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Adagio interview (06/2006)

With: Stephan Forte [Guitars]
Conducted by: Unknown user (e-mail)
Published: 16.06.2006

Band profile:


- Hello, first, I would like to know if the arrival of Gus Mosanto created some changes inside the band and if yes, can you detail them to us?

Hi.Yes definitely Gus's arrival brought a lot of good things to the band. First I would say unity. Second is also a great voice of course and an extraordinary friend.
He's very versatile and can sing from very clean to very aggressive in a second. It opens many possibilities musically.

- A question for Gus? (if it's possible) How did you come to know Adagio and what made you wanna sing for them?

One of Gus's friend read the announcement that we were looking for a new singer, and told him to try. He sent one of our song "Chosen" from Underworld and we loved it so much that we proposed him to come to France for an audition. Few weeks after we were flying to Atlanta together for the Prog-Power USA show.

- Then Gus, you're from Brazil and on some songs like 'Fire Forever' your vocals are very similar to those of Angra... Have Brazilian bands like Angra, Sepultura, etc. influenced your way of singing?

It's pretty difficult for me to answear to his place, but as I have no other choice? lol
I think that the Brazilian metal scene has a strong identity, and that those major bands influenced a lot of people. So if he could reply to this one, I guess he would say yes.

- Well let's talk about the album now. First the title 'Dominate' is a really catchy title. I wanted to know if there is some hidden message behind it... Adagio on its way to the world metal scene domination? :p

Why not ;-) We wanted a strong and positive name, we have our own meaning, but everybody is free to understand it the way he wants.

- Now, I have a question about the lyrics... We felt a growing darkness on the last album 'Underworld', Dominate seems even more darker... What is your explanation to that progression?

Being always darker is our main goal. Simply because it's what defines Adagio's musical goal: To emphasize the darkest aspects of the music.

- On the album the vocals range from clear and emotional vocals on 'Kissing The Crow' to great growls nearly deathlike on songs like 'Terror Jungle'... How did you come to add Death vocals on the album? Do you look forward to some changes in the future about the band style of music? Like some death album?

No, we will not change our style. But extreme elements are now a big part of Adagio's identity, and you will have to count on it for the future.

- The guitar by Stephane Forte is strong as ever in 'Dominate': Really technical and heavy patterns, strong rhythms, good composition. I wanted to know, how did Stephane come to play with Lag guitars?

I endorsed Lag guitars 8 years ago. I loved these guitars since a long time, and when I had the opportunity to sign with them, I did it immediately. They are great people doing beautiful instruments with passion.

- What is the composition process in Adagio? Do you have some special techniques or is it different for each album, and if yes in which way was it different for 'Dominate'?

Generally, the first thing I decide before even starting a note is the tempo. What kind of song I want to do: Fast, heavy? Then I compose the song part by part. I start with the intro, do all the arrangements, then move to the verse etc.

- 'Children Of The Dead Lake',what an interesting title full of mystery. Does it have something to do with the death of youngsters in 1960 at lake Bodom? Or do I suffer from hallucinations? :p

It doesn't have anything to do with that. It's just a kind of weird story about a lake bringing childs into his depths forever. Kind of horror script for a movie but in a song.

- About the cover... What's its signification or message... and who made it? This one keeps the 'classical' style of Adagio's covers with the building on the back but what does the character on the front mean?

The character is Adagio's new mascot "The Creeper". He's the keeper of the underworld i.e the dark side of the mind. The temple in the back is the representation of the entrance of the Underworld and the creeper is your host.

- Then a question I imagine you expected me to ask... The cover of 'Fame'. Many had doubts about it but I actually find it really good and catchy. What made you cover this song? Was it for fun or did you just think that this would be a great cover?

The goal was to turn a non metal song into an Adagio song, so mainly it was for fun and for the challenge. So we've introduced some typical Adagio elements and the result is fun.

- I see that you have booked a concert in Paris in June and that you will appear on some festivals so let me wish you good luck on the world tour and see you in Paris the 29th!!!

Thank you very much, great to hear you will come to the show. It's gonna be a sort of introduction to our dark world to the audience? Hope you'll enjoy ;-)


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