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1997-2014  Tristessa - bass, guitars, vocals
2003-2014  Ice - drums
2008-2014  Derketa - keyboards
2013-2014  Nicolas S.I.C. Maiis - vocals
› 2023  -//-
2013-2014  Jim Harisis - bass, guitars
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1997-2003  Nemesis - guitars, keyboards
2003-2007  Hybris - guitars
2003-2008  Katharsis - keyboards
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1998-2002  Psychoslaughter - drums
2007  Lycon - guitars, bass
2002  Spiros Antoniou - vocals
2004  Shagrath - vocals
2004  Sakis Tolis - vocals
2004  Nicolas S.I.C. Maiis - vocals
› 2007  -//-
2007  Henri Sattler - vocals
2007  Attila Csihar - vocals
2007  Angela Gossow - vocals
2023  Morfeus - vocals

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An all-female Black Metal band from Greece. Enough reason to give some attention to this band, we don's see enough all-female metal bands, and believe me, Astarte can rock just as good as the big guys!

Ok, some Bio, this is the third album of this...
Review by Undercraft ››

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