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Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare review


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Band: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: Nightmare
Style: Alternative metal, Heavy metal
Release date: July 27, 2010
A review by: BitterCOld

01. Nightmare
02. Welcome To The Family
03. Danger Line
04. Buried Alive
05. Natural Born Killer
06. So Far Away
07. God Hates Us
08. Victim
09. Tonight The World Dies
10. Fiction
11. Save Me

Frankly, this album sucks. It really does. I had never listened to A7X before and going in to the review I had hoped it would at least be decent.

It's not.

I could list everything that I thought was wrong with this album, but apparently it'd be too long for most of your ADD-addled brains to handle. So here's the short version.

I figured out about three minutes in it's basically the same blueprint as Metallica, only modernized. Radio-friendly rock music with enough of a metal edge to convince angsty teenagers it's "dangerous" or something.

The album has more ballads than a "Best of Aerosmith Since '88" box set and even during aggressive songs the band still finds time to pop their testicles back in Warner Music's purse and wuss out. The closest thing this album has to an start-to-finish aggressive song is "God Hate's Us" ? outside of a useless breakdown in the middle... but even four minutes of distortion is too edgy for the accountants, so this otherwise pretty decent song has to close with a clean outro.

Hetfield-esq barking for verses, with an annoying almost nasal second vocal style used all too frequently, with catchy choruses. The dude at least has a decent voice when he doesn't switch to the annoying tone. The guitarist has some chops.

But ultimately the entire album feels more like a creation of what a Record Exec's idea of a (highly profitable) metal album should sound like, rather than what a metal enthusiast is likely to think a metal album should be. I guess the suits knew what they were doing, as apparently this was the top "purchased" album on iTunes last week.

But I imagine their target audience is certainly not the MetalStorm audience. I don't like it. And I imagine the vast majority of you won't either.

Avoid like the plague.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 7
Songwriting: 4
Originality: 4
Production: 9

Written on 31.07.2010 by BitterCOld has been officially reviewing albums for MetalStorm since 2009.

Comments page 5 / 6

Comments: 172   Visited by: 872 users
21.03.2011 - 22:33
Rating: 4
My favorite review on MS... Well, not because of the review itself, mostly, but because of all the flaming BitterCold got... I'm thinking of writing a 9.7 review for this one, just to see how much hate I'll get.
21.03.2011 - 22:41
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Slayer666 on 21.03.2011 at 22:33

I'm thinking of writing a 9.7 review for this one, just to see how much hate I'll get.

probab.y just as much, if not more
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

22.03.2011 - 08:19
Account deleted
Fuk u eleetiz cunt, dis bes albun evaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, more seriously, I disagree with the review to an extent- It's no masterpiece, but nothing abysmal either. Bashing a song because it has a clean outro? Plenty of metal songs have clean parts. Yes, this record is a product in every sense of the word, clearly created by a record executive to sell- However, in order to sell, the album has to have some sort of entertainment value-Which this record does achieve. It's a poppy hard rock/metal album. I'd give it a 6, maybe a 6.5 on a good day, which is still pretty low for this site, but better than a 4.1.

And no I don't think you're an elitist cunt
22.03.2011 - 13:10
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=111774] on 22.03.2011 at 08:19

Ok, more seriously, I disagree with the review to an extent- It's no masterpiece, but nothing abysmal either. Bashing a song because it has a clean outro? Plenty of metal songs have clean parts. Yes, this record is a product in every sense of the word, clearly created by a record executive to sell- However, in order to sell, the album has to have some sort of entertainment value-Which this record does achieve. It's a poppy hard rock/metal album. I'd give it a 6, maybe a 6.5 on a good day, which is still pretty low for this site, but better than a 4.1.

I don't think he was bashing it for simply having a clean outro, but for how bad the clean outro was.

As for its entertainment value - I'll give you that. It's like how you watch a bad movie just to laugh at it with a couple of friends.

Only nobody here is laughing, because it's one of those movies.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
24.03.2011 - 21:52
Just listened to this album. nevr listened to A7X before so i figured to give it a try. Really overrated, I even wouldnt pass it as metal. I cannot see why a lot of pople say SG is the best guitar player today. Good guitarist, but nothing special. The unoriginality is probably the weakest spot of the album. Id give it a 4.5, just for some ok riffs and a small number of good ideas which could have been better used.
23.04.2011 - 21:21
Written by spiritofvengence on 04.09.2010 at 04:09

You know what, A7x shouldn't be reviewed on this site, since everyone here is biased against all metalcore

I appreciate some metalcore. When it's more metal and less core. Like The Red Chord.
24.04.2011 - 15:03
X-Ray Rod
Written by Megadeth88 on 23.04.2011 at 21:21

Written by spiritofvengence on 04.09.2010 at 04:09

You know what, A7x shouldn't be reviewed on this site, since everyone here is biased against all metalcore

All metalcore? No dude, we're biased against horrible metalcore, that's it.
You're not looking good enough, there are plentt of good metalcore that people seem to forget because of the huge load of bad bands yet there are many reviews here and recommendations about GOOD metalcore like The Human Abstract, Born Of Osiris, Burst, War From A Harlots Mouth, Heaven Shall Burn, El Comer Ocho... And the list is getting bigger with time.

Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

03.05.2011 - 01:26
Rating: 4
The Ancient One
Believe it or not, the album got rave reviews from multiple sources. blah blah blah Rolling Stone

FYI the following is MONTHS old. Not just the post, but the link I am about to provide. It's from their official site and has been sitting up, online, incorrect, and without getting fixed for months, if not over a year now.

Tommy Iommi

That's what a 'credible' source Rolling Stone is. Forty fucking years, something like tens of millions of records sold and they still can't get his fucking name right. or be bothered to correct it after the fact to cover up their mistake.

stumbled on to that mistake again today via another site... still shocked it's still wrong. And immediately upon revisiting their glaring fuck-up, i remember this here thread were someone referred to that horrible waste of trees as credible. But if a magazine that tanked Tommy Iommi's genre-starting contributions decades ago digs the new A7X it must be good.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
05.05.2011 - 07:34
Right on, short of the obvious 'stand out' talent of Gates, A7X is most certainly over-rated...and painful to listen to
06.07.2011 - 19:04
This album review is spot fuckin on.
I will not reason and compare, my business is to create.
28.07.2011 - 07:41
I don't want to say this album "sucks", because the band obviously wasn't trying to break any barriers or appeal to anyone except teenagers or very casual music listeners. They achieved what they set out for. It just isn't really that good and isn't my cup of tea.

First time listening to A7X..and hopefully my last
28.09.2011 - 02:39
Well... the review is honest. I mean the guy write everything he thought about this album. However, like some people said in comments, why all this bashing? Music is made to regroup people and not to divide them. You can hate A7X and an other like it but it is not a reason to begin a "fight". I'm pretty sure you have many band in common. After all you're all MetalStorm members. I'm not a fan of A7X, I only listen to Nightmare song because it is a great song for me. This may be false for you but I don't care at all.

Every taste are natural. Everyone listen to what sound divine to them. So what? If you like or dislike don't use bashing.

I'll not say that your review SUCKS... because this is absolutely not constructive and moreover it is not professional but you did something unprofessional. Let's face the truth this is just your opinion. This is not a constructive review but just a fan-basing text to make them react and they will! They will want to have your head. Maybe it was your goal although this is not a great one.

When I read this review I was hoping to see some deeper thought and some basic acknowledgement. Their drummer died during the recording of this album or slightly before. Only with this fact in mind you can find something interesting about this album just if you carefully listen to the lyrics. More you know about something more you can make your opinion unbreakable.

Did you know that one of the nickname of The Rev Sullivan (their drummer) was fiction and there in a song with this name on the album. The trivia is that he handed this song the band three days before his death... and what are the theme of this song?

" Now I think I understand
How this world can overcome a man
Like a friend we saw it through
In the end I gave my life for you "

Those lines are the beginning of this song called Fiction and they talks about Death. Three days after he was found death at his home. It is strange but... many question came in mind. What happened really in his head ? Music is a philosophical quest in a way. Have you ever asked yourself why you love music? Why Metal ? With no answer at all.

All of this talk just to say you something... Have a good day my friend but never forget that your bashing opinion you can keep them for yourself the world doesn't need to know them.

See ya and take care!
28.09.2011 - 02:44
Troy Killjoy
Written by Ynini on 28.09.2011 at 02:39

Did you just try to make an A7X album out to be a philosophical work of art?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
28.09.2011 - 02:53
Written by Troy Killjoy on 28.09.2011 at 02:44

Written by Ynini on 28.09.2011 at 02:39

Did you just try to make an A7X album out to be a philosophical work of art?

I'll be the one who tried hahah It is more a matter of perspective my friend. Music is art. Art is made to make us think about what we are at the deeper of ourself. A7X is music and scene art. Some people will find themselve in this band and I'm happy for them. I'm not one of those but I'll definitively defend them because music is good and important.

28.09.2011 - 02:59
Troy Killjoy
Written by Ynini on 28.09.2011 at 02:53
Music is art.

Quite right. Nothing else needs to be said.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
08.12.2011 - 09:23
Gosh, I just thought I'd return to the site of my first internet argument I was cute back then. I still like this album, and have some disagreements with the writing of the review, but hardly anything to bring up. Some of these fans trashing the review really have no grounds to do so. Although, 2 years or whatever later, I still can't stand it when people call a metal band a sell-out. You don't fucking know.
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

26.12.2011 - 13:23
Totemic Lust
Written by BitterCOld on 03.05.2011 at 01:26

Believe it or not, the album got rave reviews from multiple sources. blah blah blah Rolling Stone

FYI the following is MONTHS old. Not just the post, but the link I am about to provide. It's from their official site and has been sitting up, online, incorrect, and without getting fixed for months, if not over a year now.

Tommy Iommi

That's what a 'credible' source Rolling Stone is. Forty fucking years, something like tens of millions of records sold and they still can't get his fucking name right. or be bothered to correct it after the fact to cover up their mistake.

stumbled on to that mistake again today via another site... still shocked it's still wrong. And immediately upon revisiting their glaring fuck-up, i remember this here thread were someone referred to that horrible waste of trees as credible. But if a magazine that tanked Tommy Iommi's genre-starting contributions decades ago digs the new A7X it must be good.

The error is STILL up there...
26.12.2011 - 13:26
Troy Killjoy
Written by Introspekrieg on 26.12.2011 at 13:23
The error is STILL up there...

Forever alone typo.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.12.2011 - 13:28
Rating: 4
Well, ain't this comical, boy.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
03.01.2012 - 02:55
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by RavenKing on 05.09.2010 at 23:42

Written by Nyoink on 05.09.2010 at 22:30

What's metalcore exactly?

Crappy modern pseudo-metal bullshit for emo kids.
Supposed to mix elements of hardcore punk and metal.
Music plagued by breakdowns and extremely annoying vocals.

this angers me.

Metalcore is not all bullshit emo music, there are a lot of talented musicians in metalcore. Don't take mainstream bands and use them to represent a genre.

try listening to Shadows Fall, Caliban or Baptized in Blood.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

21.02.2012 - 23:57
Rating: 5
Alex F
I enjoyed reading all of the comments... and nice review, agree 100%... shit album
31.03.2012 - 19:27
Rating: 10
Wow...way too much hating here on A7X and metalcore in general! For their genre, A7X is an appropriate band, and in addition, metalcore itself is a decent subgenre, in my opinion. Don't let the obnoxious posers/emo/whiny-voiced and mostly pre-pubecent fans and bands turn metalcore into a "dirty" word. I consider myself an impartial and unbiased music aficionado with a collection of over 650 cds of almost all metal bands of various subgenres (and don't go creepin' my profile to examine my cd collection, as I just recently joined MS and have yet to post them on).

Whether people choose to admit it or not, there are many many many metalcore bands that have managed to bring high levels of talent, innovation, and emotion to metal as a whole. Don't look to those such as Black Veil Brides to be the epitome of metalcore (if you even want to call them that); there are many good metalcore bands out there that showcase the virtuous levels of musicianship held in the metal genre (the only other genre I dare compare metal to is classical music, as composers are also true virtuoso's).

With that said, I believe that A7X's Nightmare is a decent album, both for them as a band, and as a metalcore album. Obviously there are aspects of musicianship on this album that people can not play down as talentless and awful, such as the dual harmonic and almost overly melodic guitars, and the same can be said for Portnoy's drumming, powerful as always. The vocals, as is the A7X trademark, can arguably be more metal; however, for what it is, I believe this album proves to be M. Shadow's strongest and most emotionally charged (in a good way) performance. I don't think there are too many ballads at all, but rather, the construction of each song -whether it be all slow, fast, or a combination of both- is well played and executed. I personally also enjoy the chugging riffs the prevail rhythmically throughout the album, as it acts to counter the large amounts of melodicism.

Overall, the album is a strongly executed A7X album, and easily shows the bands growth of talent and song writing. As for the album as a whole within its genre, it can easily be pointed out as a "copy-cat" album of elements of various bands, such as Metallica; however, it is metal, that much is undisputed able. And as metal, it is very decent, and personally, I find it easily listenable and enjoyable.
31.03.2012 - 23:28
Troy Killjoy
Metal or not this album is a piece of crap.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
01.04.2012 - 04:37
Rating: 10
Written by Troy Killjoy on 31.03.2012 at 23:28

Metal or not this album is a piece of crap.

I'm sorry but what exactly makes this album a piece of crap? (I'm not necessarily defending A7X here, but am curious as to what your factual support is to lead you to this conclusion- as have many others without a seemingly viable basis)
01.04.2012 - 17:41
Troy Killjoy
Written by BlindToNegotiate on 01.04.2012 at 04:37
factual support

Gonna stop you there champ, since nobody can claim whether or not this is either good or bad with factual support. It's an opinion: entirely subjective. I don't like their watered down simplistic heavy metal style.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
01.04.2012 - 18:16
Rating: 4
Goddammit, you guys are still arguing over this album?
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
01.04.2012 - 19:24
Rating: 10
Gonna stop you there champ, since nobody can claim whether or not this is either good or bad with factual support. It's an opinion: entirely subjective. I don't like their watered down simplistic heavy metal style.

That's exactly my point. All these statements on this album are purely subjective, yet people make the case that their opinions are the truth, or pose their opinion as if it's an objective statement. It's just really annoying.
02.04.2012 - 02:49
Troy Killjoy
Written by BlindToNegotiate on 01.04.2012 at 19:24
It's just really annoying.

It's called a forum. If I come across something I think sucks, I'm going to say it sucks. Same for stuff I find awesome.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
02.04.2012 - 06:54
Angelic Storm
See what I mean, about some people needing it spelled out for them that your view on an album is a personal opinion, and not a statement of fact?
02.04.2012 - 17:05
Troy Killjoy
Written by Angelic Storm on 02.04.2012 at 06:54
See what I mean, about some people needing it spelled out for them that your view on an album is a personal opinion, and not a statement of fact?

It's really quite annoying. I mean, I can understand from a newcomer's point of view that someone stating an opinion as fact (This album is awesome!) looks like some kind of elitist attempt at making everyone think the same thing.

But people who are familiar with the Internet should know better. Not every single post requires an "imo" or whatever.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."

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