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1998-  Stephen O'Malley - guitars
1998-  Greg Anderson - guitars
2003-  Attila Gábor Csihar - vocals
2003-2009  Joe Preston - bass
2014  Scott Walker (I) - vocals
2019  Tim Midyett - bass, crotales
2019  Hildur Guðnadóttir - cello, vocals, halldorophone
2019  Anthony Pateras - pipe organ
2019  Tos Nieuwenhuizen - keyboards
2002  Runhild Gammelsæter - vocals
2002-2007  Joe Preston - bass, electronics, guitars, programming
2002-2007  Rex Ritter - keyboards
2003-  Attila Gábor Csihar - vocals
2003  Nate Carson - kettledrums
2004  Dawn Smithson - bass
2004  Peter Rehberg - electronics
2005-  Steve Moore - electronics, keyboards, trombone
2005-  Oren Ambarchi - guitars, keyboards
2005-  Tos Nieuwenhuizen - synthesizers
2005  John Wiese - electronics
2005  Kevin Drumm - keyboards
2005-2006  Atsuo Mizuno - percussion, vocals
› 2009  -//- drums
2005-2006  Malefic - vocals
2006  Holy McGrail - keyboards
2006  Randall Dunn - electronics
2006  Mark Deutrom - bass
2006-2007  Bill Herzog - bass, percussion
2006-2007  Justin Broadrick - electronics, guitars
2007  Daniel O'Sullivan - keyboards
2007  Lasse Marhaug - electronics
2000  Pete Stahl - vocals
2000  Scott Reeder - bass
2000  Petra Haden - violin, vocals
2002  Merzbow - noise, programming, vocals
2003  Rex Ritter - keyboards
› 2015  -//- moog
2003  Julian David Cope - vocals
2003  Runhild Gammelsæter - vocals
2005  Wrest - vocals
2005  Scott Conner - vocals
2006  Bill Herzog - chimes, percussion
› 2009  -//- electric tamboura, vocals
2006  Dylan Carlson - guitars
› 2009  -//-
2015  Oren Ambarchi - guitars, oscillator
2015  Randall Dunn - synthesizers
2015  Steve Moore - synthesizers
2015  Brad "B.R.A.D." Mowen - percussion


Latest reviews

In the end, I didn’t get to join the Sunn O))) reviewing club before 2021 was over, but better late than never. Now I get to have opinions about everyone’s favorite weird drone duoooo))).
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››
What a better way for Sunn O))) to end a pretty uneven decade for them than with two records.
Review by RaduP ››
Death Metal is sooooo last year, now Life Metal is trending! Get on with the times, buckos!
Review by RaduP ››
Six years after their acclaimed Monoliths & Dimensions album, and multiple collaborations, including ones with Nurse With Wound, Ulver, and even Scott Walker, the legendary drone duo of Sunn O))) is finally back with a new full length, in the form of Kannon. Yet to say that the overall impact of this release is anticlimactic would quite possibly be the understatement of 2015. Get ready to shed tears, O))) worshipers, because the mighty have fallen. And they've fallen quite hard.
Review by Auntie Sahar ››
So Sunn O))) seem to have been taking a liking to collaborations as of late. This in itself is not a bad thing, as Greg Anderson and Stephen O'Malley have already proven themselves as versatile musicians capable of adapting their sound on multiple occasions. This time around, however, the duo chose to work with Avantgarde musician Scott Walker, the results of which were unfortunately a bit like mixing oil with water.
Review by Auntie Sahar ››

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