2007 at 17:00

Idustrial Death Metal!!..hahahaaa...It is too stupid!!

And why, might I ask?
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.05.2007 - 19:02
Metal Master
Written by Bad English on 02.05.2007 at 11:39

Well ok but cristian metal ist just like metal, there are specifical genres like cristian black metal

Christian black metal seems dumb to me. Why? Simply - the most common lyrical emphasis in black metal revolve around Satanic, Pagan, or occult themes, and opposition to Christianity. And why should Christians perform so unfriendly genre to them?
02.05.2007 - 19:44
Account deleted
I found an "Industrial" metal a stupid term. I don't know, it's doesn't describe the type of music very much. I don't even know why is it called "Industrial".
02.05.2007 - 19:51
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.05.2007 at 11:23

I know they are dubbed as being Christians (maybe because they are on the Christian Fear Dark record label) but I've read interviews with them in dutch language metal mags where they say they aren't Christians at all. they say that they don't follow any religion but because they are Indonesian and are required by the Indonesian government to state a religion (being non-religious is not allowed in Indonesia) they told the government they are Christians.

I have read one article like that about them, maybe it was the same one. But I have also read other ones where they did say they were Christians. What really puzzles me is if their not Christians, what about their lyrics? Especcially on their first album.
(space for rent)
02.05.2007 - 21:01
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.05.2007 at 18:01

Written by [user id=17724] on 02.05.2007 at 17:00

Idustrial Death Metal!!..hahahaaa...It is too stupid!!

And why, might I ask?

Oh!!!...It was my mistake that I said Ind.Death Metal...
What i Meant to say was "Industrial Nu metal "
02.05.2007 - 21:21
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=17724] on 02.05.2007 at 21:01

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.05.2007 at 18:01

Written by [user id=17724] on 02.05.2007 at 17:00

Idustrial Death Metal!!..hahahaaa...It is too stupid!!

And why, might I ask?

Oh!!!...It was my mistake that I said Ind.Death Metal...
What i Meant to say was "Industrial Nu metal "

And why that? I dont se ether enothing stupid because Nu7-metal bands thay are so mixed up that ... beter dont coment

@W-Lash I wont reapeete but i had discuss it wery offen in past in 'Cristians Play Blak metal' tread
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.05.2007 - 09:10
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Dane Train on 02.05.2007 at 19:51

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.05.2007 at 11:23

I know they are dubbed as being Christians (maybe because they are on the Christian Fear Dark record label) but I've read interviews with them in dutch language metal mags where they say they aren't Christians at all. they say that they don't follow any religion but because they are Indonesian and are required by the Indonesian government to state a religion (being non-religious is not allowed in Indonesia) they told the government they are Christians.

I have read one article like that about them, maybe it was the same one. But I have also read other ones where they did say they were Christians. What really puzzles me is if their not Christians, what about their lyrics? Especcially on their first album.

I haven't delved into their lyrics so I can say anything about that.

But I doublt we read the same interviews because both articles I am talking about were done by Dutch magazines (well, I am guessing you don't read Dutch metal magazines and don't understand Dutch )
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

04.05.2007 - 01:13
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
This is one that I just looked up...pretty bizarre....they're just dumping a lot of bands into a bin that sound generally crazy...I looked up the bands they want to dub circus metal and there are already pretty obvious sub-genres that they are known as...there is already a great umbrella term and it's alternative metal...
04.05.2007 - 02:25
Mr. Noise
Written by [user id=23107] on 02.05.2007 at 19:44

I found an "Industrial" metal a stupid term. I don't know, it's doesn't describe the type of music very much. I don't even know why is it called "Industrial".

Because some bands have a real industrial feel to them. What is industrial feel, you might ask?

Think about very heavy artillery-like drums, or drums that sound like other heavy machinery. 'Cold' production, often. Some bands also have a bit of a militant feel to it.

Someone who might be able to help you out with this is jupitreas. You may want to ask him.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama