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Wolfheart - Winterborn

Tuomas Saukkonen
Oct 13, 2013
It's Tuomas know what to do...

Staff pick by:
Oct 02, 2013
Definitely my favorite of the decade+ long comeback album craze that has been happening lately.

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Troy Killjoy
Sep 19, 2013
Deathgrind you say? And from Poland? Hell yea, I'll check it out.

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: X-Ray Rod

Dreadnought - Lifewoven

Folk-y Prog Rock/Metal with some BM aesthetics
Sep 11, 2013
Just listen to it.

Born Of Osiris - Tomorrow We Die ∆live

Progressive Deathcore
Aug 24, 2013
Can't stop coming back to this album.

Seeds Of Iblis - Anti Quran Rituals

Anti-Islamic Black metal w/ Middle-eastern flourishes
Jun 19, 2013
These gals and guys are creating quite the buzz with their rather original take on anti-religious black metal. And for this reason they have to hide their identities from their own government in order to avoid being legally decapitated.

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: X-Ray Rod, BitterCOld
Apr 20, 2013
White Zom...I mean...Rob Zombie is alive!

Eschatos - Hierophanies

Progressive black metal
Apr 07, 2013
These dudes (and chick) hail from Latvia and play a rather atmospheric variety of progressive black metal. They just barely started out in December 2012 and already they have recorded a video, released this beauty in late January, and started playing shows. That should give you an idea of the talent in this band and their music (not to mention the killer artwork).

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: !J.O.O.E.!, X-Ray Rod, R'Vannith, BloodTears
Mar 31, 2013
Featuring all the surviving members of Woods Of Ypres, these North Americans (1 is Canadian, the other 2 are American) have recorded an outstanding blend of black and folk metals with a good bit of melody.

I never really listened to Woods Of Ypres but from comments I've seen here and there this album is more akin to their black metal era than their later work. Musically, it also reminds me of Panopticon's Kentucky but not quite as "country-ish" and better.

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Susan, !J.O.O.E.!, X-Ray Rod, Promonex

Necrocurse - Grip Of The Dead

Swedish fucking Death Metal
Mar 13, 2013
"With members from Nifelheim, Swordmaster, Runemagick, Sacramentum, etc and set in a traditional ancient Heavy Metal spirit, "Grip Of The Dead" is a convocation of ominous Deathchaos and Blackened Thrash destruction. Together with a slab of anthemic devil-horn theatrical antics, the end result is a perfect assimilation of the legitimate NECROCURSE sound-stamp!" - Pulverised Records

Yea, I know, more Swedish death metal, big whoop...BUT!...this is really fucking good Swedish death metal. Really catchy, that good old school-style production (if you dig that sort of thing) and kick ass leads and solos to boot.

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: !J.O.O.E.!, Marcel Hubregtse, X-Ray Rod, wormdrink414
If you like your death metal progressive, long and epic then this is definitely the album for you.

If you're a fan of the book series "Revelation Space" by Alastair Reynolds then you should also check this out since it's based off his book series.

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Milena

Amiensus - Restoration

Progressive melodic black post-metal
Feb 06, 2013
Found this little gem while using the Bandcamp Discovery feature. Very solid and beautifully crafted American progressive melodic black metal with bits of post-metal strewn about as well.

Here is what the band has to say about the album:
"The result was something that had some rhythmical qualities and aesthetics coming from the black metal genre, but paired up with some contrasting melodic influences from genres such as progressive metal, post-rock, doom metal and even a bit of folk. We don't really know what to call it, we just try to call it metal."

I'd say that sums it up quite well.

Quadrivium - Methocha

Avantgarde Black metal
Dec 29, 2012
I get the feeling these guys must have been rather upset by Arcturus' disbandment back in 2007 and then decided to take it upon themselves to fill that void left in the Avantgarde world. But not only did they fill the void, they improved upon what Arcturus had already done by doing what [probably] a lot of us Arcturus fans always hoped Arcturus would have done, they mixed all the best aspects of Aspera Hiems Symfonia and La Masquerade Infernale into one solid, super cohesive album.

In case you can't tell yet, this album is obviously heavily influenced by Arcturus but they still managed to add their own touches to it here and there as well so if you are a fan of Arcturus (especially of AHS and LMI) then you SHOULD get this album ASAP.

Aeon - Aeons Black

Death Fucking Metal
Dec 22, 2012
I'm just gona plagiarize Susan on this one...

"Aeon's 4th full length is a brutal death metal assault with a heavy dose of groove. And you won't miss any of the complexity because of the remarkably clear production. In fact the production is so clear I feel like this band is in my living room.

Which is AWESOME."

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Susan, BudDa

The Algorithm - Polymorphic Code

Electronic Djent-step?
Nov 28, 2012
Can't really describe this any better than Rémi Gallego himself so I'll just quote him on this...

"Imagine a mash up of electronica driven breakdowns, djent-y guitars, gut wrenching dub-step wobs and glitchy melodies all working together to fluidly pummel your head into the future."

Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, Introspekrieg, !J.O.O.E.!, X-Ray Rod, Promonex