Lethal Halo
This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.
2007- | Duke Nolan - vocals |
2007- | Emine Topcu - guitars |
2008- | Allan Heppner - drums, backing vocals |
2009- | Hugo Gould-Marks - guitars |
2007-2008 | Shawn Gairdner - drums |
2007-2009 | Camille Fournier - bass |
2009-2010 | Calvin Quaite - bass |
2010-2011 | Daniel York - bass |
2010- | Russ O'Shea - bass |
2010-2011 | Tracy Forsyth - guest vocals |
Latest reviews
Well, they never said all thrash had to be extreme...or exciting...or memorable. There's enough brand-new thrash bands coming out this year it seems, on top of the regular releases from the veterans, I guess it goes without saying that we need something...
Review by Doc G. ›› |
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Forum topics
25.05.2011 | Lethal Halo - Process Of Progress in Reviews | 3 |
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