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The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band review


Any time one sees or hears about Motley Crue in the media the first thing that comes to mind is rarely the music; it's the stereotypical tales of excessive rock n' roll shenanigans, in this collaborative autobiography The Crue proves these tales are more than just media spun rumors.

The book kicks off with Vince Neil giving a graphic description of one of Tommy Lees girlfriends "Talents", just to give you a taste of the highly offensive read you have ahead of you. After some descriptions of the state of living the band was in, in the early formation of the band, each member goes back into their history, childhood life and upbringing, explaining the roots of the egos and insanity. Each member takes turns explaining their side of the story, through their own chapters. The most entertaining parts seemed to come from the feuds and close encounters with everybody from Malcolm Young to Bruce Dickinson (mostly caused by the intoxicated Nikki Sixx). This book seemed to hit every emotion for me, gave me a lot of laughter, even almost made me cry a few times.

Unfortunately there are some downfalls in this book. Being that the book was written while the band was still broken up, quite a few stories seemed to have a different twist on them to take pot-shots at each other, Mick Mars seemed to be the only one to write from an entirely objective standpoint. Some sections tend to a get depressing and dry at points (Especially the John Corabi era). Oddly enough its when the band begins to sober up that the hilarious tales of trouble making and tomfoolery seem to come to a screeching halt. My final problem with the book is the lack of focus on a lot of the music, but at the same time the band didn't put much effort into a few records, which is heartbreaking when you find out a favorite song of yours was written as a filler so they could get out of the studio to go shoot heroin, but I guess I can't complain, at least they were being 100% honest.

Overall this is a fantastic read, even if you're not interested in the glam metal genre you'll get at least a laugh or two. Just as a disclaimer I highly recommend you not read this if you are the weak of heart, this truly is a tell-all autobiography.

Written on 02.12.2007 by Former EIC. Now just a reviewer guy.


Comments: 7   Visited by: 98 users
03.12.2007 - 00:42
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Great review. I am so glad we are getting these now. While I don't care for Crue that much, this book was an interesting read. I think your review really got to the heart of what this book is about.
(space for rent)
06.12.2007 - 20:48
Lord TJ
I like this review! I will have to check out this one sometime!
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20.12.2008 - 21:09
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Although I hate everything Motley Crue stands for (both musically or otherwise) The Dirt was one brilliant read. Although they switched the thing with Malcolm Young around. Actually Malcolm beat the crap out of them But of course Crue thinking they are bad ass as hell will never acknowledge that.
Btw Tommy Lee's account of his imprisonment and that he never beat Pamela Anderson well at that stage I wanted to beat the fuck out of Lee cause everyone knew he did beat the crap out of her and was a violent fuck at times. Nikki's whining I also couldn't stand, same for Vince Neil's attitude most of the times. The only one I could stomach all the time was Micky Mars. But all that notwithstanding it was one hilarious (though I am sure exaggerated at times as well) read.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

26.10.2009 - 14:17
Nice review, do keep 'em coming (book reviews in particular).
14.11.2009 - 10:46
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
Congrats Bro.
15.11.2009 - 10:27
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
I would also like to see a review on "Heroin Diaries" by Nikki Sixx.
29.06.2010 - 10:21
Hermann Langke
Brahmastra Corps
Cool review, Bro. !
Motley Crue didn't write the book on the archetypal Rock n' Roll behavior and much less read it. They chainsawed it in half and then tossed it with Napalm!

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