Rank: 3227 13 fans |
2003- | Bajusz Péter - bass, vocals |
2003-2004 | Vári Gábor - guitars |
› 2004- | -//- guitars, vocals |
2014- | Rácz András - drums |
2018- | Levente Blanár - guitars, vocals |
2003-2018 | Balázs Mezey - guitars |
2004 | Laczi Gáborral - vocals |
2004 | Andor Kordás - drums |
2004-2012 | Hajnal Jánossal - drums |
2012 | Krisztián Vékony - drums |
2012-2014 | Tamás Kovács - drums |
2014 | Gergő Tóth - vocals |
2014 | József "Jozzy" Takács - guitars |
2014 | Leander Köteles - vocals |
2014 | Attila Vörös - guitars |
2007 | Incompetence Drive | 7.3 | |
2014 | Way To Unfold | 8 | |
2018 | Building Bridges | 8 |
2004 | Welcome To The Game [Demo] | 6 | |
2005 | Multi-Dimensional System Errors [Demo] | 7 |
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