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Lethal Halo

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2007-  Duke Nolan - vocals
2007-  Emine Topcu - guitars
2008-  Allan Heppner - drums, backing vocals
2009-  Hugo Gould-Marks - guitars
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2007-2008  Shawn Gairdner - drums
2007-2009  Camille Fournier - bass
2009-2010  Calvin Quaite - bass
2010-2011  Daniel York - bass
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2010-  Russ O'Shea - bass
2010-2011  Tracy Forsyth - guest vocals

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Well, they never said all thrash had to be extreme...or exciting...or memorable. There's enough brand-new thrash bands coming out this year it seems, on top of the regular releases from the veterans, I guess it goes without saying that we need something...
Review by Doc G. ››


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