Carcass - Reek Of Putrefaction lyrics
Tracks 01. Genital Grinder
02. Regurgitation Of Giblets 03. Maggot Colony 04. Pyosisified (Rotten To The Gore) 05. Vomited Anal Tract 06. Fermenting Innards 07. Excreted Alive 08. Suppuration 09. Foeticide 10. Feast On Dismembered Carnage 11. Splattered Cavities 12. Psychopathologist 13. Burnt To A Crisp 14. Pungent Excruciation 15. Oxidisede Razor Masticator 16. Malignant Defecation 17. Burnt To A Crisp 18. Pungent Excruciation 19. Manifestation Of Verrucose Urethra 20. Oxidised Razor Masticator 21. Mucopurulence Excretor 22. Malignant Defecation 01. Genital Grinder
02. Regurgitation Of Giblets
Coughing up a mixture
Of mucus, phlegm and bile The sordid sight of burning flesh ...Your stomach is reviled Spew up your sanguined guts In your wooden box Septic vomit of chyme... ...Putrid offal... Regurgitated giblets Blocked in your oesophagus Eaten by the maggots Trapped in your sarcophagus 03. Maggot Colony
Oozing chyme reeks as your duodenum is hacked
Secreting gastric juices, enzymes melt your faecal tract Torn major arteries, your corpse with blood is drenched Your mouth is ripped inside-out as your oesophagus is wrenched Maggots and grubs bore into the mouldy remains Masticating lymph, caked blood and cankered decay Maturating brains play host to the grisly fete Stuffed anal passage, served on a plate Purulent torso is a perfect maggots meal Spilt cerebrospinal fluid is sucked up with zeal Botulism vitiates the emulsifying bile Liquidized gall bladder, viscid pus smells vile 04. Pyosisified (Rotten To The Gore)
The lingering scirrhus begins to harden
As the insides fall prey to putrefaction Rotting tissue turns to mush and pulp As your mind is torn by encephalitis Your cavities rot with ulcers Your infected inflammations torn Your gizzards eaten by incursive decay You're infernally rotten to the gore... Juices digested from each pus-swollen pore Insatiable hunger as I feast on the gore Nothing gives me greater pleasure Than a bowl full of chyme Maggot infested kidneys Are what I choose every time The smell of plaguing infection Is nauseatingly emetic Prolonged spumescence of stale pus Stinks like hot, putrid vomit Your body is indurate The insides are black as tar Your innards gnawed by septic hate Now a mass of empyaema Your blood is caked Dried and inconsistent Your bloody rotten gore Is now vitrescent 05. Vomited Anal Tract
Oral eruption
Rectal extroversion... Your vagus implodes, as nausea strikes Savaging your body in terminal retch Violent spasms and decaying enzymes Engulf your throat as you belch Intestinal disturbance, your ileum turns inside-out Your duodenum is thrust up towards your mouth Your pancreas excretes stale septic pus Your whole digestive system is now a sticky mush Rectal vomit in your thorax Retch your anal tract Liquidized oesophagus mixes with bloodied excretion As you pathetically gasp for breath The stench of hot faeces scorch your nose As you violently vomit to death Your intestines are rising, up towards your throat Stale bile escaping through your bloodied nose Your colon digested into acidic slush Your tongue gargling on your dislocated anus [Solo: Grotesque Anal Disgorgement] 06. Fermenting Innards
Your pulverized torso languishes in its pool of pus
Minced, cancerous viscera - gore seeps from the guts My fetid fetish is to excavate the moulding rot I drool my gastric juices as I chomp on you blood-clots Fermenting innards, bubbling with rot Alcoholic pus, dissolves the wooden box I gouge into the chest's cavity to rip out the intestines Slivering soft entrails to release the foaming secretions I suck up the concoction and eat the decay With cankered disgorgement I excrete my gurgling prey Bile, chyme and blood in the offal effervesce I eviscerate the bowels and drink the clotted cess 07. Excreted Alive
Eaten alive
Munched into pulp Premature necropsy Comes closer with each gulp Brain not fully dead Decrepit splattered libs Mass ensanguined spasms Excretion now begins... ...Semi-conscious human faeces ...Semi-digested squirming pieces ...Semi-animate in excrement ...Semi-terminal constipation [Solo: Pulsating Sphincter] 08. Suppuration
The rotting corpse lies on a mortuary slab
Pus starts to burst from each visceral scab Body temperature drops, bone seizure takes place As the discharge oozes from the boils on the face Suppurated - Pyosisified Pustulated - Soggy insides The cataleptic remains incite the suppuration Giving way to the stench of anal emanation This repulsive concoction drips onto the floor Cleansing the viscous enzymes of the body's inner core 09. Foeticide
Plugged into the socket
Leads attached to twisting skin Ignite the squirming foetus To dissolve it from within The uterus aspirated...foeticide Suction catheter eradicating...your insides Foeticides done daily Frying them inside the womb Electrocuting embryos In their sterile tomb Your cervix an abscess... foeticide Pumped out by your gynaecologist... your insides Spasmodic convulsions of pleasure are gained Pumping out the boiling gunge as you languish in pain Scouring out the womb from effervescing rot Scrubbing-brush comes in handy to clean out all the clots Electrodes buzz with power Visceral muscle is charred black Melting bone, frying aqueous humour A dignified death is what you lack 10. Feast On Dismembered Carnage
Bodies dismembered, corpses desecrated
Carcasses liquidized and minced with hatred Brains are splattered, strewn limbs and heads Blood has been spurted as the arteries were shredded Eyes have been impaled, flayed skin in strips Intestines and guts from the body have been ripped Stench of sweet blood, bones have been crunched Festering gore is eaten for lunch Parasitic carnivorous carrion, your gastrointestinal tract, your prey's cremator Bloody neo-cannibalistic, bloodfeed masticator Rigor sanguined fleshfeast, gourging on festered entrails and warm meat Devouring cold offal, necro-sentient mortis feed Mutilated organs, the meat-cleaver is raised Falls to mash the head and rip up the face Throats slit with vengeance, flesh stripped to the bone Your death is terrible, painful and slow Drooling palate Terrible odorous mess The repulsive stench Of roasting flesh Sterile carnage, dried sanguined personae desecration Scooping out the entrails, violent entrail emancipation The taste of violent gorge hot on your breath Digesting the succulent corpse in your succous death 11. Splattered Cavities
Erupted thoracic savies - serum, pus and offal
Perspiring ulcerous chancre - splattered on your wall Necro-cellular lesions - the stench of staining scabs Scraped up by medics, and wrapped in plastic bags Exploding pus and bile, abdominal saliva sprays Coughing out your intestines, and rubbing them in your face Carbuncles oozing sanguous, mortified entrails and rot Pieced together for autopsy, in your wooden box Frantic pelvic gut-wrench Splattered guts and gore Seeping disembowelment Mopped up off the floor Pelvic insides now rest in your perineum Splattered gore seeping from your orifices like hot sebum Pancreatic juices Internal digestive mess Acidic dripping spittle And squelching moist flesh Pulverized thoracic cavity Your rib-cage is snapped Rupturing internal organs Crushed in your diaphragm Your lungs are collapsed As your abdominal cavity is splattered Terminal back-ache paralysing As your spine is shattered 12. Psychopathologist
Effervescing entrails corroding after years
The stench of the canker brings me no tears Festering tumours of cancerous decay Gnawed and chewed by maggots with malicious hate I like to slide my hand inside your stomach And rip out the putrid remains, Drink the pus and munch on the internal organs Until all the casket is drained. It's fun being a pathologist - slicing up corpses Especially when they have just been exhumed, I like doing autopsies on festering carcasses - I get high sniffing on all the fumes [Solo: Inquisitive Brutality] The sound of rancid juices sloshing around your coffin The mould and the gore remind me of that you're rotting Congealed blood clotted around both sets of veins The beautiful colour of your decomposing brain 13. Burnt To A Crisp
[Solo: Cranial cremation]
Torched to a pimple Peeling skin and tissue Inflammable rectal gases Scalding your sinews Charbroiled to blackened char Smoked, sauted and black Blistering flaking tissue Insalvageable by skin graft Fused into a mess Dribbling cartilage and fumes Your body shrivelling Your fingers beginning to prune Burnt to a cinder Your body charred Incinerated carbon Molten as tar Smouldering ashes Scorched entrails Carbonated dust Cremated remains Burnt to a crisp Your fat's on fire Devouring you whole Like a cadaver-stoked pyre Charred to the bone Your flesh is burnt Tissues molten Bodily gases inert Human inferno Blazing eruption Evaporating marrow Spontaneous combustion Burnt to a crisp Your hair is singed Devouring your scalp Receding your fringe Dripping flesh and fat Spreads like an irritating rash Your fingers melting As you vainly scratch [Solo: Malevolent Scrotal Incendiary Including Extreme Hate] 14. Pungent Excruciation
Sanguinary disinterment
Necrobiotic rash Gnawing, throbbing anguish The gullet is now mashed Pungent excruciation Flesh mummified by lice Amputated contusion Help yourself to a slice... Contamination... Strangulation... Mutilation... Gangrenous abscesses Paralysis sets in More carnage and bloodshed And the reek of molten skin Frenzied detruncation Dispeptic, charred and black Terminal putrescence Psychotics carve and hack Osteoporous enzymes release deadly secretions As the clotted parasites devour the excretion Emanation, suppuration - blood starts to gush My nocturnal dysentry is unleashed on this mush [Solo1: Parasitic Excrement Consumption] [Solo2: Morbid Ferocity] 15. Oxidisede Razor Masticator
Chomping and splicing, your gums sliced to shreds
Tattered bloody ribbons, incisored skin is shred Scraping on sore teeth, cracking and chipping Shredding and mincing raw nerve endings Salivating - sanguis, phlegm, froth and foam Masticating - your mandible stripped to the bone Mangling your tongue, bloody torn and dripping The swollen savage muscle frayed and blistering Your vocal chords severed, your lips are mutilated Masticating carved palate as your mouth is grated Only raw gargles croak from your throat A trickling death-rasp as you choke A silly grin carved from ear to ear Spurting mucus and tongue as your wind-pipe tears Gaping and sore The rusty razors bore Skin hangs and seeps Peptic ulcers bleed Your mouth is a sea of cartilage, rabid saliva bleeds Swallowing shredded tongue and pulverized, crunching teeth Respirating a bolus of rusty razor blades Asphyxiating bloody garotte, tearing your jugular vein 16. Malignant Defecation
Dried, rotting, flaking, rancid flesh
Crumbling tissue - nothing left Cancerous, mouldy, septic infestation Smouldering decay of defecation Your bowels now play host to pestilent decay Waiting dormantly, it knows you're easy prey See the corpse, smell the rot Rigor mortis sets in like a frost Lacerated arteries, entrails in a mess The dry, stale smell of long rotted flesh See the corpse, smell the warmth As its cold, grey insides fester and burn The guts may melt, but the torso remains As the jellified innards turn into methane [Finale:] ultimate excretion of rabid globular neoplasm 17. Burnt To A Crisp
[Solo: Cranial cremation]
Torched to a pimple Peeling skin and tissue Inflammable rectal gases Scalding your sinews Charbroiled to blackened char Smoked, sauted and black Blistering flaking tissue Insalvageable by skin graft Fused into a mess Dribbling cartilage and fumes Your body shrivelling Your fingers beginning to prune Burnt to a cinder Your body charred Incinerated carbon Molten as tar Smouldering ashes Scorched entrails Carbonated dust Cremated remains Burnt to a crisp Your fat's on fire Devouring you whole Like a cadaver-stoked pyre Charred to the bone Your flesh is burnt Tissues molten Bodily gases inert Human inferno Blazing eruption Evaporating marrow Spontaneous combustion Burnt to a crisp Your hair is singed Devouring your scalp Receding your fringe Dripping flesh and fat Spreads like an irritating rash Your fingers melting As you vainly scratch [Solo: Malevolent Scrotal Incendiary Including Extreme Hate] 18. Pungent Excruciation
Sanguinary disinterment
Necrobiotic rash Gnawing, throbbing anguish The gullet is now mashed Pungent excruciation Flesh mummified by lice Amputated contusion Help yourself to a slice... Contamination... Strangulation... Mutilation... Gangrenous abscesses Paralysis sets in More carnage and bloodshed And the reek of molten skin Frenzied detruncation Dispeptic, charred and black Terminal putrescence Psychotics carve and hack Osteoporous enzymes release deadly secretions As the clotted parasites devour the excretion Emanation, suppuration - blood starts to gush My nocturnal dysentry is unleashed on this mush [Solo1: Parasitic Excrement Consumption] [Solo2: Morbid Ferocity] 19. Manifestation Of Verrucose Urethra
Bloody hypertrophy of papillae spewing urethritis like urticaria
Septicaemia filled dermis scorched by acidic uric nocturia. Verrucose urethra Glutenous condyloma Ureterocoeles excreting warm, decaying, cystic pemphigus Gnawing at flesh with rancid uraturial lust. 20. Oxidised Razor Masticator
Chomping and splicing, your gums sliced to shreds
Tattered bloody ribbons, incisored skin is shred Scraping on sore teeth, cracking and chipping Shredding and mincing raw nerve endings Salivating - sanguis, phlegm, froth and foam Masticating - your mandible stripped to the bone Mangling your tongue, bloody torn and dripping The swollen savage muscle frayed and blistering Your vocal chords severed, your lips are mutilated Masticating carved palate as your mouth is grated Only raw gargles croak from your throat A trickling death-rasp as you choke A silly grin carved from ear to ear Spurting mucus and tongue as your wind-pipe tears Gaping and sore The rusty razors bore Skin hangs and seeps Peptic ulcers bleed Your mouth is a sea of cartilage, rabid saliva bleeds Swallowing shredded tongue and pulverized, crunching teeth Respirating a bolus of rusty razor blades Asphyxiating bloody garotte, tearing your jugular vein 21. Mucopurulence Excretor
Pyosis mucolysifies malignant mucocoeles
Pustules endocrinating disseminated mortified cells Flesh punctuated by cancerous pustules Burning your face with formicating papules Mucopurulence excretor Mucopurulent organs digested in sepsis Mucolysifying, rancidifying as you eat your own cysts Putrefying your pyorrhoea - infested corpse excretes away Expelling pyuria and septic goitrous membrane 22. Malignant Defecation
Dried, rotting, flaking, rancid flesh
Crumbling tissue - nothing left Cancerous, mouldy, septic infestation Smouldering decay of defecation Your bowels now play host to pestilent decay Waiting dormantly, it knows you're easy prey See the corpse, smell the rot Rigor mortis sets in like a frost Lacerated arteries, entrails in a mess The dry, stale smell of long rotted flesh See the corpse, smell the warmth As its cold, grey insides fester and burn The guts may melt, but the torso remains As the jellified innards turn into methane [Finale:] ultimate excretion of rabid globular neoplasm |