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Iron Maiden | Rate'Em All! (Worst Album Cover To The Best)

Before we start a few things
I Rule: Up The Irons!
II Rule: A Perfect cover will get a special mark " 🤘 " and then comes my pure subjective view that will always be different from yours. album with \m/ vs album without \m/ but a little bit higher = still both amazing ! i can not choose T_T don't push me! i can feel it it'll be too pity T_T
III Rule: Black Sabbath Effect(Positive side) - When you look from afar on the cover of the album and it seems incredibly classy,gorgeous and cool, but when you try to see what's happening there, only one thing comes to mind "WHAT THE F...?"
IV Rule: Rules for fools stop reading them! and let's rock
Large Version of Bruce's middle finger for real freaks

Created by: christmas.inHell | 05.07.2019

1. Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death
I push my fingers into my.. ups wrong one.. so! My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 25, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this album cover gaves me eye cancer anyway. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. \(〇_o)/ how terrible is this cover? Do i even need to explain? ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ) Are you even surprised? This cover art ... art ahahha.. this type of Spawn can claim to be the WORST album cover in the entire history of metal!! of humanity !!! EVEEEEEEER Steve or who the hell it was just by curiosity What type of drugs did you used? Amphetamines? Marijuana? Ecstasy? Heroin? Cocaine? or all together? (¬‿¬ )? poor poor maiden go to the corner you are punished. artwork designer, David Patchett, wanted to dissociate himself from the finished product because the band decided to use his [s]'unfinished prototype'[/s] 'FUCKED UP COMPLETELY'. but he was too modest to say so, well at least one smart person in whole group in that acid-time need to pay tribute to that simple version of DoD at least you can survive when you look at her :) picture in the comments below
2. Prologue - Dance Of Death was the only nightmare from maiden after that are coming only good ones or actually wait a minute
3. Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier
Mom, please buy that game! NO! (◕‿◕) Mommy please please please , NO! MOOOOOOOOOOMYYYYY please BUY BUY BUY , ffs.. ok! ok which one? World Of Warcraft! come on guys! 😅 this cover looks exactly like a video game don't lie to yourself :) Steve and co, if you play in WOW, beware of the player under the nickname called "Corpsegrinder" He is a sick motherfucker just leave the server when u saw Orcs and army of trolls. NOW about the cover itself - its normal nothing bad or good , it looks a bit cartoony and not serious, I still like it even skulls look severely but man o man :O !!! what does he hold in his hand? wrench? is that a a super zombie mario who flew into space? and where did luigi go? oh fuck! he took up the old again steve! put the drug back! put it back! 😂 overall in comparison with the previous cover anything will be beautiful and gorgeous even a child's doodles drawing on toilet paper Overall2.0 I'm glad that Eddie took off into space. This is a solid cover with some nuances P.s Up the irons for luigi! he was good astronaut
4. Iron Maiden - Virtual XI
cool idea, but I do not like the game of color, then how it goes from one phase to another it could be more brutal and gloomy, because the idea itself is dark, right? I am distressed a little... this album is not high enough just because it could be a real masterpiece but they were mistaken in the fine details but in everything else this is a crushing cover P.s yes i'm fancy princess :C shut up now idk
5. Iron Maiden - No Prayer For The Dying
and that's why this album is higher than the previous one although it is classic but executed flawlessly more simple more straight in your face more easier idea and I still give preference to this one(yep, I'm still upset about style of drawing of VirtualXI but I think that choosing from these albums will always be 50/50.
6. Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Classic. difficult to rate,you must agree with that :) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Iron Maiden - The X Factor
The Brutal One, uff! less gory(blood is never enough 😈) but then I remember that Maiden is just a NWOBHM not even porngrindslambrutaldeathcrustmetal so its fine a guess :)P.s almost \m/.. Eddie looks a bit plastic tho
8. Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death
I would never have believed that this cover would be so high, in the very beginning I didn't like it from the word [b]completely[/b] but then it grow up on me somehow the first complaint was that the tank I could be seen/imagine on any SodoM/Megadeth albums but not maiden :/ silly one i know... I like the effect of the movement of skeletons but the skull is still "strange" and the background is not epic enough like for maiden (Old me: they SUCK)
9. Prologue - fuck me it's very difficult to choose ,stupid maiden with this stupid beatiful covers why you are not MetallicA?
10. Iron Maiden - Killers
🤘 AXE SMASHEEEEEED Faaaaaaaace.. oh wrong band , sorry
11. Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
🤘 nice cyberpunk i get it that they decided to go into detail, so that's why Eddie looks so meaty, nuff said :)
12. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
🤘 Black Sabbath effect on in his prime I always thought they were roller/ice skating Eddie's face in his best look
13. Iron Maiden - The Book Of Souls
🤘 what? ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ) even higher than The Beast O_o? xD, I like minimalistic covers even from a Judas Priest list u can see that :) I can only agree that the background could be drawn :3 picture in the comments below
14. Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
15. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
16. Iron Maiden - Brave New World
🤘 what a comeback. Personifies all Iron Maiden 😍
17. Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
🤘 album cover says everything
18. Iron Maiden - Piece Of Mind
🤘 🔥🔥🔥 so why exactly did he take first place? hard to say.. probably when you just looking at the cover you are losing your mind, Eddie looks straight into your soul, in this cover there is a character and a bunch of emotions transmitted just by the look / pose / straight jacket <3 matchless artwork

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 9   Visited by: 83 users
05.07.2019 - 18:44
Do i even need to remind that eddie also has a bunch of cool live/posters? definitely not
You could lay out your opinions here or argue/disagree | lets talk

P.s You can also check out the last list about Judas Priest
05.07.2019 - 18:44

05.07.2019 - 20:27
endangered bird
My opinion + hd pictures (if anyone knows how to resize the [ img ] please tell me). Your list lacks all the different covers made for all the singles and lives and B-side (you got work there).
Next idea for a list: 'Cover Art painted by Dan Seagrave from best to worst' (there's a lot to do too)

iron maiden : yeah, I'm not sure what feeling that face conveys

killers : gorgeous, with some horror movie poster fashion

the number of the beast : mmm... looks nice too, I like the mood Derek Riggs gave to the first albums

piece of mind : cool idea

powerslave : bland

somewhere in time : cool idea and drawn with a lot of detail and references

the 7th son : ugly

no prayer : ugly, and the man of the right looks off

fear of the dark : nice but a bit generic also

the x factor : absolutely ugly, but also looks like a ps1 game

virtual 11th : decent, rather forgettable

brave new world : generic and bland just like the music in it

dance of death : the more you stare at it the funnier it gets, this is a disaster

a matter of life and death : actually ok and attractive

the final frontier : ok too

and the book of souls is meh...
06.07.2019 - 16:58
Written by Ansercanagicus on 05.07.2019 at 20:27

Next idea for a list: 'Cover Art painted by Dan Seagrave from best to worst' (there's a lot to do too)

that's madness already from one thought I'm going crazy
Your list lacks all the different covers - i know, i know I am focusing only on official releases : sadly

i'm not sure what feeling that face conveys - son,make for grandma selfie
06.07.2019 - 17:26
That joke about a Corpsegrinder
08.07.2019 - 17:56
09.07.2019 - 13:22
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
13.07.2019 - 09:57
I'm surprised you had Book of Souls so high, found that cover to be really underwhelming for a Maiden album. Otherwise would generally agree, with Fear of the Dark a bit lower and Somewhere In Time a bit higher
21.07.2019 - 15:45
At best deranged
I actually have a very similar feeling about the covers you mentioned in your list. The Final Frontier would be ranked higher. Between The X Factor and AMOLAD. And Killers would switch places with The Book of Souls. But I agree that I kinda like the simplicity of The Book of Souls album cover. It's also why I like the SSOASS album cover since it has a pretty simple background while at the same time gives of a strong mood.

But I do understand why some people would find those two boring covers for an IM album because they like the covers with lots of details on it.

I think AMOLAD is a bit of an underrated one. I really like the colour scheme they used for it. Perfectly fits with the tone of the album.

As for DoD... yeah... that's just... oh boy... ehm how to say this nicely... well it's crap. It's just absolute crap.

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