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Death metal as it's supposed to be.
Screw all your tech death bullshit fretboard wankers who forgot what death metal is and only churn out chaotic assemblies of soulless hogwash mistakenly called music. Asphyx is the shit, ladies and gentlemen. Let Deathhammer pulverize you.
Avant-Garde Black Metal
Bouncy, catchy, spooky, sinister, campy black metal.
Run and gun side scrolling shoot-em-up
One of those heard-of-em, will check out albums that simply flew under my radar last year. Touring with Animals As Leaders should have brought more exposure to this gem, but it somehow went unnoticed. Prog metal has seen it's fair share of concept albums, but a fully interactive concept album? Blurring the lines between music and gaming, LCTR has teamed up with indie game developer Tom Vine to create a playable version of the album. Rumored to be reminiscent of R-Type, Contra, and Super Metroid, this album already proves it will have a killer soundtrack. Recommend for fans of Protest The Hero, Cynic, Between The Buried And Me, SikTh, hell, I even hear some nice stuff for King Crimson fans in there. Allergy Warnings: -core, cheese, photosensitive seizures.
Staff pick by: Introspekrieg
Endorsed by: !J.O.O.E.!, Ag Fox
This remains catchy despite how remorselessly, horse-beatingly savage it gets. Great album here.
Staff pick by: wormdrink414
Prog the way it should be
Old, established prog bands are becoming stale and repetitive. Riverside isn't.
Finnish specialty
Buried Alive sums up the glory of Sentenced (mostly of its later years) and their special combination of lightweight, melancholic music with dark humor and authentically painful lyrics. I always mistakenly call it End Of The Road instead of its real name, because for me it's a painful reminder that Miika Tenkula is not among us anymore, and that the solo he played during the last song is the last one he ever played on stage.
Staff pick by: Milena
*Curls into fetal position and rocks back and forth*
*Checks closet*
*Turns on night light*
*Pulls blanket over head*

"It was just a bad dream..."
Staff pick by: Doc G.
Endorsed by: Marcel Hubregtse, wormdrink414, !J.O.O.E.!, X-Ray Rod, Daniell, Susan, BitterCOld, White Winter Sun

Fukpig - 3

"Scummy" would be an understatement.
Staff pick by: wormdrink414
Endorsed by: Doc G., X-Ray Rod
Prog / Post / Experimental rock
Metal Storm Awards is so last year. So, for those of you who balance on the bleeding edge of new releases, here's a suggestion to keep you on track and in check. The great stuff that is Crippled Black Phoenix is back with a new album. From depressing post rockish experimental atmosphere to Floydy tunes, they have it and they own it. So, you take your time to enjoy it.

Try it out!
Staff pick by: Ivor
Endorsed by: X-Ray Rod
Progressive / Melodic Black / Intensely amazing
This album is one of the most seamless blends of genres you've heard in a while. It's melodic, no wait, it's extreme! It's prog, but it's black metal, but then it's not black metal. One thing that steals the show is the clean vocals. Trust me on this one, this dude has one of the most soaring male voices in metal today, or any day.

Get it here.
FUNeral Doom!
Happy Happy Joy Joy... err, wait, Misery Misery Woe Woe. Profetus, the embodiment of all things toasterbath are back with another four song affair so bleak it will make those Sarah McLachlan SPCA ads seem like a trip to Disneyland after gobbling half a bottle of your mom's happy pills by comparison. Bon appetit!
Goatwhore have finally seemed to find their niche. Furiously awesome...thrash?...Death n roll?...Black n roll? Who the hell knows. This is just simply awesome.
Civil War Grind
Awesome grind built on great, bouncing riffs, a few melodic leads here and there, some catchy chanting...and...banjo & trumpet?
Staff pick by: Doc G.
Endorsed by: wormdrink414, X-Ray Rod
Something you probably haven't stumbled across but deserves your very much in demand attention. I mean, how can you ignore an album with a title like that? Fact is, you can't. This record is backed by an actual scientific research. True story. Sometimes a bit djenty (ain't that a hot potato nowadays?), featuring cool soundscapes, often including bad ass riffs - this Jolly album is overall a beautifully structured record. If it ain't going to make you happy, it should at least make you feel good.

Taste it here!
Staff pick by: Ivor
Endorsed by: jupitreas, Susan, Ag Fox, Milena, X-Ray Rod
Nineteen eighty-something
Iron Maiden's new album is pretty sweet, guys.