Tsar Bomba
Rank: 6009 3 fans |
2011- | Wojtek Nowak - bass |
2011- | Fabien Fok - guitars |
2011- | Cédric Marcel - vocals |
2013- | Jérôme "Jerry" Farion - drums |
2011-2012 | Camille - drums |
2012-2013 | Sam J. Muller - drums |
Latest reviews
Silent Queen
Coughing up bloody chunks of lung as dust particles slice my eyes in blinding pain under the blacked out sun I seek shelter from psychotic biker gangs. This post-apocalyptic barren wasteland is the result of someone letting Tsar Bomba loose on the world....
Review by Dane Train ›› |
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12.06.2013 | Tsar Bomba - Silent Queen in Reviews | 3 |
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