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Staff picks

Brutal death metal
Falling victim to the latest trend of picking albums that are totally irrelevant to the 2010 MS Awards, thus maintaining a strict level of professionalism and impartiality, I present to you one of 2010's strongest death metal releases.

Not that you should vote for it or anything.
Staff pick by: Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Baz Anderson
Post-brutal death metal
Fulfilling my pledge to pick a non-black metal album in 2011, Canadian (hell ya!) death metallers Mitochondrion have made it easy with this mind-blowing release. Parasignosis contains some of the most crushing, complex riffs ever recorded and manages to mix in a surreal post-apocalyptic atmosphere. January or not, this album will most likely receive my vote for the year's best death metal opus.

Believe the hype baby - these guys are for real.
Staff pick by: Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Marcel Hubregtse, X-Ray Rod
Raw depressive black metal
As the genre description above implies (and I suppose the album title itself), Sad aren't leaving their audience with much choice other than to self-mutilate in the most gruesome manner possible. No fancy effects, no thick production - just raw self-loathing in the form of intensely depressive repetition. Get out your razor blades and fill the bath tub with hot water for this one: things are going to get real messy.
Staff pick by: Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Ag Fox
Depressive black metal
The album responsible for keeping me sane during my month-long absence from Metal Storm due to internet connectivity issues.

Art this depressive truly helps put "real life" and one's priorities into perspective.

Still awaiting Apocalypse In Your Heart (tentatively set to be released in 2010, though it's beginning to look more like 2011 will set the stage for its unveiling).

My ISP better get back to me before then...
Staff pick by: Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Unknown user, Deadsoulman, KwonVerge
Atmospheric / symphonic black metal
If you like violins and distorted guitars, blastbeats and screams...
If you like grim poetic mysticism and emotionally charged art...
I Shalt Become is the band for you.

And if you've waited for what seems like a lifetime for S. Holliman to achieve his potential with I Shalt Become, while you grew sick of release after release of "depressive masterpieces" from bandwagon black metal musicians...

Poison is your antidote.
Staff pick by: Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Unknown user (x), Marcel Hubregtse