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NA-  Boub - vocals
NA-  Chris - vocals
NA-  Manu (II) - guitars
NA-  Ugo Sanna - guitars
NA-  Frank (VIII) - bass
NA-  Alex (XIV) - drums

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Well, Trepan'Dead have been around since 1998. That's like... forever ago, huh? Instinct is the second album of this French grindcore band so I won't blame you for not knowing them before... But I will if you don't fix that problem...
Review by X-Ray Rod ››
Trepan'Dead knocked me out badly with this album; while I was expecting the usual Grindcore release they delivered Brutal Deathgrind with awesome structures. The thing that amazes me the most is their current status, these French guys released this...
Review by Herzebeth ››


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