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Rock Bands Mistaken For Metal Bands

Created by: Dr. Strawberry | 30.08.2014

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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18.09.2014 - 08:12
Dr. Strawberry
Written by afu on 18.09.2014 at 01:42

Man, you are full of stupid, aren't you? Almost your entire argument is laced with really, really bad assumptions, straw men, and "no true Scotsman", among other fallacies and problems. Go fuck off.

(I had something written, but I erased it. My time is more valuable than some internet chump.)

- What ? Stupid ? I assume you're still living in the past. You have to go checking the true meaning of AOR.
- Based on "KERRANG's Essential AOR albums", Quiet Riot is on the list !
It's up to you to AGREE OR NOT but it's not for you to say it's RIGHT OR WRONG.
- For me I agree with KERRANG's classification as it's not that heavy anymore after year 2000, and QR was still considered radio-friendly then.
- It's similar to some people still thinking Venom and Mercyful Fate are Black Metal, I accept the historical reasons behind and I dont agree with it in modern era but I still can accept their classification.
However I won't be so egoistic to judge if IT IS RIGHT OR WRONG and even asking people to "fuck off".
Where is your civilization ? still live inside of your comfort cave ?
- I come from a civilized country, sometimes probably using harsh words but restricted to people's opinions. I won't make personal attack saying vulgur language, and address people as moron, idiot, so childish...and just a coward cry on websites.
- Please do not act like extremists, they are the new terror in this world.
- I don't know why did you talk about.. modern amplifiers..Marshall, Hiwatt, Fender, Vox...totally irrelevant !
18.09.2014 - 12:24
Dr. Strawberry
Apart from KERRANG, find out more people categorized Quiet Riot as AOR/Hard Rock bands :
1) Spirit of Metal -
2) AOR Dreamer :
3) Odayrox :

In the past they're described as the first Heavy Metal band to top the pop chart...I won't judge if it's right or wrong because I am not going to criticize as it contained certain "commercial factors", it's up to the publishers to name Quiet Riot full catelogue is only re-issueed by AOR/ Hard Rock music label, none of Metal music label is dealing with Quiet Riot.
27.04.2015 - 09:45
Thrash Talker
Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:09

I'm fine with these bands being called hard rock or heavy metal. Doesn't detract from their quality. And some of them are pure rock bands. So what?

I once read that difference between hard rock and heavy metal is girls want to shag to hard rock but not metal (it was from a famous guitarist).

I like that distinction though.

Also Godbuster isn't the first metalhead to deny these bands are metal.

Ironically Metalheads do tend to call anything with heavy guitars metal - I've even heard Foo Fighters and Silverchair referred to as metal by some metalheads. And then shit like Megadeth or Metallica gets called thrash when they're just cranking out heavy metal or Theatre of Tragedy and Gathering even after they shed all traces of metal. And then some wankers will call In Flames latest stuff melodic death metal but refuse to acknowledge Trivium as a metal band.

Really people call shit whatever they like. It doesn't really matter in the end.

I mean sure, but there's clearly certain limits. I get that some metal bands, from time to time will release an album that has nothing to do with what they used to play or with their ''primary'' genre.
Why the fuck not right ? But I still believe, to a certain extent, that labels in music are there for a reason and must be understood in order for them to keep a level of utility. Otherwise how can you
actually search for anything similar to something you've heard and liked without getting caught in an Ass-fucking Armageddon of ''nothing I'm actually looking for, really''. Nobody's goin' to search for an AOR band and go like ''Oh yeah! Quiet Riot, definitely the shit I was looking for when I typed in -AOR BAND SUGGESTIONS-, thank you label!''. Like no... I'm not denying completely that they meddled in the AOR at some point in their career, not at all, but you still can't fucking label them AOR. The band remains Heavy Metal for the most part.

Then again for your other point. People who refuse to acknowledge ''Trivium'' or whatever other band that has a clear metal influence and/or sound to it are usually the same ''Elitists'' kind who worship their ''Tr00'' fucking ''Kvlt'' metal for being so fucking evil and brutal. As if that had anything to do with a band being metal or not. Music makes something metal, not notoriety, popularity, sales or whether or not the vast majority thinks the front man's an asshole or not. To be honest, I never quite understood the whole ''We hate on this metal trend or that metal trend'' ever, the many times it happened in Heavy Metal's history. What's the point? I mean if you don't like the new trend, good for you, just shut the fuck up and listen to whatever you like. Anyways I think you get my point.

Now for this ----- ''people call shit whatever they like. It doesn't really matter in the end.'' -----

I mean sure, nobody's going to die from it, but like I mentioned earlier, it does have it's importance. Especially on forums (like here) when you're actually trying to find something that sounds like that ''specific'' genre or band that you've been looking for. If people just start making up shit (pretty much like the List creator) all it does is create confusion and quite a bit of chaos. Sure it'll be fun for a while, but then it'll get irritating and definitely nothing close to useful. As for this list, I think most bands listed up there are actual ''Hard Rock'' / ''Heavy Metal'', and I really don't understand what the creator's trying to accomplish by throwing at us a pile of bull shit on things that have been settled way before I was even born.

In conclusion, I just think God Buster should drop it with the ''genre-making'' non-sense. Seriously no one takes you seriously and I do hope you're just trolling, for your sake. As far as I'm concerned you're no authority on any music matter, you've got no strong evidences or sources to back most of the rubbish you're typing and you seem to be a tad delusional (sorry but it's true).

EDIT: Seems like Deadone removed his comment, but still, I'm leaving this here.
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
27.04.2015 - 10:00
Dr. Strawberry
Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:49

Removed cause I'd aready responded before.

You make some fair points too.

Deadone, you got to stand on your ground ! Don't be influenced by the kid. He was just a new kid on the metal block trying to be smart. Even Ozzy said in one of the interviews, "Why the fuck people keep on labelling Ozzy as metal ? I just played slightly heavier than hard rock", implied something in between metal and hard rock. Old Metal vs New Metal, depends which era you are in, I am in the later...similarly, I called Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath a heavy metal but not a black (even it's the first wave).
27.04.2015 - 10:30
Thrash Talker
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:00

Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:49

Removed cause I'd aready responded before.

You make some fair points too.

Deadone, you got to stand on your ground ! Don't be influenced by the kid. He was just a new kid on the metal block trying to be smart. Even Ozzy said in one of the interviews, "Why the fuck people keep on labelling Ozzy as metal ? I just played slightly heavier than hard rock", implied something in between metal and hard rock. Old Metal vs New Metal, depends which era you are in, I am in the later...similarly, I called Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath a heavy metal but not a black (even it's the first wave).

Oh boy, now let's explain to you old man how we create said ''label''. Basically, the artist targeted by it is never involved really... Why you may ask? Because a label comes to form with the act of ''looking back'' and having a perspective. How can you have a perspective on something you're creating at the moment? Well, very little. You think The Beatles were ''Classic Rock'' in 1960? Probably not. Well, then again a genre or style may evolve and change over time, though that involves discoveries, improvement of the music or fusion with another genre, otherwise, what's the point in changing the label of ''said genre''. Anyways old man, that's how it is. Now go sleep, people your age shouldn't stay up too late.
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
27.04.2015 - 10:42
Dr. Strawberry
Written by Guib on 27.04.2015 at 10:30

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:00

Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:49

Removed cause I'd aready responded before.

You make some fair points too.

Deadone, you got to stand on your ground ! Don't be influenced by the kid. He was just a new kid on the metal block trying to be smart. Even Ozzy said in one of the interviews, "Why the fuck people keep on labelling Ozzy as metal ? I just played slightly heavier than hard rock", implied something in between metal and hard rock. Old Metal vs New Metal, depends which era you are in, I am in the later...similarly, I called Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath a heavy metal but not a black (even it's the first wave).

Oh boy, now let's explain to you old man how we create said ''label''. Basically, the artist targeted by it is never involved really... Why you may ask? Because a label comes to form with the act of ''looking back'' and having a perspective. How can you have a perspective on something you're creating at the moment? Well, very little. You think The Beatles were ''Classic Rock'' in 1960? Probably not. Well, then again a genre or style may evolve and change over time, though that involves discoveries, improvement of the music or fusion with another genre, otherwise, what's the point in changing the label of ''said genre''. Anyways old man, that's how it is. Now go sleep, people your age shouldn't stay up too late.

Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man wants to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.
27.04.2015 - 11:18
Thrash Talker
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:42

Written by Guib on 27.04.2015 at 10:30

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:00

Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:49

Removed cause I'd aready responded before.

You make some fair points too.

Deadone, you got to stand on your ground ! Don't be influenced by the kid. He was just a new kid on the metal block trying to be smart. Even Ozzy said in one of the interviews, "Why the fuck people keep on labelling Ozzy as metal ? I just played slightly heavier than hard rock", implied something in between metal and hard rock. Old Metal vs New Metal, depends which era you are in, I am in the later...similarly, I called Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath a heavy metal but not a black (even it's the first wave).

Oh boy, now let's explain to you old man how we create said ''label''. Basically, the artist targeted by it is never involved really... Why you may ask? Because a label comes to form with the act of ''looking back'' and having a perspective. How can you have a perspective on something you're creating at the moment? Well, very little. You think The Beatles were ''Classic Rock'' in 1960? Probably not. Well, then again a genre or style may evolve and change over time, though that involves discoveries, improvement of the music or fusion with another genre, otherwise, what's the point in changing the label of ''said genre''. Anyways old man, that's how it is. Now go sleep, people your age shouldn't stay up too late.

Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man want to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.

Actually my friend, it's not contradictory at all. But before I explain this thought, let's just remind everyone of a simple Math concept. Please compare apples with apples, and don't mix them with oranges. Meaning that you cannot compare the creation of a music style/genre through perspective to the physical appearance of a random pop-star. The analogy is simply irrelevant, why? Because said pop-star is not creating any sorts of ''label'' with her physical attributes or by being ''hot'' by your standards, and those same physical attributes will change by themselves over time and yes by then you may want to look away. That wouldn't happen with her albums though, I mean they won't look different in 30 years, they might just be labeled differently perhaps. Though usually, once that ''perspective'' has already kicked in, the general consensus seems to understand that further change in the name of a ''label'' is more confusing than anything, especially if ''said label'' did not change or fuse with another one. I mean sure, said pop-star could have some fashion trend going on which could gain in popularity, but I can assure you that this fashion trend 20 years later, with that same ''perspective'' approach, will be looked upon in a very different manner. This, once again, tends to agree with my first statement. Now, what was involved in my previous post (that I may have not specified thinking everyone would get it, apparently not), is that the ''label'' itself did not exist when the artist first released the musical work that would then come to be named as such. What may have been less clear for you is the way I mentioned -- You think The Beatles were ''Classic Rock'' in 1960? Probably not. -- I did not imply that The Beatles are not and were not ''Classic Rock'' in 1960 by the already accomplished perspective of today. I was merely referring to the fact that back in 1960, the term ''Classic Rock'' itself was probably not even used or created (See, lack of perspective). So I don't think anything in there is contradictory... What would've been contradictory is saying that a ''label'' is created with perspective but as soon as it comes out, that is contradictory. Also, it's safe to say that Britney Spears songs are still called POP even though she had already a longer than 10 years career, a better analogy could've been made by using Michael Jackson as an example, which would've still ended up with the same conclusion though, since his songs seems to still be labeled POP as well. But at the same time, I did not reply thinking you would understand or change your mind, I gave that idea up even before you first replied to my post.

EDIT: Oh yeah and for that ---- I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you. ---
I honestly don't think you know anything better or clearer than anyone. Just my opinion though.
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
27.04.2015 - 11:29
Dr. Strawberry
Written by Guib on 27.04.2015 at 11:18

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:42

Written by Guib on 27.04.2015 at 10:30

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:00

Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:49

Removed cause I'd aready responded before.

You make some fair points too.

Deadone, you got to stand on your ground ! Don't be influenced by the kid. He was just a new kid on the metal block trying to be smart. Even Ozzy said in one of the interviews, "Why the fuck people keep on labelling Ozzy as metal ? I just played slightly heavier than hard rock", implied something in between metal and hard rock. Old Metal vs New Metal, depends which era you are in, I am in the later...similarly, I called Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath a heavy metal but not a black (even it's the first wave).

Oh boy, now let's explain to you old man how we create said ''label''. Basically, the artist targeted by it is never involved really... Why you may ask? Because a label comes to form with the act of ''looking back'' and having a perspective. How can you have a perspective on something you're creating at the moment? Well, very little. You think The Beatles were ''Classic Rock'' in 1960? Probably not. Well, then again a genre or style may evolve and change over time, though that involves discoveries, improvement of the music or fusion with another genre, otherwise, what's the point in changing the label of ''said genre''. Anyways old man, that's how it is. Now go sleep, people your age shouldn't stay up too late.

Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man want to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.

Actually my friend....

I don't know what the shit are you talking about. What I know is I totally agreed with Ozzy Osbourne, there is something in between Metal and Hard Rock; Heavy Rock or Heavy Hard Rock.

If you have problem with that just go and email Ozzy and have a debat with him !
I got to save my breath and have a good sleep. Good Night.
27.04.2015 - 11:32
Thrash Talker
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 11:29

Written by Guib on 27.04.2015 at 11:18

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:42

Written by Guib on 27.04.2015 at 10:30

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 27.04.2015 at 10:00

Written by deadone on 27.04.2015 at 09:49

Removed cause I'd aready responded before.

You make some fair points too.

I don't know what the shit are you talking about. What I know is I totally agreed with Ozzy Osbourne, there is something in between Metal and Hard Rock; Heavy Rock or Heavy Hard Rock.

If you have problem with that just go and email Ozzy and have a debat with him !
I got to save my breath and have a good sleep. Good Night.

I was actually replying to this:


Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man want to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.


And not your non-sense about Ozzy, but like I said before, I didn't expect you to understand and you didn't disappoint. +1 GJ
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
27.04.2015 - 17:05
Erik M.

(of course not due to Guib who is making good points)
27.04.2015 - 17:23
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Funny how GodBuster saving his ailing butt.
28.04.2015 - 08:25
Dr. Strawberry

I was actually replying to this:


Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man want to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.


Yes. I was replying all the nonesense made by you earlier. Contradictory & Pointless.
No one is stopping you calling Van Halen, Rush, Quiet Riot... metal bands, be my guess it doesn't hurt me anyway.

Btw, I didn't waste time reading all your posts (I just read a few lines) as I guess all the crucial points have been discussed before
28.04.2015 - 16:45
Thrash Talker
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 28.04.2015 at 08:25

I was actually replying to this:


Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man want to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.


Yes. I was replying all the nonesense made by you earlier. Contradictory & Pointless.
No one is stopping you calling Van Halen, Rush, Quiet Riot... metal bands, be my guess it doesn't hurt me anyway.

Btw, I didn't waste time reading all your posts (I just read a few lines) as I guess all the crucial points have been discussed before

So basically you're saying that you are arguing/criticizing something you did not even read properly?
*Slow clap*, I'm out of here, have fun with your delusional concepts and ideas God Buster.
( I don't even know why I bothered posting.)
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
28.04.2015 - 21:31
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by Guib on 28.04.2015 at 16:45

Written by Dr. Strawberry on 28.04.2015 at 08:25

I was actually replying to this:


Sounds very contradictory, are you saying something that against your own statements ? 10 years ago every man want to fuck Britney Spears, now she lookks at you and you will quickly look away ! Her songs were POP, another 10 years from now, I will just call them oldies. That's the concept I am talking about.

Btw, I am not that old actually, I am in between the mid 90's, that's why I knew the progressive developement and transitions clearer than you.


Yes. I was replying all the nonesense made by you earlier. Contradictory & Pointless.
No one is stopping you calling Van Halen, Rush, Quiet Riot... metal bands, be my guess it doesn't hurt me anyway.

Btw, I didn't waste time reading all your posts (I just read a few lines) as I guess all the crucial points have been discussed before

So basically you're saying that you are arguing/criticizing something you did not even read properly?
*Slow clap*, I'm out of here, have fun with your delusional concepts and ideas God Buster.
( I don't even know why I bothered posting.)

Leave him for his poor sake.

He doesn't even know how to quote, forget about his amusing arguments. He always act like a cuppish clown who want to be a "stud'.
29.04.2015 - 07:24
Dr. Strawberry

So basically you're saying that you are arguing/criticizing something you did not even read properly?
*Slow clap*, I'm out of here, have fun with your delusional concepts and ideas God Buster.
( I don't even know why I bothered posting.)

Just had a quick browse, basically all points had been mentioned earlier so it's a waste of time to repeat.

First and foremost, if you don't think there is such thing as Heavy Rock or Heavy Hard Rock then there is no point to continue talking about this subject matter. I am totally not an Ozzfan, I even disliked Black Sabbath but one thing I totally agreed with Ozzy, as he said "Why the fuck people kept labelling my music Metal ? I am just heavier than Hard Rock". I can understand his frustration as people (like you, Joe, Troy, among others) didn't really pay attention to his effort.

There're 2 musicians (from different bands, also listed on MS) are my friends. I was really shocked when they mentioned their music was Heavy Rock, actually I have categorized their music metal all the time. I tried to listen their music again and again and finally found their effort of making different. Distortion, vocals, tempo.. everything is actually different from metal.

These musicians have been doing their job everyday to make a different and label thenselves as Heavy Rock. Don't play smart to think that you know better than them, google kids tend to find anything which has not been mentioned on the screen considering doesn't exist.
30.04.2015 - 04:56
Thrash Talker
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 29.04.2015 at 07:24

So basically you're saying that you are arguing/criticizing something you did not even read properly?
*Slow clap*, I'm out of here, have fun with your delusional concepts and ideas God Buster.
( I don't even know why I bothered posting.)

Don't play smart to think that you know better than them, google kids tend to find anything which has not been mentioned on the screen considering doesn't exist.

Well that's what YOU have been doing the entire time lol. You have absolutely no valid evidence of what you're saying. ''Heavy Rock'' in itself is not even a genre used anywhere, it's either ''Hard Rock'' or ''Heavy Metal'' or ''Rock''. And no matter if your ''Friends'' would call the style they play ''Pink fluffy porn rock'', I already explained to you that it's rarely the artists themselves that come up with the labels
Though I would love to know who are those ''Friends'' of yours and in what bands they play... I mean if you bring that up why not sharing the source of this talk with us?
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
30.04.2015 - 09:44
Account deleted
The term "heavy rock" was used (by music media) to describe for instance the music of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Humble Pie, Uriah Heep and many others. It's still the best label for what Black Sabbath was doing in the 70s.

My question is who is mistaking the bands in your list for metal bands? The mainstream media? Vh1 and MTV? Because they come up with ridiculous classifications (Korn and MM labeled as a hard rock bands is one example LOL).

The artists often don't even care how they are labeled. Lemmy always says he plays rock'n'roll.
As for the bands in your list, Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister fit the glam metal criteria and so does the early Motley Crue (the first 2-3 albums). Def Leppard's early albums are metal (I heard Joe Elliot complaining in an interview about DL being NOT a metal band in the early days - LOL).
I would classify Motorhead and Ozzy as heavy metal but that's just me.

As for the rest, NO.

"heavy hard rock"? I LOLed at that.
30.04.2015 - 10:18
Dr. Strawberry

Well that's what YOU have been doing the entire time lol. You have absolutely no valid evidence of what you're saying. ''Heavy Rock'' in itself is not even a genre used anywhere, it's either ''Hard Rock'' or ''Heavy Metal'' or ''Rock''. And no matter if your ''Friends'' would call the style they play ''Pink fluffy porn rock'', I already explained to you that it's rarely the artists themselves that come up with the labels
Though I would love to know who are those ''Friends'' of yours and in what bands they play... I mean if you bring that up why not sharing the source of this talk with us?

Google kid, I am not here wasting my time to persuade you to conform with anything that "you deemed doesn't exist".
As mentioned earlier, just email Ozzy and tell him, "What you said in your interview was fucking wrong, you don't know what the hell are you doing".
30.04.2015 - 10:57
Dr. Strawberry
Written by [user id=17278] on 30.04.2015 at 09:44

The term "heavy rock" was used (by music media) to describe for instance the music of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Humble Pie, Uriah Heep and many others. It's still the best label for what Black Sabbath was doing in the 70s.

My question is who is mistaking the bands in your list for metal bands? The mainstream media? Vh1 and MTV? Because they come up with ridiculous classifications (Korn and MM labeled as a hard rock bands is one example LOL).

The artists often don't even care how they are labeled. Lemmy always says he plays rock'n'roll.
As for the bands in your list, Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister fit the glam metal criteria and so does the early Motley Crue (the first 2-3 albums). Def Leppard's early albums are metal (I heard Joe Elliot complaining in an interview about DL being NOT a metal band in the early days - LOL).
I would classify Motorhead and Ozzy as heavy metal but that's just me.

As for the rest, NO.

"heavy hard rock"? I LOLed at that.

The term "heavy rock" was used (by music media) to describe for instance the music of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Humble Pie, Uriah Heep and many others. It's still the best label for what Black Sabbath was doing in the 70s.
- Agreed !
Especially in year 2015. (Similarly, will you call i-phone "smart phone" 20 years later ? I doubt).
Same theory applied. I don't mind people call Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath, Heavy Metal (first wave of Black Metal), always comes with bracket ( ).

My question is who is mistaking the bands in your list for metal bands? The mainstream media? Vh1 and MTV? Because they come up with ridiculous classifications (Korn and MM labeled as a hard rock bands is one example LOL).
- Many here on MS, you may check all the posts earlier.
You may call Korn a Nu Metal band but they're trying hard to make their music more commercial and toned down distortion of few tracks on each album, not a band which is loyal to metal genre. I won't disagree if people also call them a Heavy Rock band.

The artists often don't even care how they are labeled. Lemmy always says he plays rock'n'roll.
- Yes and No.
True, musicians usually care more about how their music sounds like, they don't like to be grouped especially for the bands (because it sounds like a follower). genre and style could be the next thing they would consider to make their listeners could adapt more easily and quickly.
- During Lemmy era there was no so called Heavy Metal, heavy metal was not an official term. They just played something heavily than rock n' roll. Stupid fans alter called them Heavy Metal, to me they're Heavy Rock n' Roll, even Judas Priest mentioned thousands of times in the lyrics that they're playing rock n' roll in their early albums...

As for the bands in your list, Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister fit the glam metal criteria and so does the early Motley Crue (the first 2-3 albums). Def Leppard's early albums are metal (I heard Joe Elliot complaining in an interview about DL being NOT a metal band in the early days - LOL).
I would classify Motorhead and Ozzy as heavy metal but that's just me.
- There is No Such Thing as Glam Metal, only Glam Rock/ Glam Hard Rock ! Again, many stupid fans find their idols "got the metal look thats kill", really stupid.

"heavy hard rock"? I LOLed at that.
- It sounds odd, but there are few important points that you need to consider:
Heavy Rock counld be refering to rock which is heavier than Blues Rock, Psychedelic Rock...etc
(of course not included progreesive rock as heavy version of progreesive rock has developed into progressive metal)
- Heavy Hard Rock could be refering rock that is "only" heavier than Hard Rock, so I dont mind though sounds a bit odd.
30.04.2015 - 11:25
Account deleted
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 30.04.2015 at 10:57

The term "heavy rock" was used (by music media) to describe for instance the music of Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Humble Pie, Uriah Heep and many others. It's still the best label for what Black Sabbath was doing in the 70s.
- Agreed !
Especially in year 2015. (Similarly, will you call i-phone "smart phone" 20 years later ? I doubt).
Same theory applied. I don't mind people call Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath, Heavy Metal (first wave of Black Metal), always comes with bracket ( ).

My question is who is mistaking the bands in your list for metal bands? The mainstream media? Vh1 and MTV? Because they come up with ridiculous classifications (Korn and MM labeled as a hard rock bands is one example LOL).
- Many here on MS, you may check all the posts earlier.
You may call Korn a Nu Metal band but they're trying hard to make their music more commercial and toned down distortion of few tracks on each album, not a band which is loyal to metal genre. I won't disagree if people also call them a Heavy Rock band.

The artists often don't even care how they are labeled. Lemmy always says he plays rock'n'roll.
- Yes and No.
True, musicians usually care more about how their music sounds like, they don't like to be grouped especially for the bands (because it sounds like a follower). genre and style could be the next thing they would consider to make their listeners could adapt more easily and quickly.
- During Lemmy era there was no so called Heavy Metal, heavy metal was not an official term. They just played something heavily than rock n' roll. Stupid fans alter called them Heavy Metal, to me they're Heavy Rock n' Roll, even Judas Priest mentioned thousands of times in the lyrics that they're playing rock n' roll in their early albums...

As for the bands in your list, Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister fit the glam metal criteria and so does the early Motley Crue (the first 2-3 albums). Def Leppard's early albums are metal (I heard Joe Elliot complaining in an interview about DL being NOT a metal band in the early days - LOL).
I would classify Motorhead and Ozzy as heavy metal but that's just me.
- There is No Such Thing as Glam Metal, only Glam Rock/ Glam Hard Rock ! Again, many stupid fans find their idols "got the metal look thats kill", really stupid.

"heavy hard rock"? I LOLed at that.
- It sounds odd, but there are few important points that you need to consider:
Heavy Rock counld be refering to rock which is heavier than Blues Rock, Psychedelic Rock...etc
(of course not included progreesive rock as heavy version of progreesive rock has developed into progressive metal)
- Heavy Hard Rock could be refering rock that is "only" heavier than Hard Rock, so I dont mind though sounds a bit odd.

"heavy rock" makes sense at least, "heavy hard rock" not so much - there is hard rock that sounds more energetic (for a lack of a better word) and hard rock that's melodic (like Foreigner, Bad Company or Toto, I see them as hard rock as well).

Glam rock or glam metal or glam whatever (LOL) makes me think of image first, fashion more, I dunno. There's nothing metal about what people call "hair metal" (which was more or less hard rock) but bands like Twisted Sister, Quiiet Riot, early Motley Crue, even Ratt were much heavier than glam rock that was an inspiration for them, what can I call them? Glam metal makes sense to me.

I see you come with your own genre classifications, good for you, if it helps you and things make sense, but don't call people or fans stupid just because you disagree with them.
30.04.2015 - 11:43
Dr. Strawberry

"heavy rock" makes sense at least, "heavy hard rock" not so much - there is hard rock that sounds more energetic (for a lack of a better word) and hard rock that's melodic (like Foreigner, Bad Company or Toto, I see them as hard rock as well).

- It's better to call Foreigner, Toto AOR or soft rock, not hard rock. They're just slightly heavier than pop rock.

Glam rock or glam metal or glam whatever (LOL) makes me think of image first, fashion more, I dunno. There's nothing metal about what people call "hair metal" (which was more or less hard rock) but bands like Twisted Sister, Quiiet Riot, early Motley Crue, even Ratt were much heavier than glam rock that was an inspiration for them, what can I call them? Glam metal makes sense to me.

- To decide rock or metal which is very much depend on the "Distortion" which is presented in their music but not the "Heaviness". In other words, Motley Crue plays louder than other hard rock band doesn't make the quality of their music different from other hard rock bands, as the Distortion and tempos of guitars, drums and bass are exactly the same as the composition played by other hard rock bands (only louder).
30.04.2015 - 12:27
Account deleted
Written by Dr. Strawberry on 30.04.2015 at 11:43

"heavy rock" makes sense at least, "heavy hard rock" not so much - there is hard rock that sounds more energetic (for a lack of a better word) and hard rock that's melodic (like Foreigner, Bad Company or Toto, I see them as hard rock as well).

- It's better to call Foreigner, Toto AOR or soft rock, not hard rock. They're just slightly heavier than pop rock.

Glam rock or glam metal or glam whatever (LOL) makes me think of image first, fashion more, I dunno. There's nothing metal about what people call "hair metal" (which was more or less hard rock) but bands like Twisted Sister, Quiiet Riot, early Motley Crue, even Ratt were much heavier than glam rock that was an inspiration for them, what can I call them? Glam metal makes sense to me.

- To decide rock or metal which is very much depend on the "Distortion" which is presented in their music but not the "Heaviness". In other words, Motley Crue plays louder than other hard rock band doesn't make the quality of their music different from other hard rock bands, as the Distortion and tempos of guitars, drums and bass are exactly the same as the composition played by other hard rock bands (only louder).

Both Foreigner and Toto could rock hard, their sound was melodic,they wrote some pop songs as well, but I would still classify them as hard rock.

More distortion, louder, faster, that what made the difference between hard rock and heavy metal in the end, plus add punk as an influence and heavy metal shaped up distancing itself from hard rock (they went hand in hand for a while). Most hard rock remained blues-rock based, metal went into different direction.
21.09.2015 - 16:51
Even Troy's tongue in cheek list makes more sense than this shit.
21.09.2015 - 18:47
Dr. Strawberry
Written by Daniell on 21.09.2015 at 16:51

Even Troy's tongue in cheek list makes more sense than this shit.

He's brain dead by now...proven my list is a real shit.
06.01.2023 - 19:23
I don't agree with the pick of motorhead. I know that Lemmy always said that they played rock'n'roll but let's be honest... they played heavy metal with a rock'n'roll attitude.

Ozzy was heavy metal at the beginning but I don't know most of his discography so I'm not sure.

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