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Featured albums

Band - Album Year Rating
Despair - Decay Of Humanity
1990 7.7
The Vision Bleak - Set Sail To Mystery
2010 8.1
Chthonic - Bú-Tik
Extreme power, Folk
2013 8.2
Cruachan - Blood For The Blood God
Celtic folk
2014 7.7
Cradle Of Filth - Cryptoriana: The Seductiveness Of Decay
Extreme gothic, Symphonic
2017 8.2
Melvins - Never Breathe What You Can't See [Collaboration]
Hardcore punk
2004 6.6
Dying Fetus - Purification Through Violence
Brutal death, Deathgrind
1996 7.3
Saint Vitus - Born Too Late
1986 8.2
Kromlek - Kveldridhur
Pagan folk
2005 8.3
Fvneral Fvkk - Carnal Confessions
Epic doom
2019 8.2
Arsames - Immortal Identity
Death, Thrash
2010 7.9
Dying Fetus - Killing On Adrenaline
Technical death, Deathgrind
1998 8.2
Withered - Folie Circulaire
Blackened death
2008 8.2
King Crimson - Starless And Bible Black
Progressive rock
1974 7.8
Lunar Aurora - Hoagascht
2012 8
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne Til Ulven I Manden
1997 8.2
Vermiform - Of Chaos And The Void
2012 6
All Pigs Must Die - God Is War
Hardcore, Grindcore
2011 8.1
Dying Fetus - Destroy The Opposition
Technical death, Deathgrind
2000 8.5
Tears Of Martyr - The Essence Of Evil
Saint Vitus - V
1990 7.5
Dying Fetus - Stop At Nothing
Technical death, Deathgrind
2003 7.9
Illnath - Cast Into Fields Of Evil Pleasure
Symphonic black
2003 8.4
Non Est Deus - Impious
2022 7.3
Peccatum - Strangling From Within
1999 7
Ador Dorath - Adon Nin Edeleth Ador Dorath
Gothic black
2002 7.9
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Symphonic black
1994 8.8
Kalmah - Seventh Swamphony
Extreme power, Melodic death
2013 8.3
Abattoir - Vicious Attack
1985 8.1
Swallow The Sun - New Moon
Melodic death, Melodic doom
2009 8.6