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Bas Profile

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Community points


Posts and comments: 5591
Topics created: 34
Reviews written: 145
Articles written: 18
News posted: 10
Interviews posted: 8
Funny stuff posted: 4
Album collection: 171
Wishlist: 11
Recount stats:
Title: Retired Staff
Position: Elite
Favorite bands: The Eagles, America, Queen, The Commitments, Moody Blues, Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, Wilson Pickett, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Stevie Nicks, Infected Mushroom, Ayreon, Redemption

Articles and blogs

Latest Staff pick

Apr 01, 2011
Founded by a couple of girls obsessed with numbers, Forty-Two Tits might just be one of the craziest new bands of the last decade. This precisely calculated piece of music, filled with allusions to famous mathematicians and maths problems, as well as the question how much boob is enough boob, is a masterpiece in its own right.

Their music is definitely not playing by numbers, actually stating that they squared their originality is an understatement. Mixing their brilliance with an equal amount of sexuality and computations approaching infinity, this is the must-hear album of the year!