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Sólstafir - The Schizophreniac's Diary & The Black Sands of Iceland

Written by: Ivor, Darkside Momo
Published: March 06, 2015


Sólstafir - Tapper, Tallinn, Estonia, 11.02.2015 by Ivor (45)

Entry #53. These strange men came to visit us yesterday. They didn't look like they were doctors because they dressed funny and they sometimes spoke in a weird language. They asked if anyone had been to Iceland. I was mildly surprised that quite a few in our ward stated for a fact that they had. The men said: "there's nothing interesting in Iceland. Don't go there. Just empty land, volcanoes and black sands." When they left the world dimmed and colours faded. I don't trust them. I don't trust anyone much any more.

Entry #19. It's been weeks since I started this diary. The doctor said it's supposed to help me make sense of my life. I can't even make sense of this diary of mine, let alone my life. It hasn't even been chronologically arranged for some time. I think I've lost some pages and I can't put it back together. I'm having trouble discerning what's real and what's not, what happened before and what came afterwards. I'm having dreams and visions of events happening, events that I think I haven't even been a part of. Then again, some of them have happened, I know that for a fact. Or maybe I'm just imagining that I know. There's also the strange feeling of déjà vu. Maybe I've seen some of these visions before. I just don't know.

Entry #29. I'm in this dark hall with a creepy-looking statue on the wall. I think I've been here before; at least the setting looks vaguely familiar. I think I even glimpsed some familiar faces amongst the people around me. The noise in the background is loud, dark, and deafening, and I can't make much sense of this mess until I hear someone speak of Orob. Now I recognise it for what it is; I'm in the presence of grim forces in the throne room. The wolves surround us, I hear them howling over this commotion but I can't see them. The mists start to clear now. I think I'm going to be enslaved shortly.

Entry #43. The world around looks bleak and cold. I see myself standing alone on the beach of black sands. The men that came to visit the other day, I think they did something to my mind. I don't think it worked because the world still looks bleak and cold and I'm still being haunted by these visions of this strange, desolate and cold lands up North. It's bitter and desolate, yet looks so beautiful, so peaceful at the moment. I hear music accompanying these visions. I think those men came from this land and I think it's their voices and music that I hear in my head. I think they put a spell on me. The longing drives me insane.

Entry #41. I had a dream last night. I dreamt I was a part of one of the Expeditions setting out today, a colourful journey that started in our local Ocean Districts. This wasn't supposed to be an expedition of the legendary kind. It was a small affair of people of common passion that spoke in colours and emotions rather than words. The world swirled around me, sometimes quiet, sometimes wild. One tale spoke of "Endurance." I think I need that to reach where I want to go. I feel charged and full of energy, I'm confident I can make it... I open my eyes in silence. I have to see that shoreline again.

Entry #23. I found myself in a bizarre cinema tonight. It's small and full of French-looking people. Which is only natural rather odd as I'm French not French, or am I not? Anyway, I don't mind. The people around me are only mildly interested in what's happening. I see plays unfold on two screens; strange, episodic plays of horror and science-fiction. I see two masks hiding on stage; I think they are musicians for those silent films on screens but I can't hear the music. Not unless I close my eyes, but then I can't see the films. It feels like I have to choose between being deaf or being blind - it's a hard choice to make. I finally close my eyes and fade away, to dream of Nordic Giants and faraway lands of cold beauty.

Entry #37. My neighbours came by today. I've told no one of my plans, yet here they are. They hold to some sort of code of silence; Omertà, as they mentioned. They said that I need support and implied that if I don't need it I'm getting it from them anyway. They brought a mix-tape along. It's not very long but it's effective, it has me in its clutch. We're fast in a haze, lights flashing and smoke swirling as if we're all hippies on a psychedelic trip. But we're not hippies. We're focused. I need to be if I'm to make any sense of the mess I'm in. If nothing else I got a boost of confidence today that I might succeed in reaching my goal.

Entry #31. It's hypnotic and beautiful beyond mere words. Four men project the kind of cold yet entrancing beauty that doesn't let go. I think I've met them before, but they have me mesmerised anyway. Gods only know how they do it. It must be some strange magic at work that resonates deep inside me. These men are very crafty because the imagery is powerful and my visions are becoming clearer and clearer with each passing moment. I am being transported to lands far away where it all started. I feel the gate opening, and I just have to make this one step across to the sables noirs.

Entry #47. I'm where I've always wanted to be. The mystical land of beauty. I believe I am there in spirit, though I'm not sure. I feel the black sands beneath my feet. I stand looking out over the ocean, the partly clouded sky, and sunlit columns radiating out of the sky's centre. Sólstafir, the locals call it. I stare at it in awe until the vision slowly fades, if only temporarily. It'll come back; it's too beautiful not to experience again.

La Dynamo, Toulouse, France, 29.01.2015

Tapper, Tallinn, Estonia, 11.02.2015

Toulouse set list:
0. Náttfari (Intro) (Masterpiece Of Bitterness)
1. Köld (Köld)
2. Lágnætti (Ótta)
3. Rismál (Ótta)
4. Ótta (Ótta)
5. Þín Orð (Svartir Sandar)
6. Dagmál (Ótta)
7. Svartir Sandar (Svartir Sandar)
8. Djákninn (Svartir Sandar)
9. Fjara (Svartir Sandar)
10. Goddess of the Ages (Köld)

Tallinn set list was 0-4, 6, 8, 7, 9-10.

Written on 06.03.2015 by I shoot people.

Sometimes, I also write about it.

And one day I'm going to start a band. We're going to be playing pun-rock.


Comments: 3   Visited by: 101 users
07.03.2015 - 00:15
D.T. Metal
Staff !!!
07.03.2015 - 01:06
Darkside Momo
Written by D.T. Metal on 07.03.2015 at 00:15 !!!

Ivor gets all the credit, I just played along with my parts

Oh, by the way: Orob
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
09.03.2015 - 00:24
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I agree about Iceland . but same tie what is in London, ... I prefere Iceland ....
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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