Posts: 98
there's nothing wrong with the offspring lol
Posts: 424 |
volbeat rocks, but i mean its not metal. Its more along the lines of offspring, deffinately. Better than offspring imo though.
Spyroid Rosetta Stoned
Posts: 1023 |
06.10.2008 - 09:16Rating: 6
I almost haven't listened to this band, I saw a couple of songs when they played near my hometown on a free city festival. But it seems that everyone in Sweden believes that they will be the next Ac/Dc or something. Probably need to listen to it!
DrunkenFuck Thrasher!
Posts: 455 |
06.10.2008 - 10:26Rating: 7
So you think the hype for Volbeat is high in your countries? You should try living in Denmark. Jesus, those guys are all over the place...
Jeff Freaky Admin ElitePosts: 7078 |
06.10.2008 - 10:58Rating: 6
JeffFreaky AdminElitePosts: 7078
Promonex Cathemeral ElitePosts: 9720 |
06.10.2008 - 14:58Rating: 6
The Offspring > Volbeat. By far.
At least now I know I'm not the only one who doesn't understand all this Volbeat hype.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
Valaskjalf Account deleted |
Valaskjalf Account deleted
I totally agree with the review. I downloaded this album to see what the big hype is and after listening to it im like "ok so what makes this metal?" To me it just sounds like any punky band off the radio who somehow managed to sneak onto a metal site....props for being sneaky i guess.
Really boring and uninspired music to be honest...the music doesnt offer anything other than the obvious and generally I like trying new things with various influences and I thought thats what makes this band good. But when i listened to i couldnt understand what people like about this stuff. And i still cant, sorry.
Perhaps it is meant for those people who find even the slightest trace of metal music too harsh and this makes them feel metal without being metal. Who knows....lame
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071 |
Volbeat's debut it still by far their best. They only went downhill with every subsequent release somehow.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
corrupt With a lowercase c AdminPosts: 3716 |
corruptWith a lowercase cAdminPosts: 3716
I've never heard any Volbeat music but this review is just pure fun to read. Poor Jeff not liking an album he has to write a decent review about and not getting into it no matter how he turns it. The whole review is a single funny apology to the reader
But if the comparison to the Offspring really works I'd probably have to agree with him. There's nothing as boring as screamy US kids with guitars. Imho that's music you want to turn the radio off for.
Posts: 75 |
06.10.2008 - 19:54Rating: 10
I like it! You don't always have to listen to something complicated or technical!! simple songs with a very nice voice and nice guitars. Some themes may remind you of something but i don't bother since the combination of these elements is successfull..
DrunkenFuck Thrasher!
Posts: 455 |
07.10.2008 - 08:47Rating: 7
The new AC/DC is definately Airbourne! Those guys are awesome.
^Great name btw Like the Castlevania reference..
Jay Perkele
Posts: 71 |
07.10.2008 - 18:15Rating: 7
JayPerkelePosts: 71
I guess they should have tried something new or a bit different this time. This album is ok but boring....
Anyways, you who like rock'n'roll should try out a Finnish band Francine. I think they are way better than Volbeat:
This one goes to 11
Xxel Account deleted |
Xxel Account deleted
Yeah this album is pure shit, the two previous ones on the other hand are great. The first album is Rockabilly-metal, the second one is more rock-orientated, this album sounds like sum41. bleh
B.B.S. Account deleted |
B.B.S. Account deleted
I really like this one.. not so heavy, but saying that this album sounds like sum41 and Offspring is a bit too much imo
Valaskjalf Account deleted |
Valaskjalf Account deleted
Im a little surprised at your rating, after I read your review I thought it would get max 5/10...which is probably what it deserves. Quite terrible music to be frank, when it came out and it was all the rage I decided to check it out and Im just as astonished as you with the praise its been given.
I guess what it comes down to is that people dont necessarily like it for its quality, sometimes people just wanna get drunk and fucked up and jump around and spill their beer with friends when they're 16...thats exactly who this album caters for in my opinion. Not something to be taken seriously, and unfortunately I take my music VERY seriously and in general I am very critical of any music and for an album to be considered "good" it shouldnt be considered such in a cosmetic or superficial way....but its quality should filter through to ALL levels of the music. And this music just doesnt have any depth to filter through pretty forgettable music actually.
And just on a final worrying note...why the hell is this even allowed a space on METALstorm? Putting this band up here just becomes precedent for other non-metal punkish what-che-ma-callits like Offspring or Sum41 (saw someone mention it) to also find their way to what should be essentially and exclusively a METAL website.
Posts: 381
07.11.2009 - 21:21Rating: 8
It's a good old fashioned hard rock album. Is it something to bang your head to? no. But its a good album none the less.
Posts: 30 |
20.11.2009 - 08:14Rating: 7
Personally i really enjoyed this album. its not metal thats for sure, but there are some metal riffs in there. its more rockabilly than metal imo. i like to think of it as Elvis meets Metallica. the title track and "Hallulajh Goat" are my favorites of the album, its a nice little listen driving down the road.
Valentin B Iconoclast
Posts: 10096 |
I love Volbeat, they are one of my favorite younger bands.
i can see why someone wouldn't like them though, they're always something like "hey, we tried to play an elvis presley cover but somehow we can't seem to tune the guitars higher than D and our distortion pedals are blocked at 10" haha
to all the people who complain about their sound being too poppy, overall this album is imo half heavy, a quarter pop-punk, and a quarter rockabilly, best example are the first 4 tracks themselves after the intro.
a really heavy opener, then pop-punk cheese(which i'll tolerate only because it's very short), then a really heavy and emotional song(imo by far the best on the album), and after that something that sounds like if johnny cash was resurrected and became a metal star. that's the uniqueness of Volbeat and the main reason why i love this band. they fuse the fun and energy of rockabilly with metal instrumentation and emotion.
Posts: 396 |
08.04.2012 - 02:43Rating: 5
Can not agree more with this review.
Posts: 30 |
17.04.2013 - 20:12Rating: 8
Jeff is a pompous pr*ck who thinks he knows what he's talking about. Most negative reviewers have nothing better to do than to curse and tear down someone else's hard work...
For the record Jeff, if you wanted to point to "the new AC/DC", make sure you point to someone else's review, and not your own... That makes you look like you have an ego to maintain. I'm certain people will disregard you as nothing more than an incompetent reviewer when it comes to this review in particular.
As for the album itself, while it may be "more pop/mainstream", it's catchy nonetheless. For me it's about the music - lyrics are just an added bonus. I thoroughly enjoy the rockabilly/punk overtones, as it compliments the heavy metal/hard rock that is Volbeat.
Ave Lucifer cornuta Magnus, Sanctus Satanas, dator vitae aeternae et signifer libero.
Scuzzy McDouche
Posts: 67 |
25.04.2013 - 17:51Rating: 9
Written by Septicfish on 17.04.2013 at 20:12
Jeff is a pompous pr*ck who thinks he knows what he's talking about. Most negative reviewers have nothing better to do than to curse and tear down someone else's hard work...
For the record Jeff, if you wanted to point to "the new AC/DC", make sure you point to someone else's review, and not your own... That makes you look like you have an ego to maintain. I'm certain people will disregard you as nothing more than an incompetent reviewer when it comes to this review in particular.
As for the album itself, while it may be "more pop/mainstream", it's catchy nonetheless. For me it's about the music - lyrics are just an added bonus. I thoroughly enjoy the rockabilly/punk overtones, as it compliments the heavy metal/hard rock that is Volbeat.
100% in agreement about this Jeff clown, he is truly pompous prick. He tries to come off like some kind of a "I'm more metal than you" elitist asshole, which is a sure sign of a heinous insecure poser that needs a severe beating (like more than half of the people that comment on this site). I happen to love Volbeat, and listen to a lot heavier shit than he has listed in his profile, and I don't really give a damn if any of you twats like them or not.
To Jeff, and to all the other overly critical half retarded haters on this shitty website...go fuck yourself you steaming piles of shit, I hope you all get cancer.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071 |
Written by Jeff on 06.10.2008 at 10:58
Well if some people believe that they're the new AC/DC, then those people don't know what Hard Rock is lol...
If you want good Hard Rock, please have a look here
and here:
THAT'S the new big rock bands...
and five years down the line it's clear that Volbeat is way way bigger than those two who faded away into obscurity and rightly so. At least Volbeat has a sound more or less of their own although it is a mix of many older bands.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Posts: 3
Nothing to do with offspring, IMO.. and volbeat is volbeat.. the band have their own style, it-s something new, different and cool! really amazing, but you have to listen and listen and listen to understand the sound.. but listen to the debut album.. "The Strength,The Sound,The Songs" it's far better than the new ones.. try it!
Posts: 134 |
11.04.2015 - 21:52Rating: 9
I'm sorry, but this is not a review. It's a personal whining about what you like and what you don't, which should be the subject of a blog post or something, but definitely not an album review.
Posts: 13