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Visions Of Atlantis - Trinity review

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Band: Visions Of Atlantis
Album: Trinity
Style: Symphonic metal
Release date: April 2007

01. At The Back Of Beyond
02. The Secret
03. Passing Dead End
04. The Poem
05. Nothing Left
06. My Darkside Home
07. Wing-Shaped Heart
08. Return To You
09. Through My Eyes
10. Flow This Desert
11. Seven Seas

Visions of Atlantis hail from Austria and during 2007 they managed to reach their third full-length release. The name of it is "Trinity" and it moves in melodic/symphonic power metal soundscapes in the vein of Nightwish and other bands that move in similar sound pathways, so there's nothing new about the music, it won't change the scene or something.

I had never listened to this band before, but i had read reviews concerning the previous album and they were not the most possitive ones, in fact, they were not positive at all, so when i held the promo in my hands i was expecting something bad, really bad that would bore my life. Well, i finally managed to put the album in the cd player and gave it a few spins and yes, it was nothing original, but it wasn't something that bad, in fact, "Trinity" is a pleasant album, it flows well and it holds moments of inspiration and emotion, although being nothing original. I suppose the fans of this genre won't have such big problems while listening to them, after all they offer everything an adorer of this very scene wants to listen to, so i will judge them this way and not as a simple clone that won't offer something new, in the end, originality is not only Visions of Atlantis' problem, too many bands suffer from this nowadays, and it makes sense, almost everything has been played.

"Trinity" breathes melody from the beginning to the end, a melody that overruns the listener through the lyrical soundscapes that float in the air. Symphonic keyboard passages make their appearance here and there, escalating the emotional charge of the songs or creating atmosphere, whereas piano passages lend a more fragile sense to the compositions. The bass lines are bit in the front of the production lending strength to the compositions whereas the drumming paces in any rhythm desired and completes successfully the role of the rhythm section which paves the way for the guitar riffing to enter. Melodic heavy riffing adorns the compositions with some more soloing leads and solos that make the whole guitar work more affected, good guitar ideas for the genre, everything needed is here. The two vocalist pace beautifully together evoking a strong duet, the male vocals are melodic, with a "harsher" edge at times, whereas the female ones are either melodic singing or more operatic ones, which are quite reminiscent to Tarja, although well-expressed.

Many people seem to not enjoy this band that much, i, personally, found them at least interesting and "Trinity" is a good album to spin from time to time and cherish some interesting melodic/symphonic power metal. Some songs that caught my attention have to be the beautiful ballad "The Poem", the emotional "Through My Eyes" and the bittersweet "My Dark Side Home" and "Wing-shaped Heart". I suppose that fans of this very genre should check this album, i remind you that i haven't listened to their previous releases, but this one's a pretty interesting one.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 6
Production: 9

Written on 06.07.2007 by "It is myself I have never met, whose face is pasted on the underside of my mind."


Comments: 9   Visited by: 109 users
06.07.2007 - 21:06
It's a grand review, Rozz....I love the singer a lot, though I think she fitted the style of her previous group, Aesma Daeva, better...VoA isn't indeed the most original band....but they have developed since the last album....
06.07.2007 - 22:30
Rating: 9
Good review Derrozz but i will give them more points regards the performance and songwriting . As you have said more than once:) that this type of music is not your favourite but here the band have release their best album ever. Today there are so many bands like them but they have begin in the early stage of this type of music.
The Poem is also my best song from this album .
But you have manage to give this band a try and so this review will help others that they haven't listen to them to give them a try, especial from this album .
"For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
07.07.2007 - 00:12
Bitch Boy
Written by Lupas on 06.07.2007 at 22:30

Good review Derrozz but i will give them more points regards the performance and songwriting.

I agree, this album is significantly better than the others. Melissa was a great choice for replacing Nicole, and the performance is really cool.
07.07.2007 - 03:19
I'm also glad that they've got Melissa....I believe in her...she has a grand voice and can feel it right in their's still Nightwish metal, nevertheless.....but better than the second album....I'm planning a VoA review I can discuss these matters more thoroughly.....
07.07.2007 - 16:14
Lord Grim
Pfft. I don't know about many of you who've commented. Some of you sound like drones. Visions of Atlantis is the better version of Nightwish. Not to mention how much younger they are than Nightwish. Their musicians individually can annihilate each member from Nightwish.

If you people are too starstruck to realize that Nightwish is really actually only good as a transition band to listen to, then you need to be further educated on music and the other bands out there. Nightwish is really the shit of the genre and there are many much more talented bands out there.

That's all I have to say.

Have a nice day,
"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary in life."
07.07.2007 - 16:30
Rating: 9
Hmm, I don't particularly agree with this review. I know the author tried not to be biased, but he put himself off that way in some parts of the review.

The new vocalist, Melissa, really has nothing to do with Tarja's vocals. Tarja had more of an operatically trained tone whereas Melissa has more of a melodic, atmospheric voice.

This band is actually quite original. I mean, look at power metal, it all sounds the same. This band fits into that progressive, symphonic genre so it will sound the same a little. However, this band sounds nothing like Nightwish, Epica, etc., etc. They try to give off the whole 'boating' feeling like Leaves' Eyes tries to pull off the whole Viking atmosphere. I don't know about you, but I can't name any bands on the top of my head who tries to pull off the same atmosphere. I mean, you can hear it especially in the into of the CD with the little key progressions.
16.09.2007 - 08:14
Rating: 7
Jason W.
Hmm... well I don't agree much with the Tarja references; Melissa seems to come from a different place in terms of the essence of her singing and emotional output. I do, however, agree that this disc is a good one, though not perfect. The band unfortunately suffers on CD, unlike their live performances, in which the energy is a 10. If only they could capture the live performance in the studio, we'd have a possible album of the year in the symphonic category!
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
26.10.2007 - 17:51
they are a copy of Nightwish, how disappointing.
06.09.2010 - 17:32
Rating: 7
I have really enjoyed listening to this album. Definitly their best one so far. But this time only a few songs I didn't find so interesting. Certainly a great album in its genre. I gave it an 8.

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