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Transmission0 - Memory Of A Dream review


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Band: Transmission0
Album: Memory Of A Dream
Style: Sludge metal
Release date: November 20, 2006
A review by: Lucas

01. Cocoon
02. Condor
03. Paracas
04. Dreams 1
05. Fragments
06. Dying Lights
07. Dreams 2
08. Damn Machines
09. Unrem
10. Token

Transmission0 are a now defunct Dutch Post-Metal band, with members of the split up Hardcore band "Reveal" and still active Death Metal band "Engine Of Doom". Of course, a history such as this one will of course cause everyone to expect a thrashing piece of violence. One of the great things about music, however, is that maths is completely obsolete and irrelevant and 1 + 2 rarely equals 3.

Of course, such is also the case for Transmission0. Though they still have a knack for non-commercial music, they aren't by far the extreme act one would expect. To get a good idea of the music, better than a thousand words could ever explain, take a good look at the cover art. A darkened sky, an ardent sea, waves crashing violently into one another. Yet in admits the chaos, there is a transcending beauty and grace. And as such the music also works. At first it all made a very disorganized impression on me, with the hardcore-ish screams and obstinate rhythm and stringwork. But after a couple of spins, the elegance of the record revealed itself, and every new creative, melodic riff conjures new images of beautiful seas and frantic chaos.

The songs are all around six minutes and through-out the entire session, the album never becomes boring. As a matter of fact, everytime I listen to it I think to myself: "how the hell do they do it? They sure pack a lot of energy in their songs." Perhaps it lies in the variety they display. Or the sheer fun and energy they must have had in the studio. But I don't really need to know. As long as the album keeps playing.

And sadly, that's where reality comes in. Transmission0 are no more. Another very underrated and overlooked band unfortunately bites the dust. A band with balls, too. Transmission0 had balls, big balls. Which other band can claim they first rejected none other then scene-legend Steve Austin (Today Is The Day) to produce their album, cause they thought they could do it better themselves, and still get him to do a guestperformance ("Damn Machines")?

All in all, Transmission0's lastest, and last, effort is well worth your time. Every post-metaller should give it a try, but also metalheads that like 'soundscape' music should give it a shot. It's great music, that's for sure.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 8
Production: 9

Written on 08.06.2008 by If you're interested in extreme, often emotional and underground music, check out my reviews. I retired from reviewing, but I really used to be into that stuff.

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