This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.
1993- | Haryo Radianto - guitars |
1993- | M. Hariadi Nasution - vocals |
1998-2004 | Donni Rimata - drums |
› 2015- | -//- bass |
2003- | Samier - guitars |
2004- | Ronnie Yuska - drums |
1993-1996 | Adam Mustofa - guitars |
1993-1998 | Denny Julianto - drums |
1993-2004 | Danang Bhudiarto - bass |
1996-1999 | Heila Tanisan - guitars |
2000-2001 | Wilman Taufiq - guitars |
2002-2003 | Opick - guitars |
› 2007-2009 | -//- bass |
2004-2007 | Bonny Sidharta - bass |
2009-2014 | Herri Budiman - bass |
1999 | Konsentrasi Massa | ||
2002 | Darurat Sipil | ||
2005 | Civil Emergency | ||
2007 | Agenda Suram |
1995 | It's A Proud To Vomit Him [EP] |
1998 | Dying Poor / Ara Shit! [Split] | ||
2005 | Release From Suffering [Live] |
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