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Fen - Epoch

7.7 | 135 votes |
Release date: 11 February 2011
Style: Post-rock, Atmospheric black metal


131 have it
19 want it

01. Epoch
02. Ghosts Of The Flood
03. Of Wilderness And Ruin
04. The Gibbet Elms
05. Carrier Of Echoes
06. Half-Light Eternal
07. A Waning Solace
08. Ashbringer

Guest review by
So... post-black metal. Yeah, combining our beloved kvltest genre with the atypical song structure of post-rock has been quite a fad lately, with bands playing in this style springing out of the wood works like crazy. Making a total and complete fuck-up of a post-black metal album seems impossible (at least I've never heard one), but making a really brilliant one is almost as hard. With Epoch, Fen provide quite a solid contribution to the genre, without rising to any soaring heights.

published 16.11.2011 | Comments (11)

After their excellent full-length debut, this UK post/black metal outfit does not disappoint. While it may not be as extreme as the previous effort, there is more of a loose structure to the songs this time around. There is the classic rawness of black metal production paired with beautiful post-rock segues, with neither style becoming too oppressive in the mix. The contrast blends in these flavors and ends up with a nice organic feeling overall. The little things really add up, as you'll be noticing some great ideas throughout repeat listens (the keyboard atmospheres add a surprising, subtle touch). Of note is the passion that seeps through when listening to the songwriting, very moving. Fans of Agalloch, Alcest, Drudkh, and In The Woods... should not miss this.

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Thumbs up: Ag Fox, Unknown user, BitterCOld, Marcel Hubregtse, X-Ray Rod

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Comments: 29   Visited by: 505 users
18.12.2010 - 16:36
Rating: 8
proofread free
I just realized how brilliant these guys are , The Malediction Field has become one of the greatest albums I have ever heard
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
11.02.2011 - 17:00
Account deleted
It's undoubtedly a great record but I do miss the more overt epic and euphoric elements of Malediction Fields though it could just be that it needs subsequent listens.
06.03.2011 - 17:39
Rating: 8
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Written by [user id=4365] on 11.02.2011 at 17:00

It's undoubtedly a great record but I do miss the more overt epic and euphoric elements of Malediction Fields though it could just be that it needs subsequent listens.

I finally got round to listening to it. My first impression of it is it being a lot more accessible than the debut...? Which is not necessarily a bad thing
loves 小巫
06.03.2011 - 17:44
Account deleted
Written by Ag Fox on 06.03.2011 at 17:39

Written by [user id=4365] on 11.02.2011 at 17:00

It's undoubtedly a great record but I do miss the more overt epic and euphoric elements of Malediction Fields though it could just be that it needs subsequent listens.

I finally got round to listening to it. My first impression of it is it being a lot more accessible than the debut...? Which is not necessarily a bad thing

Really? I'd say the opposite really, because of the lack of straight-up tunes and and structure etc. though it does probably feature less of a black metal feel so it could be an easier listen to many. It's a fine record anyway, though I wasn't listening to it as obsessively as the debut.
06.03.2011 - 17:55
Rating: 8
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Written by [user id=4365] on 06.03.2011 at 17:44

Really? I'd say the opposite really, because of the lack of straight-up tunes and and structure etc. though it does probably feature less of a black metal feel so it could be an easier listen to many. It's a fine record anyway, though I wasn't listening to it as obsessively as the debut.

I was listening to the debut last night (okay, I was extremely sleepy at that time), and I just finished listening to this. I found a lot more similarities to Alcest in "Epoch", which I find rather easy to get into. I find both records great anyway atm, be it less black or more. Shall probably need to revisit "The Malediction Fields" again when in a better state of mind
loves 小巫
16.03.2011 - 21:25
Rating: 9
My first impression is a slight improvement on the vocals and on the post-rock parts.

I feel like it definitely takes me where i want musically and it certainly has a unique charm. I'm not sure if it's comparable to "The Malediction Fields", cuz they're actually a lot different.

But when I listen to the end of "The Gibbet Elms", I once again get those freakin' goosebumps... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
22.03.2011 - 01:05
Account deleted
I absolutely adore it. Pure poetry...
31.03.2011 - 23:08
Rating: 9
Im just gonna say one thing, got their logo tattooed on the back of my neck, frikkin awesome
31.03.2011 - 23:10
Account deleted
Written by silenius on 31.03.2011 at 23:08

Im just gonna say one thing, got their logo tattooed on the back of my neck, frikkin awesome

Well you better hope they don't all turn out to be rapists or paedophiles then
31.03.2011 - 23:13
Rating: 9
Written by [user id=4365] on 31.03.2011 at 23:10

Written by silenius on 31.03.2011 at 23:08

Im just gonna say one thing, got their logo tattooed on the back of my neck, frikkin awesome

Well you better hope they don't all turn out to be rapists or paedophiles then

wouldnt be a problem, i´d just drown them in my own puke and make finger-puppets out of their penises, just a days honest work.
31.03.2011 - 23:14
Account deleted
Written by silenius on 31.03.2011 at 23:13

Written by [user id=4365] on 31.03.2011 at 23:10

Written by silenius on 31.03.2011 at 23:08

Im just gonna say one thing, got their logo tattooed on the back of my neck, frikkin awesome

Well you better hope they don't all turn out to be rapists or paedophiles then

wouldnt be a problem, i´d just drown them in my own puke and make finger-puppets out of their penises, just a days honest work.

A pioneering form of punishment. I feel a nobel prize coming your way.
31.03.2011 - 23:17
Rating: 9
Written by [user id=4365] on 31.03.2011 at 23:14

Written by silenius on 31.03.2011 at 23:13

Written by [user id=4365] on 31.03.2011 at 23:10

Written by silenius on 31.03.2011 at 23:08

Im just gonna say one thing, got their logo tattooed on the back of my neck, frikkin awesome

Well you better hope they don't all turn out to be rapists or paedophiles then

wouldnt be a problem, i´d just drown them in my own puke and make finger-puppets out of their penises, just a days honest work.

A pioneering form of punishment. I feel a nobel prize coming your way.

im actualy aiming for the pulitzer price for when my selfbiography ''543 ways to kill a sexpredator´´ comes out
01.04.2011 - 17:22
Rating: 9
Is Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC penning it for you?
02.05.2011 - 03:07
Daydream Nation
Account deleted
What can I say? This record beats the shit out of Malediction Fields, for sure. Not quite as accessible, but far more accomplished than their debut. This album is the best metal record of 2011 so far, and it is something all metal fan should listen to. It's unbelievable.
There are far more surprises and unanticipated journeys in the music. Look at Ghosts of the Flood and all the intricate turns that the song makes compared to...well, most of Malediction Fields. They retain the atmosphere, the Watcher shows us a better vocal flexibility on this record, in my opinion. And may I say...the band have a greater propulsive force to me. While the production is about the same, Fen seem to thrive in it a lot more than the last record. And that's simply because they are being adventurous all the way through, particularly in this song.

[EDIT: Review may be coming for this record.]
07.05.2011 - 22:39
Account deleted
Written by [user id=100467] on 02.05.2011 at 03:07

What can I say? This record beats the shit out of Malediction Fields, for sure. Not quite as accessible, but far more accomplished than their debut. I love this so much I need to almost talk about all the songs. Thesis: this album is the best metal record of 2011 so far, and it is something all metal fan should listen to. It's unbelievable.
For one...far more surprises and unanticipated journeys in the music. Look at Ghosts of the Flood and all the intricate turns that the song makes compared to...well, most of Malediction Fields. They retain the atmosphere, the Watcher shows us a better vocal flexibility on this record, in my opinion. And may I say...the band have a greater propulsive force to me. While the production is about the same, Fen seem to thrive in it a lot more than the last record. And that's simply because they are being adventurous all the way through, particularly in this song.
Right at Fen's Of Wilderness and Ruin, we see them shake off Amesoeurs and Agalloch with the vocals and the sound. This is an original sound that I cannot get enough of. Letting their post-rock sound expand a little bit more. Again, the unanticipated detours are far more noticeable on this record at around 3:45. And...we have an absolute winner. I can see why those who like focused shoe-gazey stuff like Alcest's debut and even like Malediction Fields would have trouble with this...but as an avant-garde fan, the added twists and turns keep my attention more and ACTUALLY work.
Gibbet Elms-- masterpiece. That is all I can say. The riff is so catchy, the clean vocals just accompany the Watcher's growls far better than on Malediction Fields. Again, shaking off Agalloch, which is nice. And...for the most part, the vocals are comprehensible on the first listen. Great work!
Carrier of Echoes-- jamming intro! A little too Agallochy for my taste here, but it is still quite sturdy as a composition. Incorporated the Kroda screams almost...I love it. An interesting guitar early in the piece around 3 minutes in. I can see why people would find this a little more accessible compared to the earlier album...I wouldn't call it accessibility, but rather...they create more twists that are satisfying for the listener. The instrumental section is simply elegant...almost out of Neige's pocket, though. Nice violin there. Did get better towards the end of the song, but very influenced by both Agalloch and Alcest. Excellent piece, though, as a whole.
Half-Light Eternal-- now we're getting too Alcest heavy. What is going on here? The drumming in the middle is some of the best on the album, we are getting too Agalloch heavy. A shift about 5 minutes in is well-needed, with nice bass-work. HOLY SHIT..sounds Cynicy King-of-those-who-know towards the end with the clean vocals and a nice solo a la Cynic as well. Does it redeem this song? Unfortunately, still the worst on the record, but demonstrates the power of a nice unanticipated feature that does make this song bearable and adequate.
A Warning Solace-- updated production of the demo, which everyone should listen to! There are a few differences that are noticeable, but I won't really discuss here. Love for the jamming, jungle drums and some of the best growls on the album are blink-and-miss-em, so pay lots of attention here. A little bit of Alcesty kind of music at around 6:40, but I love the whispers after that.
Ashbringer-- the intro is just epic. It already sounds conclusive. I can't even put this song into words-- it's by far the most complicated piece to grasp. The screams in this are fucking epic, let me tell you. And I once again feel Agalloch and Alcest being shaken off-- structurally, this is quite original compared to these bands. And the vocals around 5:30 are very different compared to those groups-- kudos for the band for finding a very original sound throughout this record (hard when a lot of black-metal shoe-gazey stuff sounds the same). The final few vocals almost sound Forgotten Tomb-esque and are quite unanticipated and dramatic. A sense of completion.

...a must buy album. I will repeat: best of 2011 so far, in my book!

You should do a review.
26.05.2011 - 21:29
Daydream Nation
Account deleted
How the fuck does this has a 7.9 rating? This bewilders me.
31.05.2011 - 16:49
Account deleted
Written by [user id=100467] on 26.05.2011 at 21:29

How the fuck does this has a 7.9 rating? This bewilders me.

Seems almost spot on to me (same rating on MA oddly enough). This is as solid as a record can get without being excellent. People didn't take to this as well as Malediction Fields quite simply because it's a little bit boring and borrows far too much from the post-rock ideal (a generally very boring genre in its own right). There's little excitement to be found here, just well constructed music worthy of being appreciated, if not adored.
31.05.2011 - 16:58
Daydream Nation
Account deleted
Written by [user id=4365] on 31.05.2011 at 16:49

Written by [user id=100467] on 26.05.2011 at 21:29

How the fuck does this has a 7.9 rating? This bewilders me.

Seems almost spot on to me (same rating on MA oddly enough). This is as solid as a record can get without being excellent. People didn't take to this as well as Malediction Fields quite simply because it's a little bit boring and borrows far too much from the post-rock ideal (a generally very boring genre in its own right). There's little excitement to be found here, just well constructed music worthy of being appreciated, if not adored.

That's fair enough. I'm usually the minority on these kind of things anyway.
31.05.2011 - 20:35
Account deleted
Not bad. Not bad at all. I was just kind of curious about this release, and as a result never had any prior expectations. Turned out to be a nice album. Picking out albums on a whim has its pros.
16.06.2011 - 16:44
Rating: 9
Written by [user id=100467] on 26.05.2011 at 21:29

How the fuck does this has a 7.9 rating? This bewilders me.

cus there are &#&$#& like Enemy of Reality, PRELAX622 and Saeid who thinks that this album is worth 2. I would suggest that review writers listen to album several times before jotting down something. First time I heard Epoch - OK, decent album, now 3 months later - probably this will be my TOP1 album this year
Metalhead since 1987
26.06.2011 - 20:20
Hmm, I given it a few listens over the last months. I have to say I prefer the beginning of Half-Light Eternal to most of the rest. When they play that dream pop/slowcore, it really reminds me of giants of those genres like Slowdive or Low, respectively. In fact, the first three minutes of that song sound better than most modern dream pop/slowcore/shoegaze bands who do that stuff full-time. They clearly have the skill and musicality to write great tunes. But when they play black metal, it just sounds rather forgettable and derivative to my ears. It's quality stuff, but they don't stand out or catch my interest enough to keep me returning to the album.
12.10.2011 - 21:02
Frost Beast
Account deleted
Awesome album with an enchanting atmosphere, and some Agalloch-like harsh vocals. The only con, though, is that the album is somehow a very little longer than it should be.
12.10.2011 - 23:52
Rating: 8
proofread free
Written by [user id=122056] on 12.10.2011 at 21:02

Awesome album with an enchanting atmosphere, and some Agalloch-like harsh vocals. The only con, though, is that the album is somehow a very little longer than it should be.

Listen to the debut. if this is a 9 for you then the debut will surely blow your mind
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
13.10.2011 - 15:35
Frost Beast
Account deleted
Written by InnerSelf on 12.10.2011 at 23:52

Written by [user id=122056] on 12.10.2011 at 21:02

Awesome album with an enchanting atmosphere, and some Agalloch-like harsh vocals. The only con, though, is that the album is somehow a very little longer than it should be.

Listen to the debut. if this is a 9 for you then the debut will surely blow your mind

I'll surely try it out.
30.11.2011 - 13:35
Rating: 10
Best album of '11 right here!
20.04.2012 - 18:02
Rating: 8
I just can't get enough of Fen at the moment.

This record is nothing less than 'Very Good' in my ever humble opinion.
26.01.2013 - 10:23
Rating: 8
Secundum Filium
This album is fantastic! It was one of the best albums I heard from 2011 (being in my top ten from that year). I'm really disappointed in their new album Dustwalker (the first half is great, but the last half plummets into mediocrity), I hope they're able to find a better sound that recalls the awesomeness of their first two albums on their fourth one.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).
06.05.2013 - 22:57
Erik M.
Written by Ag Fox on 06.03.2011 at 17:39

Written by [user id=4365] on 11.02.2011 at 17:00

It's undoubtedly a great record but I do miss the more overt epic and euphoric elements of Malediction Fields though it could just be that it needs subsequent listens.

I finally got round to listening to it. My first impression of it is it being a lot more accessible than the debut...? Which is not necessarily a bad thing

I agree with Joe here. And call me crazy, but this is actually less accessible for me, since it's pretty boring compared to the debut.

I fail to see what's so great about this album. Listened to it just twice, but I wasn't impressed at all, not even the second time. And I immediately loved The Malediction Fields, which has way more variety than this too. I've listened to that one at least 10 times already and I'm still amazed of how much I enjoy it. And Epoch doesn't have this effect at all, sadly.
19.09.2016 - 21:23
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I think its good one still never lasting, atmosphere and ideas, rare for English BM, we don't have so many UKBM bands this and Saor is equally good so
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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