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Top 2012

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1.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
2.Caliban - I Am Nemesis
3.Sabaton - Carolus Rex
4.Carach Angren - Where The Corpses Sink Forever
5.Parkway Drive - Atlas

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Created by Liafev on 25.06.2024

God Of Shadow's Top 15 Albums Of 2012

My favourite full-lengths from 2012, with probably a few not existing on here. Maybe doing this too late, but who cares anyway? Spread the metal, spread the love.

1.Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I
2.Thy Art Is Murder - Hate
3.Make Them Suffer - Neverbloom
4.Slice The Cake - The Man With No Face
5.Ravenface - Divided Kingdom

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Created by God of shadows on 17.08.2014

Thumbs up: +8
A Nefarious List Of 2012's Best Albums

2012 has been such a great year for metal releases. So in honor of that, here is my personal favourite Albums of 2012.

1.Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay
2.Faal - The Clouds Are Burning
3.In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad
4.Enochian Theory - Life... And All It Entails
5.Eternal Deformity - The Beauty Of Chaos

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Created by Nefarious on 19.12.2012

BurbotsRevenge's 2012

my favourites of 2012 from an extreme metal point of view…

1.Abyssal - Denouement
2.Anhedonist - Netherwards
3.Ignivomous - Contragenesis
4.Dodecahedron - Dodecahedron
5.Azoic - Gateways

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Created by BurbotsRevenge on 07.12.2012

Thumbs up: +19
This Is Not A 2012 List

Too many 2012 lists around, you complain? You don't have to complain about this, though, it is NOT a 2012 list!

Previously, this list contained long-ass reviews, and distorted orders. But then this…

1.Rush - Clockwork Angels
2.Cytotoxin - Radiophobia
3.Overkill - The Electric Age
4.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
5.Testament - Dark Roots Of Earth

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Created by Iron Nostarion on 01.04.2012

Thumbs up: +2
Best 10 Albums In March 2012

1.Naglfar - Téras
2.Barren Earth - The Devil's Resolve
3.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
4.Meshuggah - Koloss
5.Spawn Of Possession - Incurso

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Created by RakHiasat on 29.03.2012

Thumbs up: +2
The Album I Listened To Thus Far In 2012

Due to the overwhelming "popularity" of my last list, I have decided to do the same thing in 2012…

1.Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma
2.Baroness - Yellow & Green
3.Devin Townsend - Epicloud
4.Arjen Anthony Lucassen - Lost In The New Real
5.Royal Thunder - CVI

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Created by Fade To Black on 18.03.2012

Thumbs up: +2
Skin Crawling Process In A Doom-Laden Kindred Assembly : Best Of Death Metal In 2012

All released albums will be sorted.Unreleased are unsorted.

PS: As a honorable mention,the Title of the list is taken from the song titles of the best Death metal record from the previous year.

1.Aborted - Global Flatline
2.Asphyx - Deathhammer
3.Desecravity - Implicit Obedience
4.Spawn Of Possession - Incurso
5.Psycroptic - The Inherited Repression

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Created by 3rdWorld on 28.01.2012

Thumbs up: +1
Favorite Albums Of 2012

Well another year went by so it is time for me to make a list of ALL my favorite releases this year. I didn't exactly keep up with every underground or main stream release for that matter. I didn't…

1.Napalm Death - Utilitarian
2.Cannibal Corpse - Torture
3.Cattle Decapitation - Monolith Of Inhumanity
4.Aborted - Global Flatline
5.Pig Destroyer - Book Burner

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Created by Doom Trooper on 27.01.2012

Thumbs up: +41
2012: Towards The Megalist

I'm (sorta) back. *The Finishing Touches* OKAY, so obviously not as much stuff from the last half of the year as the first. Sorry guys, but that first six months nearly killed me. Some stuff as…

1.Bound By Entrails - The Stars Bode You Farewell
2.Royal Thunder - CVI
3.Akphaezya - Anthology IV: The Tragedy Of Nerak
4.Dissona - Dissona
5.Anhedonist - Netherwards

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Created by strade on 23.01.2012

Thumbs up: +7
My 2012 Likes

Troy had the right idea doing this at the start instead of waiting so here we go...

However my list is in alphabetic order...

1.Abnormality - Contaminating The Hive Mind
2.Abominable Putridity - The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin
3.Aborted - Global Flatline
4.Aeon - Aeons Black
5.After Oblivion - Stamina

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Created by psykometal on 18.01.2012

Thumbs up: +16
My Top Albums Of 2012

1.Godspeed You! Black Emperor - 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
2.Amiensus - Restoration
3.Mors Principium Est - ...And Death Said Live
4.Deftones - Koi No Yokan
5.Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

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Created by Red_Travis on 02.01.2012