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1996-  Mike Scheidt - guitars, vocals
2009-  Aaron Rieseberg - bass
2023-  Dave French - drums
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1996-1999  Greg Ocon - drums
1996-2001  Lowell Iles - bass
1999-2003  Gabe Morley - drums
2001-2005  Isamu Sato - bass
2003-2023  Travis Foster - drums
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2022-2023  Dave French - drums
2009  Sanford Parker - keyboards
2011  Scott Kelly - vocals

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Coming so close to death would be a life-altering experience for anyone, so when it happened to Yob mainman Mike Scheidt, it did change his perspectives a lot. He linked it to having your hard dive crash, as you can only retrieve so much and the rest...
Review by RaduP ››
Ah yes, stoner/doom metal. Heavy and crushing, filthy and provocative. Not my favorite brand of vodka but when I want to lather my musical palate with some that's artistically and professionally done, I look no further than Eugene, Oregon's...
Review by tea[m]ster ››

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