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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2006-  Gabriels - keyboards, vocals
2022  Leandro Caçoilo - vocals
2013  Ana María Barajas - vocals
2013  Andrea Torricini - bass, guitars
› 2016  -//- bass
2013  Simone Fiorletta - guitars
2013  Davide Perruzza - guitars
› 2016  -//-
2013  Dario "Darian" Beretta - guitars
2013  Dario Grillo - vocals
› 2016  -//- narration
› 2018  -//- vocals
2013  Iliour Griften - vocals
› 2016  -//- backing vocals
› 2018  -//- vocals
2013  Mark Robert Boals - vocals
2016  Wild Steel - vocals
› 2018  -//-
2016  Glauber Oliveira - guitars
2016  Dino Fiorenza - bass
› 2018  -//-
2016  Tommy Vitaly - guitars
› 2018  -//-
2016  Ida Elena - vocals
2016  Marius Danielsen - vocals
2018  Jo Lombardo - vocals
2018  Alfonso Giordano - vocals
2018  Beatrice Bini - vocals
2018  Franco "Frank" Caruso - guitars
2018  Arkadiusz E. Ruth - bass
2018  Mattia Stancioiu - drums
2018  Alberto "Beto" Vázquez - bass
2018  Antonello Giliberto - guitars
2018-2020  Michele Sanna - drums
2020  Tommy Johansson [ MS user ] - guitars, vocals
2020  David Åkesson - vocals
2022  Mistheria - keyboard solo
2022  Niklas Johansson - guitars
2024  Roberto "Rob" Tiranti - vocals

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