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Dornfall interview (06/2007)

With: Steph [Vocals], Christo [Bass] & Flo [Guitars]
Conducted by: Jeff (in person)
Published: 17.06.2007

Band profile:


- Ok here we are guys, with Dornfall for the release of their second album! So, the basic question, but after all we have to do it, let's talk a bit about your new album.

Stéphane: I think we can say that this album is really varied. How can I explain it? Well, we tried to put all the different musical influences of the members of Dornfall in the album. In my opinion, it's a good way to keep the band tight, but also, it's a good means to open the door, I mean that the band will forever be "open" musically speaking. It's not a concept album, I wrote all the songs but I tried to tie all of them into a global concept. It's really different from the first album due to the fact that the line-up changed a lot. Christo, maybe you can add something?

Christo : I think that it's the real first album of Dornfall. Of course we're proud of the previous one but it was so different? But of course we're not ashamed of the first release! Without this album and without Brennus Records, I don't think that we would have been able to release the second one. But we wrote this one aiming to release a "real" album? it's not something only for fun you know so it's different. Besides, we played a lot of these new songs on stage before we recorded them, and it was a good means to "correct" them. We had the luck to be able to change a lot of things in comparison with the first album so let's hope it will be a real start for us.

- Ok so you have already answered a lot of the questions I wanted to ask you, but anyway, we will focus on these points later. I just have a simple question right now. Why did you chose this title and what does it mean?

S: "Précieux Secret"? Well first, it was the title of a song which is important for us. A song which displays all the influences of the band and that's also a title which sums up the concept of the album. This concept describes a journey in time and space and deals with the loss of an essential knowledge which will be rediscovered by a modern man. This "Précieux Secret" (precious secret) is a secret that everybody owns in his mind and soul.

- You told to me that you're the one who writes the lyrics. What are your sources of inspiration? I know that you talk a lot about legends, fantasy etc?

A lot of readings and also I try to talk about the lyrics with the other members. So I try to write lyrics about subjects which are important for the other members too. But it's variable. A song like "Perdre La Tête" is an old song which was written by Christo and Flo and this song is inspired by a novel of Lovecraft, "The Lurker At The Threshold". I really like Lovecraft and I know really well his universe so it was not so hard to re-create this universe in our lyrics. For "300"? it's the music which was an inspiration. Usually, I listen to the music, I try to sing a few lines, then I record them and later, at home, I write real lyrics. For "300", the music was violent so I wrote something about war. Psychology, history and esotericism are important sources to me, too.

- Why did you choose to write lyrics in French?

I used to sing a lot in English with other bands, but it's easier for me to express my feelings in French. Plus, I have a really bad accent in English? So it's just easier for me to write in French, I cannot do that in English. We're also a French band and we want to sing in French in order to have a real impact on the French Metal scene and audience. It's important for me.

- We talked a bit about the lyrics, now let's focus on the music. I'd like the musicians (Christo and Flo) to talk about the writing process?

C: We don't have any rules. A lot of the songs were written by two people (as a team), and some by only one member. We all listen to the songs and we see if we ALL like them or not. It's not so easy because we have different influences but on the other hand it helps a lot because when we all agree it really means that it will work, it's one of the many strengths of this band. Then we ask Steph to write the lyrics and we usually do not request anything special to him. We just give simple directions like "write something dark", stuff like that?

- I know you have a first single and that some radios and TVs will air it. What kind of feedback are you expecting with this single?

C: First, a little precision. This song will be edited for the radios and TVs because it's a long one? This song is like a "window": if some people listen to this song and find it cool (because of its "Radio TV production") and finally come to listen to our other songs which are a lot heavier and more complex, that's perfect for us. It's a bit like a bait you know.

S: It's also our wish to have some songs that are not so complex. A lot of people say is not really easy?

- I agree, the single is really accessible, as compared to the other songs, that are a lot longer and more complex?

C: But that's the main objective of the single! The word single means "easy" you see what I mean. No need to use something, like, really complex? you can listen to the album if you want something complex.

S: And the single has a real history. It was written by our drummer. Everyone in the band can compose songs! This is the song of the meeting. We were at the music school and we had to do a work with rock stuff and we worked on this song. Flo Sliwa (guitars) asked us if it was possible to put this song on the album and so, we did! This song has a history.

- let's get on to something totally different now. I know you're all endorsed by Ibanez, Mark Bass and Tama. How did you get this deal with those musical brands?

C: Hoo it's a long story! Well, luckily enough, the people behind these great brands liked our music. Florian (Drums) was at the MAI and he met all these guys. Now we can play on some really great instruments.

Florian: There's something else I'd like to add. They wanted to have a band endorsed by the brands (all those brands have the same dealer in France). They asked Dornfall to represent the brand. It's a challenge? For us it's fantastic but of course now we have to do a great promotion of their instruments.

- Let's come back to the album and talk about the video. It is like a satirical movie about YouTube?

S: Once more, it is a cool new opportunity. We met the French director Julien Metternich [The Old Dead Tree, No Return, etc?] who agreed to shoot this video-clip. He had to do something very quick. It's not our job so we just told him what we wanted to do. So we left him totally free to do whatever he wanted to. The actors are all good friends and the video was recorded in two days. It was not so easy because this guy is really professional but as you can see with the result now, he did a great job. It was really fun to do that.

- And what about your label? Can you do a little introduction?

S: Chrysopée have been following us since the first album. It's their first production and we chose to work with them because it's a real teamwork. It's always better to work with people who will do their utmost than to be on a bigger label that will forget us as quickly as they've signed us. For the distribution, we asked our friends of Underclass to help us. It's easier to work with people who believe in us and who consider that we're not less good than confirmed bands.

- After the label, let's talk a bit about the production? I know you have your own personal studio now?

C: Yet another long story!!! The album was written at the end of 2005. We had to move and find a new studio? We found something in the country just outside Paris and the thing is, this place was an old? henhouse? We rebuilt everything (we're proud of it) and we re-recorded everything in this new studio. It's easier for us now because we have some great equipment and we can play and record everything by ourselves now. It's as much a rehearsal studio as a recording one.

- But who was the producer then?

C: It's Florian, our Drummer. He always manages all the technical stuff? and he did a great work here in my opinion.

- That's right, his work on the recording and mastering is really great?

C: He will be happy to hear that! He worked really hard for that?

- You may be able to answer instead of Florian? do you/does he want to produce other bands now that you have this great studio?

S: At first, Flo wanted to do that. But now that he's seen how hard it is to do that beside all the other things that he does in his life, he is not so sure. But maybe, in the future, why not?

- One of the last questions? Will you do a tour? And what about Hellfest? It must be like magic to play in that kind of festival right?

C: I will use the diapers of my son? (laughs)

F: Yeah we have a new endorsement with Pampers! (laughs!)

C: It's magic? I don't even realize it? We will play on the same day as Slayer or Korn? can you imagine that? It's a bit surreal? we will do our best!

- And what about some concerts later?

F: We have a gig on the 22nd of September during the Cambrousse Rock festival near Paris and on the 27th of October at the Scream For Me Festival and yes, we will do a tour later. We're working on it so we'll keep you posted!

C: I just want to add that we have already played for these organizers so it's really pleasant to play again for them. It means that they liked our music!

- Ok thanks a lot guys, I will let you the have the famous final word now? as you know Metal Storm is not French so if you want to send a message to the Metalheads all around the world?

F: Buy this beautiful album!

S: Read the lyrics if you understand French and listen to it again and again, it's not an easily accessible album.

C: People don't take the time to listen to the albums in general? after two or three spins? they forget them? don't do that, take your time, and give a chance to all your albums!

S: One last thing. Don't stay at home, stop surfing the web and watching TV. Go to the shows, the Metal scene needs your help!

Many thx to my mates of Dorfnall for this really cool interviews and really friendly moment.

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