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Neosis - Neosis

Nov 20, 2012
For me this is the best band of the "djent movement". I love the vocals, the riffing, the atmosphere and especially the drumming is a big plus for me. Their drummer is insane how he goes back and forth between blinding speed fills and blasting to slower rhythmic grooving following the guitar and then right back into a blisteringly fast blast and roll.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: BudDa

After Oblivion - Stamina

Technical Thrash/Death Metal
Nov 13, 2012
Are you a diehard Death fan? Have you found yourself wishing "Evil Chuck D" had never died so there were more albums after TSoP? Have you maybe thought to yourself it would be kinda nice if Death could find a "replacement" for Mr. Schuldiner (both vocally and instrumentally)? Well if so, then this is probably going to be your new favorite album in the last decade... \m/
Staff pick by:

Big End Bolt - Mechanical Race Creation

Groovin' Brutal Death metal
Nov 06, 2012
This shit right here will have you movin' to the groovin' with your ears a oozin'...

Check out their latest vids over here and over here.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: wormdrink414, Susan

Kamelot - Silverthorn

Symphonic Power metal
Oct 24, 2012
If you were worried that Tommy Karevik wouldn't be able to measure up to the expectations left behind by Roy Khan...don't!
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Milena, Ag Fox, Susan, GT, Jason W.